Sentences with phrase «colon by»

And lab experiments have shown that estrogen may inhibit tumor development in the colon by affecting cell growth, or by lowering levels of a cancer - linked hormone called IGF - 1.
A surprising number of cats have problems with constipation (abnormal accumulation of feces and difficulty defecating), and similar but more serious conditions such as obstipation (complete obstruction of the colon by feces) and megacolon (damaged nerves and muscles in the colon causing an inability to defecate).
Dogs with signs of ulceration and blood in the feces requires an endoscopy (visual inspection of the colon by inserting a camera) and / or biopsy to be performed for confirmation and to determine the status of the condition.
It improves the health of the colon by providing beneficial bacteria with some volatile fatty acids.
Selective stimulation of bifidobacteria in the human colon by oligofructose and inulin.
Latero - Flora ™ can help maintain a healthy colon by populating the intestines with beneficial bacteria.
They are produced in the colon by bacteria from any carbohydrate source that is highly fermentable.
Gibson GR et al; Selective Stimulation of Bifidobacteria in the Human Colon by Oligofructose and Inulin; Gastroenterology, 1995 Apr, 108:4, 975 - 82
Fruit is a good source of pectin, which is metabolized in the colon by bacteria, such as Bacteroides, producing small chain fatty acids (SCFAs).
Gibson, G.R. et al; Selective Stimulation of Bifidobacteria in the Human Colon by Oligofructose and Inulin; Gastroenterology; 108: 975 - 982
Another human study found that increasing the formation of propionate in the colon by supplementing with inulin - propionate ester was associated with a reduced food intake and protected against weight gain.
From there it is fermented in the colon by your gut bacteria before being digested.
Some of the herbs used to help eliminate the impurities from the colon by stimulating bowel movements include the aloe leaf, senna, cascara sagrada, ginger, and cayenne pepper.
Further cleanse your colon by taking daily fiber supplements, probiotics, digestive enzymes, and incorporating colon cleanses such as colonics or enemas.
Based on the glycosylation targets of GalNAc - T6 in the cancer cell lines, the authors hypothesized that expression of the enzyme disrupts epithelial development in the colon by affecting cell - cell adhesion.
It is a serious illness caused by infection of the colon by the bacteria, C. difficile, which produces toxins that cause inflammation, severe diarrhoea and can in the most serious of cases be fatal.
Fermentation of plant fiber in the colon by bacteria can produce these SCFAs, so it stands to reason that digestion of a diet high in plant fiber might lead to better appetite suppression.
However, many people don't like getting colonoscopies because the procedure is uncomfortable and requires them to fast an entire day and clean out their colon by drinking a liquid solution.
Bowel cleaning methods can include drinking large amounts of liquids or downing 32 pills, which empty the colon by causing diarrhea.
Therefore, resistant starch both feeds the friendly bacteria and indirectly feeds the cells in the colon by increasing the amount of butyrate.
Lentils and beans contain a prebiotic fiber that is fermented in the colon by good bacteria.
And even if you do not have celiacs we are compromising our colons by eating wheat and grains.

Not exact matches

But in medicine, impressive technology is little more than a parlor trick if it doesn't benefit patients — like James (who asked to keep his last name private), a 42 - year - old colon cancer patient who had part of his large intestine removed by Sullivan a few months ago.
Over the next couple of years, Willms introduced other products — a teeth whitener called DazzleWhite, an acai weight - loss supplement called AcaiBurn, and colon cleanse marketed as PureCleanse, all of which were made by private - label manufacturers.
NBC News reported that prosecutors said Colon admitted the terror plot was inspired by the Islamic State.
Wonk, with respect... prostate or colon cancer is not something you can get by the choices in your life in the same way as choosing to go to bed with a guy.
Consequently, the poetry that so often lurks just beneath the prose of the narrative (and often the law as well) can once again be heard, a process enormously aided by Fox's disregard of the late verse divisions and his replacement of them with colons that better reflect the rhythms of the Hebrew itself.
I've had breast cancer, removal of some of my colon, I also have fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis in every joint in my body and had both hands operated on by the time I was 40 yrs.
It has been reported that aqueous suspensions of cardamom have protective effects on experimentally induced colon carcinogenesis by virtue of their anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic activity.»
Prebiotics are foods that travel largely undigested through the gastrointestinal tract, until they reach the large colon, where they are readily consumed by the bacteria there.
High - fiber diets have been shown to decrease the prevalence in flare - ups of diverticulitis by absorbing water in the colon and making bowel movements easier to pass.
The glucose released in this process is used by bacteria in the colon, preventing it from being absorbed into the blood stream (for this reason the product also has negligible effects on blood sugar).
Chia seeds are one of the best foods to eat for digestion to help relieve stomach spasms and feelings of bloating by reducing pressure and inflammation in the colon.
In the colon, it may be fermented by naturally occurring bacteria.
Instead of being cleaved in twain by our enzymes and absorbed as glucose, resistant starch (RS) travels unscathed through the small intestine into the colon, where colonic gut flora metabolize it into short chain fatty acids.
By supporting the energy needs of our intestinal cells, the SCFAs made from garbanzo fibers can help lower your risk of colon problems, including your risk of colon cancer.
Recent studies have shown that garbanzo bean fiber can be metabolized by bacteria in the colon to produce relatively large amounts of short chain fatty acids (SCFAs), including acetic, propionic, and butyric acid.
A recent research study conducted by the Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg in Gothenburg, Sweden, in collaboration with DuPont Nutrition & Health (DuPont), yielded breakthrough results demonstrating that probiotic intervention can alter and modify intestinal microbiota in patients with colon cancer.
Metchnikoff argued that lactobacilli ingested by consumption of yoghurt pass through the stomach and destroy putrefactive bacteria in the colon.
A lower pH in the colon reduces colon cancer risk by inhibiting pro-cancer enzymes (6).
The short - chain fatty acids that aren't used by the cells in the colon travel to the bloodstream, liver and to the rest of the body, where they may lead to various beneficial effects (19, 20).
Cancer: Flaxseed may protect against breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer by inhibiting tumor growth and blocking enzymes that are involved in the spread of tumor cells.
Fructooligosaccharides are quite beneficial for gut health, they are prebiotics — «nondigestible food ingredients that beneficially affect the host by selectively stimulating the growth and / or activity of one or a limited number of bacteria in the colon».
Watch this swing by Bartolo Colon during today's game against the Pirates.
By switching to organic foods and cleaning up the home environment, such problems as colon issues, irritable bowel syndrome, and allergies can be addressed effectively.
It is characterized by ganglion cells missing from part of the colon.
You are probably wondering what I mean by the term «decreased colon transit duration».
Oligosaccharides pass through the small intestine and colon, and are fermented by colonizing bacteria.
Colon — it can be a body part that helps create bowel movements or it can be a punctuation mark `:» that is follow by a list of terms.
Sheepshead Bites article on Gerritsen Beach's Dan Foster being honored by BP Adams for his colon cancer - related fundraising efforts:
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