Sentences with phrase «combination of spices»

I am usually not shy about tweaking different combinations of spices, and this combination is one of my favorites.
All 3 of us were thrilled with the result - nice combination of spices on the fish and cooked beautifully in just about 10 minutes on the grill.
It was so moist, with just the right combination of spices.
Are there specific combinations of spices that work better together?
Since then, I've perfected the recipe and really love the sweet, spicy and cinnamon combination of this spice blend, especially on chicken.
These vegan lentil tacos have a delightfully smoked flavor, thanks to an ingenious combination of spices.
Altogether, these high - protein ingredients along with the powerful combination of spices like turmeric, cumin, and ginger create a nutritious yet flavorful bowl of creamy spiced peanut noodles with a slight kick from the lime juice and spices.
It looks wonderful and I love the nontraditional (at least for us) combination of spices in the tomato sauce
A perfect combination of spices dance across the tongue with a remarkable selection of Asian and Western cuisine making our restaurant an ideal destination for travellers looking to experience zest, spice and culinary diversity.
All you need is special combination of spices and condiments that you probably have already in your kitchen — so there's no need to grocery shop.
This scrumptious meat - free patty is packed with two different kinds of beans, corn, breadcrumbs, cilantro, and a pleasing combination of spices.
Cloves, cinnamon, and ginger are just about the most warming combination of spices I can think of.
This sauce has the exact combination of spices and flavor that perfectly compliment any Italian pie, and we use it on every.
Persian is equal for those lovely fragrant rice dishes and unusual combinations of spices is hard to beat.
Everyone, even the most sceptic colleagues, where excited: — RRB - A very intersting combination of spices and parsnips....
The Spice - Laden Recipes Note: Forget commercial curry powder, because each of these recipes requires its own combination of spices.
I personally don't have the patience to wait for tea to brew, and then make a latte out of it, so this recipe gets its flavor from an easy combination of spices instead.
The latter is both perfect for picnics in its portability (I tried and tested just last weekend, with great success), and celebratory in its rich combination of spices.
Informal meeting is perfect for lonely housewives, married people who want something on other pages and you want a quick combination of spice, person, and no strings attached fun.
The vegetable curries are fantastic combinations of spice, and the locals inside welcome you even if you're still learning how to count your change (this I learned from personal experience).
The actual Balinese traditional cooking method is mainly to mix the prepared combination of spices (basa) with other ingredients and cook the mixture if necessary.
I've made it in various different ways before, with different combinations of spices each time, but this time I've added a little tandoori sauce, which adds a perfect zing of spice.
This homemade Paleo chicken soup recipe is gluten - free, grain - free, and dairy - free and with an amazing combination of spices and vegetables, it's a wonderful way to get nutrients into your family's diet.
All you need is special combination of spices and condiments that you probably have already in your kitchen — so there's no need to grocery shop.
The combination of spices is bold.
I kept telling myself that it was going to be too spicy for me or the combination of spices wasn't going to sit well with me.
I really love the combination of spices for the rub, and slow cooking the pork with a cup of beer is genius!
Hi Rose — seriously, drooling here in chilly NY loving the combination of spices and other ingredients.
And did you know that allspice is not a combination of spices like a lot of people think.
I loved the combination of spices, especially the caraway which was so unexpected.
Especially since you'll find the combination of spices, fruit, nuts & seeds that tastes good to you (and as always... feel free to mix it up, add anything that looks tasty to you, and experiment as you see fit).
The combination of spices like cinnamon, nutmeg and red pepper flakes not only add flavour, but they all have wonderful cleansing effects, too.
That said, any meat would be delicious cooked with the combination of spices you have here.
And this combination of spices and mango is truly magical.
(For example, instead of adding a combination of spices according to a recipe,...
Chili seasoning is a different product with a combination of spices and is used to season soups.
The combination of spices are warm, but not hot, and full of flavor.
I love the combination of spices you chose as well.
The combination of spices gave the bird much - needed flavor, but kept it adaptable enough to work in a sandwich or be thrown into a salad or something else.
Mostly it's the combination of spices, but using all brown sugar and apple cider vinegar also add to the deliciousness.
Piri piri is the swahili word for pepper pepper, the hot sauce is made from piri piri peppers also known as african birds eye chilis and a combination of spices, garlic and lemon peel.
Something about that combination of spices just gets me every time.
The combination of spices and coconut milk sound addictive.
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