Sentences with phrase «come into existence from»

After which, Monero V will come into existence from the blockchain and more importantly will be rewarded with ten times airdrop of XMV coins for the XMR coins in their wallets.
And what wonder, for is it not a most pathetic thing to come into existence from non-being?
Our dimension of time and space must come into existence from outside of that same time and space.
Darwin argued that the cu - mulative effect of these small hereditary changes coupled with natural selection should eventually lead to new species and suggested that all species have come into existence from common ancestry in this way.
Question: When is the last time you noticed something come into existence from nothing?
Given the law of gravity (when did it pop into existence and when is the last time you noticed something come into existence from nothing, I for one am getting bored with the so called science hyperbole.
Such a being did not come into existence from non-existence, from the void — therefore such a being is eternal; it is God.
Whereas the Greek pathos focuses on recollection, the pathos of our project focuses on the moment, and no wonder, for is it not an exceedingly pathos - filled matter to come into existence from the state of «not to be»?
And how come god gets to come into existence from nothing, or always existed, but nothing else can?
Without a model of quantum gravity, it is IMPOSSIBLE to describe the initial state of the universe, or even be sure if it really was a singularity, let alone «coming into existence from nothingness» (not that we even have an example of «nothingness» to compare to.
Matter / Energy came into existence from absolute nothing.
That it came into existence from a singularity says nothing about the medium into which and from which it arose.
For many years, cosmologists have fallen back on the idea that the universe formed spontaneously; that the Big Bang was result of quantum fluctuations in which the universe came into existence from nothing.
The fact is that science never said anything about the universe coming into existence from nothing.

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God is all there is, and evil comes into existence when we move so far away from God's love and compassion that we as individuals manifest its opposite — that is, we manifest evil.
That just as all the products we use came into existence through a mind, these being consistent with reality, so likewise of not only the earth with its marvelous ecological systems, but all the universe by which we keep time, from the passing of one day to the passing of one year allowing to keep track of time, that all these diverse, but harmonious systems are the product of a Supreme Designer for the benefit and enjoyment of mankind.
Nothingness is predicted by simple mathematics and the beginning of the universe came from absolutely nothing, like a proton popping into existence.
The devas were born later than this world's creation, so who knows from where it came into existence?
Scientists are at times reluctant to admit this fundamental truth, that life originates from life, when it comes to how all life came into existence.
Apart from God nothing comes into existence.
The univocal and equivocal imaginations deny metaphor, deny that any new insight can come through the ordinary — the one flattens it to sameness, the other escapes from it — but what Lynch calls the analogical imagination delves into the mundane, for it is precisely in and through the complexities of historical, limited existence that insight comes, if it comes at all.
And if He did not will sin into existence, then it had to have come from some other will — a will outside of God's will.
This means that the Creation hypothesis is at least as valid as a suggestion that the Universe came into existence all by itself from nothing.
Additionally, further generations that would have arisen from the perverse culture, are likewise prevented from coming into existence and spreading their sin.
Notice that life only occurred 1 time in earths history - IE biology show all life shares 1 common ancestor, but if life is naturally occurring shouldn't there be several different life forms that randomly came into existence and separate (not having any connections) from other life forms?
To continue from there to say that life came into existence by this process and developed all species is not fact and not even theory.
Thus it conceives the world of nature as something derived from and dependent upon something logical prior to itself, a world of immaterial ideas; but this is not a mental world or a world of mental activities or of things depending on mental activity although it is an intelligible world or a world in which mind, when mind comes into existence, finds itself completely at home.
I once cite «Realism and Idealism,» the passage about objective idealism in which Collingwood clearly states his conception of the world of nature: «Thus it conceives the world of nature as something derived from and dependent upon something logical prior to itself, a world of immaterial ideas; but this is not a mental world or a world of mental activities or of things depending on mental activity although it is an intelligible world or a world in which mind, when mind comes into existence, finds itself completely at home.
