Sentences with phrase «combination of conditions»

«Our members are operating within an extremely competitive market place, where a unique combination of conditions continues to be felt,» he says.
The Chain developers want to change that with Ivy, a higher - level language that allows developers to create custom, SegWit - compatible Bitcoin addresses that enforce arbitrary combinations of conditions supported by the Bitcoin protocol, including signature checks, hash commitments and timelocks.
Ivy helps you write custom, SegWit - compatible Bitcoin addresses that enforce arbitrary combinations of conditions supported by the Bitcoin protocol, including signature checks, hash commitments, and timelocks.
If there are vast numbers of other universes, all with different properties, by pure odds at least one of them ought to have the right combination of conditions to bring forth stars, planets, and living things.
Under certain combinations of conditions, large fragments of carbon coating were eroded away (as depicted in image), the researchers report today in Nature Communications.
Each unique combination of these conditions results in a distinct Market Climate, with its own profile of expected return and risk.»
MIICE is an open - source model that can be used to test a range of possible future scenarios, providing insight into the optimum combinations of conditions that will lead to the necessary scale - up of CCS by 2050.
Furthermore, the ideal combination of conditions prevents the clover from outcompeting the corn but doesn't do so much damage that when the corn is gone the clover can't take over the field after the growing season.
But MCC research poses difficult challenges — a «one - size fits all» approach can't capture the various combinations of conditions and contributing factors seen in patients with MCC.
Mosquito - borne disease occurs when specific combinations of conditions maximize virus - to - mosquito and mosquito - to - human contact rates.
While we can't rule out further strength, last week saw a return to the overvalued, overbought, overbullish combination of conditions that has historically been followed by returns averaging less than Treasury bills.
Only early - killed rye offered the right combination of conditions to suppress weeds and allow edamame to emerge easily.
There might be times when you have a certain combination of conditions that come together - especially with the weather effects -[when] the game might briefly drop from 60 fps, and for that I beg your forgiveness!
According to Chain's latest blog post, Ivy aims to help developers «write custom, SegWit - compatible bitcoin addresses that enforce arbitrary combinations of conditions supported by the bitcoin protocol, including signature checks, hash commitments, and timelocks.»
Under this combination of conditions, that they could further drain users away from the Steam ecosystem is at least a possibility that can't have been lost on Valve.
Perhaps a combination of conditions, fatigue and Pool pressure.
When Liverpool attacked a combination of the conditions and the absence of key personnel ensured they lacked their usual potency.
It is a combination of conditions that also alter with climate change.
They also investigated how those combinations of conditions were related to poverty.
Allowing for both effects, the team concludes that «a combination of conditions will occur during the next 50 years which will give rise to an Arctic ozone hole».
It then calculates which combinations of these conditions produce a stable plasma, simultaneously uncovering which combinations of conditions produce an unstable plasma.
Causes of lower back pain usually stem from a combination of conditions, such as overuse, muscle strain, or an injury to the muscles, ligaments and discs that support the spine.
Often it can be a combination of these conditions and at times include underclothing containing nylon, so do make sure your undergarments are 100 % cotton or better still — merino (wool) which I believe is the best thing to have against your skin.
All of these factors lead me to reason that the combination of conditions would be enough to make anyone sneak in a few cat naps here and there.
We GUARANTEE you will find our vehicle to be a better VALUE because of the combination of CONDITION and PRICE.
The health problems known to affect this breed are a combination of conditions commonly seen in the Maltese and Poodle breeds.
All brachycephalic breeds have some degree of this syndrome and can have any combination of these conditions.
House soiling is often due to a combination of conditions — sometimes involving reasons from two or more of the above categories.
Some fits remain unexplained one - off occurrences due to a combination of conditions that are never repeated.
This business with the «tipping point» only makes sense if we can assume that humans are causing a combination of conditions in the environment that has never happened before and which will trigger a heretofore unprecedented positive feedback to this «unprecedented» combination.
Turns out that it is a combination of conditions in the northern and central Pacific Ocean that is of immense significance.
The combination of these conditions won't cause any issues whatsoever.
A majority of the forest fires that blazed across Alberta recently were caused by a combination of these conditions and careless human activity.
A combination of conditions can result in a denial for term life insurance.
Insurance buyers with severe health conditions or a combination of conditions can find it hard or impossible to find life insurance.
This program is available to individuals of all ages who have been diagnosed with developmental disabilities, physical limitations, emotional or behavioral disorders, or a combination of conditions.
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