Sentences with phrase «collection of people»

I think the problem was that it was a random collection of people who were not in fields that were not necessarily connected to each other nor to my practice area.
Still, I do think that people who grow up in diverse settings come to see more diverse collections of people as valuable, intelligent, and complex.
Its probably the best collection of people and their home made selfies on the web.
It was refreshing for me because they are a curious collection of people.
But at the same time, having a sizable collection of people willing to give a candidate $ 50,000 is also a very good indicator of future success.
While traveling on business even though Group 2 boarding puts you just barely ahead of the small collection of people with absolutely no angle, it generally gets your bag in an overhead bin rather than being gate checked.
SaaStr is definitely the largest collection of people who like enterprise software.
«The charter movement is a great collection of people of different backgrounds, philosophies, and talents that have come together to develop good schools,» said Hunkapiller.
Companies and institutions often appear monolithic from afar but the reality is that they're nothing more than collections of people trying their best to work together.
Under such circumstances, the Holy Spirit came and transformed that small collection of people into the first congregation of the Christian church.
Heins, who became RIM's CEO in January 2012, said the company has made a lot of progress in a short period of time, by moving a diverse collection of people into leadership positions.
«It was a really nice balance between professional development and having a fun and relaxing few days with a great collection of people with an assortment of different roles and years of experience.»
It's a gathering of a diverse collection of people to worship God together, to learn of God's Word together, to serve our communities together.
It is assumed that the Gamergate movement — which is really a loose collection of people online — is the one that threatened violence during SXSW (although it needs to be noted that there is no proof of this).
But to really understand what's going on, one needs to take a cohort approach - think of the population as a whole collection of people of different ages, and think about what is happening to each one of those cohorts as they age over time.
«30 Similarly, Hartshorne suggests that various collections of people, such as races, classes, or nations, do not have a «group mind,» even though they may occasionally act with some unitary purpose; therefore, they are not to be considered genuine organisms.
This certainly worked to the advantage of the Conservative government during the 1980s as the Labour front bench was (until the arrival of Blair, Brown and their cohorts) a seriously unimpressive collection of people.
BRISIN is targeted at tapping into all aspects of the nation's economy and bringing about developmental and economic growth in the country through the use of data collection of people and information.
«It's a kind of idolatry to think you can write down one equation that will describe accurately the way collections of people behave»
A brief, near ghostly collection of people and places in Berlin, Collatos frames his film around the ideas of change and unification in Germany, ultimately capturing a cacophony of events, sometimes violent, sometimes meditative, and always confrontational.
There's still a hub world of sorts; you fly around a spaceship shaped like Mario's head, and the vessel contains training areas and a growing collection of people and things collected along the way.
«Museums are as much collections of people as they are of artworks, and Why Draw?
With a storm of flash, prominence, and a curious collection of people at the gallery for the opening among worldwide press, you've brought back a piece of the glamour that St. Moritz was known for in the past.
SaaStr is definitely the largest collection of people who like enterprise software.
SaaStr is definitely the largest collection of people who like enterprise software.
«I am looking for some savvy business people to buy 5 per cent each of the team, so we can have a good collection of people that know business and think about this as a business proposition as well.
What is a company but a collection of people?
How can you mold a collection of people who are so different they'll generate ideas that otherwise wouldn't be possible?
and my response is [that] a company should have values because a company is a collection of people,» Cook said on Mad Money.
Happy Melly is a collection of people hands - on resources to help you learn how to be happy at work and to empower you to help others achieve job satisfaction.
Government is not a collection of people willingly doing the same thing.
We must be — and the church that I'm talking about is not a building but the collection of the people who are trying their best to walk with Jesus.
A money, power and control obsessed Church, or a collection of people who've rejected the word of God to accommodate sin?
«Church» is a collection of people.
@Brett The early leaders of the church, Popes, Cardinals and Bishops used the generic term «wife» as church, collection of people or congregation because they knew they were about to screw the sheepies over not matter their gender.
Yes there are some religions started by groups but other main stream religions were started by one man and then spread to a society or collection of people.
Therefore you must have some basis for believing that among this collection of people here on David's blog, YOU are the one who knows truth and reality.
Really, atheism is nice in that there isn't a requirement to believe anything, it's just a collection of people who don't believe in a god or gods.
The Church has always been a collection of people from different cultures, backgrounds and experiences.
The Church is just a collection of people and if they are Americans then they are that as well.
The Samaritans were a mixture of races, a collection of peoples who had been herded together and returned to the land after the northern kingdom had fallen and its population deported to the land of its conqueror.
Generally speaking, Durkheim's civil religion theory has been understood o mean that, to the degree a collection of people is a society, it will exhibit a common («civil») religion.
The confusion begins when the leadership of the church assumes that the collection of people is homogenous, that they actually all do share beliefs one hundred percent of the time, that they really do want to evangelize and bring in new members, and that they all always want to come to church, enjoy its style, volunteer, and support it financially in the way it hopes and even expects.
The church is made up of a collection of people.
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