Finally, Stove believes that it is «overwhelmingly probable» that our species evolved from some other and that «natural selection is probably the cause which is principally responsible for the coming into existence of new species from old ones.»
But what is even more certain, so that it becomes self - evident when we observe the revolutionary biological superiority of Thought over Instinct, is that if a given Phylum X, shall we say, preceding the anthropoids, had succeeded in passing the barrier separating reflective consciousness from direct consciousness, Man would never have come into existence: instead of him, Phylum X would have woven and constituted the Noosphere.
Consequently the soul can only come into existence by the act which is called creation because it does not fashion from what is already there, but constitutes a new being in its irreducible uniqueness, and which therefore presupposes power absolutely independent of any datum, that is to say, God (Denzinger 2327).
Therefore one must conclude that all things which did not exist and then came into being resulted from one cause which is self - existent, which is therefore the essence of existence.
To teach, as some writers have, that we must accept the «insight» of modern Evolutionists, as true beyond reasonable doubt, that humans came into existence in various places at differing times (so - called «Polyphyletism») is to compromise the Church's infallible teaching that there was one first man (Adam) and one first woman (Eve) from whom we all descend.
A congregation of believers assembled for the public worship of God knows that it did not come into existence at that moment, knows that it is not alone, knows that what is happening is happening because something has happened from God's side.
The entire universe, matter, time and space, apparently came into existence out of an explosion from an object of inconceivable density — perhaps from something smaller than an atom.
Jesus, he announced, «is God himself coming into the very depths of human existence for the sole purpose of striking off the chains of slavery, thereby freeing man from ungodly principalities and powers that hinder his relationship with God... Jesus» work is essentially one of liberation.»
The best answer comes from Leon Bloy, a writer who himself chose to become a Catholic: «Man has places in his heart which do not yet exist,» wrote Bloy, «and into them enters suffering, that they might have existence
A being who knows every way in which an evil can come into existence, who is able to prevent that evil from coming into existence, and who wants to do so, would prevent the existence of that evil.
An omnipotent being, who knows every way in which an evil can come into existence, has the power to prevent that evil from coming into existence.
If Universe came into existence suddenly, then how Science can justify the existence and creation of Nature, the Planets, the gamut of microorganisms to the complex human beings, males and females, the power to reproduce... I wonder if all these just appeared from nowhere!
For belief and coming into existence correspond to one another, and are concerned with the two negative determinations of being, namely the past and the future, and with the present in so far as it is conceived from the point of view of a negative determination of being, namely as having come into existence.
Even the possibility of deducing consequences from a law of nature gives no evidence for the necessity of any coming into existence, which is clear as soon as one reflects definitively on coming into existence.
But such a being, which is nevertheless a non-being, is precisely what possibility is; and a being which is being is indeed actual being or actuality; and the change of coming into existence is a transition from possibility to actuality.
But in the case of the East Syrian (Persian) church, there came into existence some sort of ecclesiastical relationship between it and the Indian church from a very early date, though it is difficult to say when this relationship was established.
Otherwise «the subject of coming into existence would not remain unchanged during the change of coming into existence,» unless it had not been at all, and then the change of coming into existence would for another reason be absolutely different from every other kind of change, since it would be no change at all, for every change always presupposes something which changes.
He began to ask his friends what was the point of everything and from that his documentary, «The Nature of Existence» came into being.
Even if what is found throws into question the very existence of God, there is a of peace that can only come from embracing what is seen through open eyes.
They've had this ritual with eagles for thousands of years BEFORE the US came into being and before our culture nearly wiped those birds from existence.
This means that there are two possibilities here, that the Universe was designed and built by someone having the knowledge and ability to do it or, alternatively, that the Universe just came into existence all by itself from nothing.
We have no idea if the universe itself came into existence or always exists in some state or other; we do know that our universe expanded from a very hot and dense state very different from what exists today.
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