Sentences with phrase «color of your skin»

In one of the most quoted parts of the speech, he spoke of his wish to see his children judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
«No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion...» 8zkoAm
As a black female entrepreneur and person in the spotlight, I am trying to figure out how I can move the needle forward and open doors for everyone, no matter the color of their skin.
Growing up, I was told I couldn't accomplish my dreams because I was a woman and, more so, because of the color of my skin.
Instead, he used the words of someone who spent decades in jail because of the color of his skin to remind us all that racism need not be part of our nature, and that anyone who has learned to hate can learn to love instead.
«Blacks suffered unspeakable horrors and injustices prior to the Civil Rights» movements simply because of the color of their skin»
I didn't vote for Obama, not for the color of the skin, but because of the content of his character.
Or is it simply the color of his skin that dictates the protests.
And, back in the office: «Do you want me to dismiss her based on the color of her skin
Its a sad day when our young black men do nt have the freedom to walk through certain neighborhoods without being harrased are mudered, no one has the right to just take a life just because of the color of your skin we as a people has to stand up to injustices such as this no one wants to hear the truth there is still a racial devide in America and our justice system create laws so that this kind of injustice can continue to happen rather u want to admit it are not our young black men are the prey.
When, in 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr., declared his «dream» — that we Americans should one day become a society where a citizen's race would be an irrelevancy, where black and white children would walk hand - in - hand, where persons would be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character — this seemed to many Americans both a noble and attainable goal.
He certainly had an impact on history but it wasn't becasue of the color of his skin.
It is such a shame that someone who should believe in the goodness of all people regardless of their faith or the color of the skin could act this way.
MLK did say (and I'm paraphrasing) «Don't judge me by the color of my skin; judge me by the content of my character.»
how would you like to judge by the color of your skin or where you come from?
You choose the color of your skin, the color of your eyes, whether your hair will fall out or not, not to grow old?
blacks can not change color of their skin... blacks are born that way..
Equality of opportunity was passé; racial quotas masqueraded under the euphemism of «affirmative action»; King's righteous demand that his children be judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin was inverted by race - hustlers and shakedown artists» an inversion subsequently validated by activist judges.
While Christian feminists willingly admit that women and men have often been differently socialized, and that there may even be some differences in human capabilities between the sexes, that is no more fundamentally constitutive of humanity than place of birth or color of skin.
Strictly based on the color of skin, or the religious orientation, it is atheism that suffers the most prejudice.
It is a compelling retelling of history and reminds how important we are as people and that we should never be defined by the color of our skin.
I don; t what their religious affiliation is, nor do I care what the color of their skin is.
There have been many statments made recently implying that the black community is almost obligated to vote for Obama...??? If he is being voted for because of the color of his skin, we are moving backwards.
The title of the book is, of course, from the «dream» of Martin Luther King, Jr. that one day people would be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
To even DISCUSS Jesus in the context of the color of his skin is inherently racist.
What I said was people in this country were ready to vote for someone of a different color not because of his credibility (after all, he had pretty much nothing for a record before running for office) which you seem to care so much about, but because of the color of his skin.
I am pretty sure he would have the color of skin of the people in that area...
But Vera and John weren't deemed worthy of trust by a bank, based on the color of their skin and the history of their kin and their lack of education.
The prospect of white evangelical Christians committing to address racial reconciliation may require intentional identification with those who are the oppressed and disenfranchised because of the color of their skin.
The doctor assumed she wanted an abortion based on her circumstances: the color of her skin and the fact that she wasn't insured and had a child already.
Jesus did not condemn because of someones color of skin and he certainly did not promote the use of weapons or guns like AK47.
Unfortunately, there are PLENTY of Americas who stop doing any research about the presidential candidates other than the color of their skin.
It's the color of his skin.
It is not the will of God that children suffer from hunger and malnutrition and grow up in unsanitary slums with lack of proper education, that persons because of the color of their skin are debarred from schools, hospitals, employment, or housing projects; that persons are denied other basic human rights; that personalities and homes are broken through drink and that great numbers die on highways through drunken driving; that marriage vows are often taken lightly and that easy divorces shatter home after home and leave children the pawns of the parents» selfishness.
It's not the color of his skin nor his religion.
Consciousness, age, productivity, functionality, color of skin, nationality, gender, etc.?
Really... you make a race comment... Really... Only those not seeing content of character see color of skin by friend... Really...
everything, except the color of his skin.
He was white — but Martin Luther King, Jr. was right: the color of his skin is meaningless.
As for his politics, i do nt agree with Obama's Policies and therefore pray he is not re-elected, but when it comes about God, Ya'll have no spiritual or earthly authority to Judge a man's faith for the simple reason that you really HATE his politics or the color of his skin, or the religion of a father he's never / seldom seen.
Atheist are such angry people and we're not talking about the color of skin, we're talking about you all believing that we evolved from having fur and fangs.
I must have looked fairly white myself, I thought; seeing them reminded me how foreign whites look in India, simply by the color of their skin.
Not so with the color of your skin (unless you are Michael Jackson, of course).
It used to be legal — even expected — that we'd treat someone differently based on the color of their skin.
He went on to denounce the current administration for being divisive and trying to convince people that the color of their skin is more important than being «red, white and blue.»
Reasons can be the as irrelevant of shape of the face, color of skin, language, diamonds,....
No, my dream for America is for an aristocracy based on achievement, rather than an aristocracy based on the accident of birth, or the color of skin, or whether you are a Wasp or a southern European in ancestry.
This would even infringe against my right to enter a business establishment because of the color of my skin — and skin color, as we all know, is something that I did not earn or merit.
If your child has an «imaginary friend,» will you ask what the color of skin of that «friend» is?
I am sure there is more to this story than just the color of the skin.
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