Sentences with phrase «collective motion»

In a new study, researchers from Uppsala University implemented a Turing test in the form of an online game (with over 1700 players) to assess how good their models were at reproducing collective motion of real fish schools.
James Herbert - Read, researcher at the Department of Mathematics at Uppsala University, and his colleagues highlight and propose a solution to this problem by implementing a Turing test to assess how good their models were at reproducing collective motion.
Dogs who tend to win in everyday fighting situations, eat first, bark more or first, and receive more submissive displays from the others, and have more influence over the decisions made during collective motion.
When individuals swarm, they must somehow communicate to direct collective motion.
«Unlike crystalline materials, where the vibrations become collective motions that act like sound waves, in amorphous materials, you get a different kinds of vibrations, the majority of which look random, like the underlying structure,» Henry explained.
According to work by an international group of researchers, when bacteria are confined in millimeter - sized, fluid - filled oval «racetracks,» they quickly organize themselves into a clear collective motion.
So, when the scheduled proton - lead run took place in January and February, they searched the data for evidence of groups of four particles that exhibit collective motion.
«So how is collective motion of bacteria controlled by randomness of the medium?
Published Jan. 15 in Nature Physics, the discovery offers new insight into the physics of collective motion and could one day have implications for electronics, optics or other technologies.
Heat flows from hot to cold regardless of whether it consists of a fluid or, as it turns out, the collective motion of trillions of trillions of molecules.
The collective motions of the ensemble of spins are called spin waves.
The scientists hope the results can shed light on other flocking behaviors, including the collective motions of cells in wound healing and cancer, and human stampedes in crowded venues.
Birds in a flock, darting and swooping in synchrony, display skillful precision in their collective motion.
Therefore, the results achieved in this study have shown that nonlinear effects in graphene nano - mechanical resonators reveal a hybridization effect at high energies that, if controlled, could open up new possibilities to manipulate vibrational states, engineer hybrid states with mechanical modes at completely different frequencies, and to study the collective motion of highly tunable systems.
«Our study shows how application of interdisciplinary statistical approaches, coupled with informed models of collective motion can help extract useful biological information about social interactions in schools of fish.
The roots of the supersolid controversy go back to 1969, when Russian physicists predicted a state of solid matter in which gaps, or vacancies, in a crystal structure could move together as a single quantum wave — a collective motion reminiscent of the frictionless flow of a superfluid.
The experiments showed that the chaotic motion of all those individual swimmers quickly organizes itself into a collective motion, with bacteria in the middle of the track going in the opposite direction from those on the outer edges.
Thermodynamics is a branch of physics that studies the effects of changes in temperature, pressure, and volume on physical systems at the macroscopic scale by analyzing the collective motion of their particles using statistics.
Instead, the only Majorana fermions for which scientists have evidence are in the form of a «quasiparticle,» a disturbance within a material that behaves like a single particle, but actually is the result of the collective motion of many electrons.
That intrinsically leads to the emergence of collective motion,» Warren said.
In atomic nuclei which have a neutron skin there is yet another mode of oscillation: the skin neutrons located close to the point of impact will not only take part in their collective motion against protons, but may also vibrate on their own.
Researchers also believe that the collective motions of electrons inside topological insulators will mimic several of the never - before - seen particles predicted by high - energy physicists.
The results show that the collective motion of brine shrimp up and down the water column can actually mix the water up.
But over a longer timescale, differences in leading tendency remained consistent; thus decision - making during the collective motion was not based on an egalitarian system in our sample.
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