Sentences with phrase «color of the star»

I purchased a variety of colors of stars in one pack, which was a nice way to mix my diapers up a bit.
She is mesmerized by the bright contrasting colors of the stars and even uses it as a teething blanket.
In maps created from the new data, it's possible to see the brightness and color of the stars, their density, and even the interstellar dust that fills the galaxy.
Such instruments don't actually watch stars jiggle in the sky; instead they precisely measure the color of the star's light, which becomes bluer or redder as a planet tugs its star closer to or farther from Earth, similar to the Doppler shift that changes the pitch of an ambulance's siren as it approaches and speeds past.
«An important next step will be to determine how the color of the star changes with time, especially during its brief dips in brightness,» added Shappee.
They also measured the color of the star clusters, finding the lower mass ones to be red and the higher mass ones to be blue in color, suggesting differences in their chemical composition.
This breaks out the colors of the stars into the colors of the rainbow.
Soft and comfortable with the color of the stars being not too bright and not too dull; instead, just the right blue to bring a tranquil and pleasant mood to one's being.
In Island (2014), a true «dark sky» is evoked, dark enough for Walker to paint the color of the stars.
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