Sentences with phrase «colder temperatures too»

However, the midi - length makes it a perfect for colder temperatures too!
These pieces are totally wearable now & will be ideal for colder temperatures too (try opaque tights under the shorts / skirt & throw a jacket or blazer on over the tee / sweater).

Not exact matches

For example, if you're too cold, your sweatshirt could communicate with your thermostat and automatically raise the temperature in your home.
Overstocks, in particular, are expected to be a big issue this holiday season, as a delay in cold temperatures has left retailers with too many jackets and boots.
Setting temperatures to the colder side of comfortable rather than the warmer is simply sensible risk management: The downside risk to it being too cold is that some people have to wear an extra layer.
Calculations indicate that in several ways it is quite an Earth - like planet: its radius is 1.2 to 2.5 times that of Earth; its mass is 3.1 to 4.3 times greater; and, crucially, its orbit lies within its star's «Goldilocks zone», which means its surface temperature is neither too hot nor too cold for liquid water - and therefore potentially life - to exist on its surface.
Habitable is defined by, among other things, the Goldilocks zone, that magical narrow band of space extending around a sun where temperatures are neither too hot nor too cold, where water can exist as a liquid.
If that happened, check that you used the correct water temperature and that your kitchen is not too cold.
What is the trick to keeping the coconut oil from solidifying too much with cold temperatures to keep the probiotics from damage / alive?
Well yeah, the nice weather and temperatures above 70º are much appreciated too, especially after the looooong, cold winter we had this year.
This has to be done very slowly as you never want to mix cold and hot ingredients too quick — the temperatures need to be blended in slowly.
I like to serve this room temperature so it's not too warm to melt the whipped cream is you're using it, but it's also not so cold that it's a solid mass.
If you're using leftover coconut milk that was refrigerated, it needs to be at room temperature - it'll be too thick if used cold.
Also, the temperature of the water can't be too hot or too cold with yeast.
Let meat stand 15 minutes at room temperature (so it's not too cold when you put in the oven).
They are too cold for you... try to have a glass of warm (lemon) water in the morning and eat the overnight oats at room temperature, definitely not straight from the fridge.
Unfortunately fall doesn't happen in Mumbai but based on when I lived in London, I absolutely loved the cooler, but not too cold, temperatures and watching the leaves change color - the latter is almost magical!
Ingredients can be added to preserve smooth sauce textures, too, such as using cold temperature corn, potato or rice starches that hold water when heated, or gums that hold water without significant swelling.
It doesn't have to be too cold before folding it with the whipped cream, at room temperature is just fine.
The temperature at night in Sydney wouldn't be too cold, right?
Hi Nely, Any neutral oil will work:) I love grapeseed oil because it tolerates higher temperatures (as opposed to olive oil which is best eaten cold as salad dressing for example) but of course breaking these rules is ok and it will work great too in terms of taste:) Hope you enjoy this recipe soon!
Be sure the temperature isn't too cold (the leaves will freeze), and for extra insurance against icy tips, store them in the crisper.
The important factor is that temperatures must remain mild, neither too hot nor too cold, ideally between 59 - 75 degrees, with about 60 inches of rainfall a year.
Store in fridge and serve cold — they will begin to melt if you leave them out at warm temperatures for too long.
What a great recipe too, I love the addition of dried apricots, especially in a cold or room temperature grain salad.
Often referred to as «Mediterranean» in nature, the region boasts moderate warm daytime and cool evening temperatures nearly year round that rarely reach the point «too hot» or «too cold
To make with old - fashioned oats, refrain from boiling the water & almond milk and instead just add them to the mixture at room temperature (cold works too).
This works well if you do not venture out into the cold temperatures to grill during the winter months, too.
If it's too cold it tends to crack so you can let it come to temperature for a few minutes.
The temperature is cold once again, though not too far below zero as of late Wednesday night.
Nut & Seed Granola from Feeding the Whole Family: Cooking with Whole Foods by Cynthia Lair (shared with permission) 3 cups rolled oats 1/2 cup sesame seeds 1/2 cup sunflower seeds 1/2 cup pumpkin seeds 1/2 cup almonds, chopped 1 cup whole wheat pastry flour 1/2 tsp cinnamon pinch sea salt 1/3 cup cold - pressed vegetable oil (we like to use coconut, though all wet ingredients need to be at room temperature to do so) 1/3 cup brown rice syrup or maple syrup 1/4 cup apple or orange juice (in a pinch, most other juices have worked for us too) 1 tsp vanilla 1/4 tsp almond extract
Even if your neighbor has their temperature at a level that is far too cold for you to survive in, the fact is that their unit is still going to be far warmer than what the frigid outside would bring at night.
Since we are in Sunny South Florida we don't really have to worry about the cold, dry season too much, but this year when the temperature dropped I was so glad to be able to protect Owen's (and Emma's too!)
New School: If your baby is crying because they are too hot, too cold or just uncomfortable, try changing the temperature in your home or car.
But first of all, check the baby's temperature to ensure that she is not too hot or too cold.
babyWAWL keeps both baby and the wearer warm and allows for the wearer to easily monitor baby's temperature to make sure they are not too hot or cold
BlueSmart mia also has indicators on the silicone smart sleeve that guide each feeding, such as temperature alerts for whether the milk is too hot or cold, angle alerts for optimal feeding, feeding reminders, expiration warnings for if you've left the breastmilk or formula out too long, and more.
Trying to guess if you have run your baby's bath too hot, too cold or just right is really tough; people say stick your elbow in the water to test the temperature but I don't trust my elbow as I have my own baths boiling hot!
When I checked his body temperature in the middle of the night it was neither too hot or too cold.
# 6 Temperature Babies cry when they're too cold or too hot.
Their temperature regulating technology is amazing — I never worry if my daughter is too hot or too cold when she's in it, and she gets great sleep as a result!
First, it is cold in most hospital rooms, too cold for a baby to be uncovered, bathed and dried without having trouble regulating his or her temperature.
Babies don't have the ability to regulate their own body temperature that adults have, so it's important to make sure they're not too cold or overheating, especially during the night time.
Setting the temperature not too cold or warm is needed too.
Temperature too hot or too cold (if plants can have green houses, your baby deserves the ideal tTemperature too hot or too cold (if plants can have green houses, your baby deserves the ideal temperaturetemperature)
This video monitor also comes with a temperatures sensor to alert you whenever your baby's room becomes too hot or cold.
Plus, the color - changing temperature gauge helps you to easily see when the water is too hot or too cold.
This model from Philips Avent has a talk - back feature so you can let baby know you're still close by, a temperature sensor so you can tell if your baby might be too warm or too cold, the ability to turn a nightlight on and off for baby, remote start for five different lullabies, a rechargeable parent unit, LED lights that show you how much noise baby is making, and an out of range alarm.
A yellow glow on the Gro egg 2 suggests a comfortable temperature for children to sleep in, whilst a blue glow suggests it's too cold and a red glow suggests it's too high.
Make the room a comfortable temperature, so your baby's not too warm: Between 65 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit if it's cold outside, or between 75 and 78 degrees if it's warm outside.
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