Sentences with phrase «collateral damage to the cells»

But in the process, the enzyme can cause substantial collateral damage to the cells that produce it, and that can lead to lymphoma,» he adds.

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The molecule seemed to function as a checkpoint, turning off the T cell after a period of activity — perhaps to prevent collateral damage to healthy tissue.
«If we could somehow limit this collateral damage to cancer - causing genes without reducing the infection - fighting powers of B cells, that could be very useful,» he says.
To prevent collateral damage to precious nerve cells during immune skirmishes, the brain and spinal cord are tightly sealed off from the rest of the body by the blood - brain barrieTo prevent collateral damage to precious nerve cells during immune skirmishes, the brain and spinal cord are tightly sealed off from the rest of the body by the blood - brain barrieto precious nerve cells during immune skirmishes, the brain and spinal cord are tightly sealed off from the rest of the body by the blood - brain barrier.
Now researchers have found a way to kill tumor cells in test tubes without inflicting any collateral damage on healthy cells.
It may be that the resulting signatures are collateral damage on the human genome caused by the enzymes» actions to protect cells from viruses.
When they are activated, they release those compounds and sometimes cause collateral damage to nearby cells.
Such approaches are yet to be tested in vivo and the potential to cause collateral damage by removing the brake on potent inflammatory cells must be considered.
Collins warned of a «cloud hanging over this field,» of top US scientists potentially being driven into other disciplines or other countries, and of «severe collateral damage» to the burgeoning field of induced pluripotent stem cell research, which, he argued, relies on human embryonic stem cells as a «gold standard» comparator.
Leaving the distressed cells alone risks having them cause collateral damage to other cells, while destroying them eliminates potentially critical brain cells, many of which don't regenerate.
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