Sentences with phrase «collaborative decision making»

One of the greatest aspects of collaborative decision making is that no single person can take the credit or the blame.
Great school leaders bring all the moving parts together seeking advice in advancing towards collaborative decision making.
Collaborative decision making ensures that all stakeholders, including parents, teachers, other school staff, students (if appropriate), and community members will be heard.
The strength and growth of AMLE depend upon the election of leaders who possess a vision for the Association and a willingness to participate in collaborative decision making.
«Those two issues, red light cameras and trash fee it's the process through which those things were achieved the people said no and you said yes and it can't be your way or the highway because it's the people who deal with the decisions you make and I'd like to have more collaborative decision making with the council and down to the people.»
How should teachers» jobs be redefined to allow time for collaborative decision making and ongoing professional development?
They also know when not to act unilaterally but instead foster collaborative decision making.
Enhancing this architecture will allow us to link new sensing technologies and computer vision technologies into the system, and to enable collaborative decision making tools on top of these technologies.»
By implementing Amadeus» Airport - Collaborative Decision Making Portal, the airport says it will be able to now handle 55 flights per hour on its runway, allowing it to accommodate an additional two million passengers per year, roughly a 6 % increase.
Consider what happens when any group is formed by bringing together people who have never worked as a group, who may have no experience in collaborative decision making, and who may in fact have a history of being adversaries (parents and teachers, for example).
This Turning Points guide explains the need to create a school culture based on collaboration and shared leadership, redefining the role of teachers and principals for more collaborative decision making.
Through reflection and collaborative decision making, the teacher continued to develop new worksheets until her perceptions of what she thought the students knew matched the information from the student interviews.
Attendees will be able to put aside veterinary and technical issues for two days and focus in on what it takes to provide outstanding leadership to a team, including communication skills, collaborative decision making, conflict negotiation, and more.
Veterinarians who attend will be able to put aside veterinary and technical issues for two days and focus in on what it takes to provide outstanding leadership to a team, including communication skills, self - awareness, collaborative decision making, conflict negotiation, and the essential practices of servant leadership.
Power of Two has been scientifically proven to improve couples» happiness and well - being, teaching communication in relationships with skills such as emotional regulation, productive listening, collaborative decision making and how to clean up after arguments.
Skill training in collaborative decision making, problem solving, goal setting, reminder management, emotional regulation
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