Sentences with phrase «colon health»

"Colon health" refers to the overall well-being and proper functioning of the colon, which is part of the digestive system. It refers to maintaining a healthy balance of bacteria, regular bowel movements, and the absence of diseases or disorders that may affect the colon. Full definition
This is really good for colon health and for anyone who struggles with constipation.
It can be used as part of a colon cleansing regimen, but can also be used to maintain good colon health.
Recent studies have shown that casein helps promote colon health better than soy and meat.
In addition to being a good fiber source, it benefits intestinal bacteria that help maintain colon health.
Its high fiber content helps with colon health and reduces chronic inflammation as well.
It adds bulk and moisture to animal stools and provides energy to intestinal flora improving colon health.
Poor colon health usually causes poor brain health, as well as other body organs.
Not only do these fatty acids benefit colon health, but they also play a role in regulating appetite.
Considering the high - fiber content of carrots, which would also benefit the colon, we may soon hear that this vegetable is a significant dietary addition for protecting colon health.
It is also an excellent, high — quality complex carbohydrate source for energy and fiber for colon health.
It main benefit, however is in preventing constipation and promoting colon health.
Not only can it boost a person's immune system, but it can also help with colon health, possibly even lowering the risk for colon cancer.
It is useful for reducing weight and maintaining ideal body mass index in women because it improves colon health.
Vitamin D is essential to good colon health, and sunshine is the best place to get your daily dose.
As a result, levels of short - chain fatty acids in the colon decrease, potentially leading to poor colon health and inflammation (11).
Potatoes are also a good source of resistant starch so they improve gut health by contributing to the growth of healthy, beneficial bacteria in the digestive system, support colon health, and they are better for the glycemic index than refined carbohydrates such as white sugar, white flour, and white rice because they digest more slowly.
Stools with a higher volume and softer composition are necessary for colon health as smaller, harder stools can increase the pressure within the colon and cause weak spots in the intestinal walls.
So resistant starch — starch which moves past the small intestine and into the large intestine — is vital for overall colon health because it's one of the sources for the eventual creation of butyrate.
So resistant starch — starch which moves past the small intestine and into the large intestine — is vital for overall colon health because it's one of the sources for the eventual creation of butyrate.
Additionally, acacia's water - soluble fiber not only helps reduce the risk of developing diabetes by regulating blood sugar levels, but also promotes colon health by increasing weight and size of stool, making it pass through the digestive tract more easily.
Much of this fiber is the insoluble type, which adds bulk to your stool, helps you feel full, deters constipation and enhances colon health.
Brown rice, on the other hand, is a whole food with a myriad of health benefits from colon health to cholesterol lowering.
The options you have read for the best probiotic for consumption are appealing but the Philips Colon Health supplement appears to be the best option for your needs.
Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage are essential for sustaining colon health.
They specifically focus on your overall colon health which promotes regular bowels movements.
Insoluble fiber is associated with fecal bulking through its water - holding capacity, whereas soluble fiber ferments, positively affecting colon health through production of SCFA, lowered pH, and potential microbiota changes.
You will find that fiber is also bound to a large number of antioxidants and is essential for colon health in terms of butyrate production.
Lactitol also promotes colon health as a prebiotic, which feeds bacteria in the colon.
Help maintain colon health by acting as a fermentable fiber to support balance of probiotics such as Lactobacillus and Bifodobacteria in the colon.
Other forms of probiotics especially help directly with colon health and regularity, such as the Bifido strains of probiotics.
It also contributes to a balanced weight loss regimen by supporting healthy metabolic rate, nutrient absorption and colon health by reducing high cholesterol and triglycerides (two types of fat lipids that are stored in the blood).
Check out my other 23 videos on colon health, everything from a Toxic Megacolon Superbug to Greasy Orange Rectal Leakage.
Butyrate improves colon health and reduces inflammation.
Industry pioneer and founder of Sydney's Colon Health Clinic Bianca James says it's imperative that people recognise that colonic lavage is in fact an invasive procedure — which is easy to forget when you can snap up a spring clean for $ 49 on Groupon.
Colon Health Tips The colon can become dirty because of air pollution, unprocessed foods and water pollution.
Teff is a gluten - free grain and dietary fiber that can help with blood - sugar management, weight control, and colon health because 20 - 40 % of its carbohydrates are resistant starches.
After going through the list I finally concluded that, when one had ambitions to be a really big sh*t, maybe, in light of good colon health, that might be a really positive thing.
Chronic constipation, digestive problems, food allergies, poor diet, and medications such as antibiotics and steroid medications often contribute to poor colon health, which may lead to many other chronic illnesses.
As another benefit to offset its carb content, Goodman explains, «Teff is made up of primarily resistant starch, a dietary fiber that promotes colon health, balanced weight, and blood sugar levels.
Brown rice is a brilliant, great quality complex carbohydrate source for energy and fiber for colon health.
Apparently Teff is high in resistant starch, can benefit blood sugar management, weight control, and colon health.
There are so many benefits of drinking green smoothies, including: weight loss / maintenance, increased fiber intake for colon health, antioxidents for optimal health and fitness, mental clarity and focus, increased energy, clearer skin, and minerals for healthy bones.

Phrases with «colon health»

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