Sentences with phrase «collapsed over the conditions»

At group - level (second level) the individual contrast images (collapsed over the conditions Smell / Non-Smell) were used in a flexible factorial design with Anxiety / Sport as within - subject factor and the between - subject factors Participant and Gender of Participant.
In order to calculate simple effects of odor perception, a second flexible factorial design with the within - subject factor Odor Perception (collapsed over the conditions Anxiety / Sport) and the between - subject factors Participant and Gender of Participant was specified.

Not exact matches

That move did encourage a short - term market bounce, but the subsequent lesson investors should have learned (and the same one I reviewed in detail last week in relation to the 2007 - 2009 collapse) is also the lesson that investors are likely to experience over the completion of the present cycle: Once extreme overvalued, overbought, overbullish conditions are joined by a deterioration in market internals, even easier Fed policy does not provide reliable support for the stock market.
This idea armed environmentalists with the threat that a changing climate would suddenly — rather than over the course of millenia — reach a point where climate change was so rapid that natural processes on which human society depends would in turn collapse, leaving us starved of resources, and unable to cope with the new conditions.
In 2002, the Larsen B ice shelf collapsed; in 2003, the World Glacial Monitoring Service reported that «The recent increase in the rates of ice loss over reduced glacier surface areas as compared with earlier losses related to larger surface areas (cf. the thorough revision of available data by Dyurgerov, 2002) becomes even more pronounced and leaves no doubt about the accelerating change in climatic conditions
Supply conditions are equally favorable: as Chart 2 shows, even though the pace of new construction has been strong since 2011, the value of new construction hasn't even fully recovered to the level of just over 1 1/2 percent of GDP that was normal prior to the construction collapse that began in 2008.
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