Sentences with phrase «color change upon»

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For green skinned avocados (avocados that don't change color upon ripening) find one that is an even color of green and still slightly firm.
The as - modified graphitic nitride is a yellow solid, which changes color upon exposure to light.
When I was on vacation last year, I happened upon the Del Sol store in Savannah, Georgia, and I bought a few of these fun polishes that change color in the sunlight.
EILEEN FISHER HOME BY GARNET HILL Depending upon on the light and where you're standing, this hand - knotted wool - blend rug changes colors slightly, its silver sheen bending at times toward blue, at other times green.
Upon trying this foundation many months ago, I was immediately impressed that it didn't changed colors.
There is only one truly visually spectacular sequence (Hercules's wild battle with a computer - generated Hydra) and only one character with a striking look — Hades, whose head - topping flame changes color depending upon his mood.
October is upon us, which means that the leaves have begun to change color, air has started to cool, and the scares will soon be out in full force.
As an art educator, I sometimes wonder at the way we perceive color and how it changes depending upon the surroundings and light.
From March 2 — 4, 2017, educators, practitioners, and change - makers of all stripes will descend upon Appian Way for the 2017 HGSE Alumni of Color Conference (AOCC).
Mitchell suggests that while the pool of qualified and committed teachers of color is increasing, these same teachers are leaving the profession at higher rates than white teachers, drawing upon research findings that «many nonwhite educators feel voiceless and incapable of effecting change in their schools.»
The test strip simply changes color upon detecting the early signs of periodontal infections.
Upon completing a level, the chests are opened and reveal the items inside, which range from spray paints to change Kirby's color, music to listen to on the sound test, keys to unlock the aforementioned secret levels, and heart pieces, which work similarly to those in Zelda and increase Kirby's maximum health when you find enough of them, to name just a few of the prizes.
Therefore, when we first come upon the «multiform» paintings of the late 1940s, the change — indeed, the improvement — in Rothko's color is startling.
Relying upon the grid as a fixed boundary where brushstrokes immediately change color, they just don't have the peculiar energy of the other paintings.
But the quality of Pollock's line is unique: as it accelerates across the surface, changing color, twisting upon itself, and generating an intricate overall web, it is experienced as a purely optical phenomenon.
I particularly enjoyed the slides that, when combined (1) provided an overview of hotter and cooler CO2 molecules as it relates to how they are seen from outer space and from profile — because this will make it easier for me to explain this process to others; (2) walked through the volcanic and solar activity vs assigning importance to CO2 changes — because this another way to help make it clearer, too, but in another way; (3) discussed CO2 induced warming and ocean rise vs different choices we might make — because this helps point out why every day's delay matters; and (4) showed Figure 1 from William Nordhaus» «Strategies for Control of Carbon Dioxide» and then super-imposed upon that the global mean temperature in colors showing pre-paper and post-paper periods — because this helps to show just how far back it was possible to make reasoned projections without the aid of a more nuanced and modern understanding.
(Side note: If you've never read the story of English chemist William Perkin and how he stumbled upon synthetic color, the book «Mauve: How One Man Invented a Color That Changed the World,» it a subtly astonishing rcolor, the book «Mauve: How One Man Invented a Color That Changed the World,» it a subtly astonishing rColor That Changed the World,» it a subtly astonishing read.)
Upon first glance, Kev and I both felt like one of the things we'd (eventually) like to change about our new house are the exterior paint colors.
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