Sentences with phrase «combined effects of drought»

These regions are currently losing tree cover: California forests have lost more than 130 million trees since 2010, largely due to the combined effects of drought, warm temperatures, insects and disease.
The combined effects of drought in California and the falling Canadian dollar have caused the price of cauliflower to triple since the fall.

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«In Syria ineffective management practices, crop failure, and weak government response combined to exacerbate the societal effects of the drought,» said Joel Creswell, AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow and one of the organizers of the symposium.
An important predictor of future ecosystem drought (defined as ecological drought in the Water chapter) susceptibility is the net balance of water gained through precipitation and water lost through evapotranspiration (the combined effect of water evaporation and the transpiration of water by plants).
But it does provide compelling evidence that, when combined with the effects of increased population pressure and the poor policies of the Assad regime, the drought made a bad situation worse.
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