Sentences with phrase «collaborative option»

These apps are the ideal platform to support social media features and collaborative options such as chat rooms and discussion forums.
We help you learn about collaborative options for your divorce or paternity matters and demonstrate the benefits of collaborative law over litigation for you, your spouse or other parent, and your children.
What I love about Google Drive is its collaborative options.
The Massachusetts Collaborative Law Council trains attorneys and collaborative professionals, educates the public regarding the collaborative option and promotes the use of the collaborative law practice throughout Massachusetts.
And I discuss the collaborative option, where the spouses, and their attorneys, agree from the beginning that they are not going to let a judge decide personal, private matters such as who is going to tuck their children into bed at night; rather the spouses and their attorneys are going to act like adults, and respectfully and privately come to an agreement on important issues such as how to raise their children.
If you are just starting to think about your divorce, and would like to pursue the collaborative option, it is important for both you and your spouse to find an attorney who is willing to participate in the collaborative process.
If you are going through a divorce, and your attorney has not discussed with you the collaborative option, ask if he or she has gone through a 2 - day basic collaborative training.
Several financial advisors interviewed for this story suggested litigation may cost three times or more than the collaborative option.
«The clients who have used the collaborative option emerge from the process more ready to focus; they can bounce back more quickly.»
[46] Several financial advisors interviewed by CNBC «suggested litigation may cost three times or more than the collaborative option
However, sometimes a divorce action has already been commenced before the parties are even aware of the Collaborative option or before they have jointly agreed to pursue a Collaborative resolution.
The purpose of offering a reduced rate (low bono) or no charge (pro bono) collaborative service is to spread awareness of the collaborative family law process as well as offer the collaborative option to families who might not otherwise be able to afford it.
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