Sentences with phrase «cold weather does»

Cold weather does have an impact Yesterday morning was cold, by North Carolina standards.
By John Hayward — As a massive blanket of arctic air brings twenty - year record cold temperatures to the United States, it's not surprising to see the Church of Global Warming in full - on shrieking panic mode, screaming at the top of their lungs that a blast of cold weather doesn't disprove their theories.
As a massive blanket of arctic air brings twenty - year record cold temperatures to the United States, it's not surprising to see the Church of Global Warming in full - on shrieking panic mode, screaming at the top of their lungs that a blast of cold weather doesn't disprove their theories.
One day, or week or even month of unusually cold weather doesn't mean climate change isn't happening.
This cold weather doesn't bother him in the slightest.
Cold weather does not mean TNR - ing should cease to happen.
Cold weather doesn't mean you have to leave your dog cooped up.
Packing for cold weather does take so much space.
I'm prone to shin splints and I live in Michigan, so let's be honest — jogging in the cold weather doesn't make it on to my to - do list often.
With cold weather it does stay pretty for a little longer before turning to slush!
Her full skirts and warm sweaters are also proof cold weather doesn't mark the end of great, girly style.»
Cold weather doesn't slow down Christmas decorating although I'm sure they are all ready for some hot chocolate!
I am very excited about the weather change but as much as I love this cold weather it does make me miss the sunshine & warm days:) xox Nadia
The cold weather doesn't help.
The cold weather doesn't have to keep you inside all day.
While it may seem difficult to balance function and style in this arctic tundra, dressing for the cold weather doesn't need to be a chore!
The one thing that cold weather does is present the opportunity to explore your coat collection.
Cold weather doesn't mean the end of yummy salads!
The cold weather didn't stop thousands from marching in New York City's annual Veterans Day Parade.
The colder weather doesn't have to mean putting away your favorite sexy dresses.
At least this crazy cold weather did something good.
The Winter is a rough one with below average temperatures, me and cold weather don't get along!
The colder weather does the same thing.

Not exact matches

Now, personally, I leave my swimming trunks at home when the weather's cold, but then I don't imagine I could pull off this paradoxical combo as well as model Kate Upton, who rocks nothing more than a Canada Goose jacket and bikini bottom as Sports Illustrated's latest swimsuit edition cover girl.
So while cold, snowy weather may have the ability to temporarily darken your mood, it doesn't have the power to affect your overall, long - term well - being.
I happen to love the style enough for those colder months that its limited warm - weather wearability (especially as a cold baby who lives on the East Coast and sometimes Midwest) doesn't bother me as much as I would have expected before trying it on.
We know, in short, that cold weather affects our mood in the short term, but does exposure to icy conditions have more lasting effects on your personality as well?
For instance, if you know you will be miserable in a location with cold weather, don't buy a franchise up north.
Anomalous weather, for example, an unexpected cold or wet spell, could also spill water on housing markets, as it did it last May in Toronto.
But using data from the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration's National Temperature Index (NTI), we found that cold weather during the winter months (December, January and February) does not have a meaningful implication for stock market returns.
Cold weather and worn joints don't mix.
Even if they don't, they dress like many other kids their age and spend lots of time when it's hot or cold outdoors «studying» (also known as keeping cool in warm weather and warm in cold weather) in the library.
Certainly, Conor O'Clery's jubilant crowing about «the few remaining faithful in this once Mass - going nation [setting out] out for midnight services on a freezing cold Christmas Eve» (as though even the weather was the bishops» fault), has more to do with his ownobvious animus against the Church than anything remotely to do with reality.
Like trying to go for a swim, jumping on a trampoline Or video - bombing a TV reporter doing a story about the cold weather.
Plus you can cuddle up on the sofa with it feeling cosy and warm while you watch the cold weather outside, one of my favourite things to do!
Looks delicious, I'm craving warm foods now too salad just doesn't feel satisfying in cold weather I'd love to see more of your warm salad & dressings ideas.
I don't know why; Maybe it's because I'm a cold - weather person and the aromas remind me of wearing sweaters and crunching leaves under my boots.
And though it's like the desert here in Southern California (it being 82 ° during the holidays probably didn't help my attitude at the time), many of you are experiencing some very cold weather, and are looking for a simple and hearty stew to heat things up.
It's just the most perfect remedy for the weather we're having here at the moment Natalie, and also for colds, flu and and basically all ailments don't you think?
I don't know about you, but when the cold weather hits, I'm all about some warm apple cider!
Although I don't think anyone told the weather, because it's still snowy and cold in Toronto.
What do you love to eat at home when the weather gets cold and blustery?
You've heard me say it before: I don't like cold foods in cold weather.
The weather has turned so cold the last few weeks, how did we have such good weather in October but awful in November!
And when it's this cold, and when the weather changes that rapidly, it leaves my whole body aching and me wanting to do nothing more than burrowing under an electric blanket with a mug of something hearty.
I'd do anything to get outta this snowy cold weather, Texas here I come?!
We did all the wintery things that we could do just in case we don't get any more cold weather this month.
Don't get me wrong, I much prefer the colder weather I just wish it wasn't so dark so early.
Stay warm where you are, i am sure it is pretty darn cold compared to Ga. weather, we have lived here for 40 years and just don't think we could handle the north again Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, God bless.
I don't know about you but all of this cold weather has me craving soup All THE TIME.
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