Sentences with phrase «college administrators»

I was chosen to work at this position by a committee of college administrators who found me to be diligent, hardworking and meticulous across many platforms.
She says what's become clear to her is that researchers and college administrators need to meet students where they are.
When college administrators talk about their football programs, they talk about sports being the «front door» of their school, the face they show the world.
Among college administrators, concern is shared that parents do not adjust their level of involvement and control as their child grows up and, instead, practice helicopter parenting.
Our biggest concern is that the bill doesn't require college administrators to report allegations of sexual violence to law enforcement.
Too often, he said, college administrators rely on gut feelings and anecdotes to gauge how things are going between their institutions and local community members, rather than being data - driven.
The event brought together college administrators, faculty, students, and business and philanthropic leaders, as well as federal and state policymakers.
Highly organized and experienced professional seeking for a position as College Administrator in a reputable school.
The Princeton Review bases its guidebooks on unscientific administrative survey data obtained from colleges as well as surveys of current students which, Reback and Alter say, are notorious among college administrators for selection bias.
For other community college administrators looking to create their own early college success stories, Pour offers two key takeaways:
The Leaking Dam Of Underage Drinking (Audio) WGBH (Boston Public Radio), 12/21/15» «I empathize with the dilemma of college administrators who are charged with enforcing the law in a very complex situation, where they have people from age groups 21 and above in the same environment, and it's virtually impossible to control under those circumstances,» [Professor Paul] Reville said.
Dr. Gall is a retired college administrator who most recently served as Dean of Students and Academic Services at CUNY's New York City College of Technology (City Tech).
College administrators treat students as if they were biologically mature children rather than young men and women.
Coed bathrooms are, no doubt, just one sign that most college administrators have not read Plato with the care that Shalit has.
When Christian college administrators describe an uptick in enrollment or a big donation for a new building project «a picture of God's goodness,» I wonder how they would describe Kanakaraju's situation.
To an outside observer, it may have seemed curious that development of a solar - panel factory in Buffalo was being guided by a state college administrator in Albany.
Reback and Alter also note that many college administrators and other critics have decried the arbitrary nature of the U.S. News rankings.
The site where the Hanover Inn is today was once home to a Darmouth College administrator, General Ebenezer Brewster, in the late 1700s.
This year, college administrators across America are designing programs to prevent offense from being given or taken.
But earlier this month, college administrators sent letters to students whose dorm room doors have the logo saying that distributing condoms on campus «is not in concert with the mission of Boston College as a Catholic and Jesuit university.»
That's what Miroslav Volf claimed in a Washington Post editorial condemning Wheaton College administrators, who are currently investigating a professor who said that Christians and Muslims worship the same God.
Ply the right college administrator, coach, or even NCAA employee with a few drinks and they'll cop to the cold reality: Fostering a culture of fandom passionate enough to generate millions in revenue will always feed a black market they claim to so fiercely abhor.
Parents calling professors and college administrators much less employers and hiring managers just boggles my mind!
Attorney Eddie Sundquist of Chautauqua County gained 26 percent; college administrator Tracy Mitrano of Yates County, 24 percent; and Air Force retiree and attorney Max Della Pia of Tioga County, 14 percent.
Cuomo said the new standards are needed because college administrators too often sweep sexual assault cases under the rug for fear that the bad press would scare away future students.
NON-WHITES ONLY: New School Students Demand Safe Space for «Persons of Color» A group of students at The New School in New York City have demanded college administrators...
The now -30-year-old, single college administrator barely passed the class after refusing to suit up.»
Miraculously, against all odds, the hardy trio not only survives but ultimately flourishes, as we learn in a closing credits postscript that matriarch Mariana eventually remarried and had another daughter, that her stoic, young son grew up to become a successful college administrator, and that little Paola became a brilliant filmmaker who fashioned this uplifting bio-pic as a cinematic tribute to her beloved mother.
Indeed, Jenkins only recently came to see and appreciate «the intentionality» that made possible his own journey from a Harlem public school to a top liberal arts college and a career as a young college administrator.
At the Askwith Forum, «Higher Education, the Cost Disease, and Systemic Reform,» on October 27, veteran college administrator Mark Yudof delved in to the history of higher education funding, its current state, and the reforms that may be necessary moving forward.
Drawing on the combined expertise of the Harvard Kennedy School in crisis management and the Harvard Graduate School of Education in higher education, this unique program prepares college administrators to respond to crises effectively, develop protocols and practices that minimize the potential for future occurrences, and inspire confidence in the long - term safety, security, and success of their institutions.
In his Aug. 4 ruling, U.S. District Judge Kenneth Conboy said that, while Leonard R. Jeffries had made statements that were «hateful, poisonous, and reprehensible,» college administrators violated his constitutional rights to free speech when they removed him as chairman of the black studies department.
The SAT added grammar questions to its format in 2005 in response to pressure from college administrators.
They might have the unintended effect of discouraging the victims of assault from going to the police, who, unlike college administrators, can initiate a process that sends criminals to prison.
Senior - level college administrators who report to the CAO and are responsible for faculty affairs, faculty development, and faculty success
In a national survey of nearly 1,000 college administrators conducted by the Sloan Consortium, 57 percent of the administrators reported that Internet - based courses were already at least equivalent to traditional courses in quality.
College administrators typically rely on standardized tests to decide which students should proceed directly to college - level classes and which students should start in remedial courses.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, college administrators earn about $ 44 per hour, or around $ 91,000 per year, on average.
As successful as ECforME has been, Pour says Maine community college administrators realized the traditional dual - enrollment model alone — in which high school students commute to college campuses to take classes — was not reaching enough students.
al, college administrators like to blame the rising cost of tuition on technology and staffing costs.
An Atlantic Veterinary College administrator and professor will move 850 miles west to take over as dean of Ontario Veterinary College at the University of Guelph in Canada.
Colorado Mountain College administrators are turning their focus to what kids are learning before they walk in the door.
He stays active in various education organizations, publishes and lectures regularly in the area of education law, and regularly advises college administrators and Greek organizations.
After graduation and successfully passing the Oregon Bar, and attempting to build a solo practice part - time (I remained a community college administrator while attending law school at night at Lewis & Clark College Northwestern School of Law), I accepted a position as the first Director of Client Relations at Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt — a Portland, Oregon - based law firm of approximately 150 attorneys.
OCR's investigations place enormous stress on college administrators.
Here are six tips offered by consumer advocates and college administrators for students who are solicited by companies offering student credit cards:
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