Sentences with phrase «come into existence when»

Churches come into existence when enough people decide to create a 501c3, buy a building, hire a pastor and administrative employees, and meet weekly to hear the paid pastor preach and take up a collection that is mostly used to pay salaries and maintain real estate.
Many people have the mistaken impression that new species come into existence when an individual suddenly gives birth to an offspring so different that it is a distinct species.
The rival currency came into existence when a group of miners (the people who deploy mass amounts of computer power to extract «coins») created a different version of the bitcoin software.
God is all there is, and evil comes into existence when we move so far away from God's love and compassion that we as individuals manifest its opposite — that is, we manifest evil.
A group comes into existence when, through interaction, there is a partial merging of the «psychological field» or «life space» of two or more individuals.
Hence it is too that womanliness first comes into existence through a metamorphosis; it comes into existence when the infinite pertness is transfigured in womanly devotion.
Micellar water first came into existence when it was developed in Paris as a substitute to water in skin care.
The idea of JSwipe came into existence when he had his first swipe on Tinder.
The term «FIRE» came into existence when Fiat integrated the use of robotics in the production process of manufacturing plants.
Word Up Community Bookshop / Librería Comunitaria came into existence when a group of neighbors decided to make a space where their community could gather, exchange, grow, learn, laugh, argue, and reflect together.
Breitmore came into existence when UC Berkeley Art Museum cancelled one of Hershman Leeson's shows because it included sculptures with a sound component, deemed impermissible at the time.
A contract comes into existence when all the essential terms are agreed: «how much?»
This type of tax came into existence when the Section 115JA of the IT Act was introduced.
Ethereum Classic came into existence when some members of the Ethereum community rejected the hard fork on the grounds of «immutability», the principle that the blockchain can not be changed, and decided to keep using the unforked version of Ethereum.
What commercial wearable tech is missing right now is an obvious technology that first came into existence when Anirudh Sharma and Krispian Lawrence, had in mind when they started the development of their now branded Lechal smart shoes in 2011.
What commercial wearable tech is missing right now is an obvious technology that first came into existence when Anirudh Sharma and Krispian Lawrence, had in mind...
The rival currency came into existence when a group of miners (the people who deploy mass amounts of computer power to extract «coins») created a different version of the bitcoin software.
More than one expert has expressed concerns that ethereum classic, which came into existence when the original ethereum blockchain experienced a hard fork, might have a hard time remaining viable in the long - term.
What are Bitcoin Futures Contracts A futures contract is a contract that comes into existence when two people agree to
A futures contract is a contract that comes into existence when two people agree to enter into it.

Not exact matches

«This is similar to the»90s when the internet came into existence
When MS Excel came into existence many years ago, it was a significant leap in computing power.
The question assumes that matter came into existence and didn't always exist when that is not the only theoretical possibility.
Then there came a time, later, when these elements CAME INTO EXISTEcame a time, later, when these elements CAME INTO EXISTECAME INTO EXISTENCE.
I was 33 when my personality disorder came into existence Mohammad.
Scientists are at times reluctant to admit this fundamental truth, that life originates from life, when it comes to how all life came into existence.
Advances in cosmological science over the latter half of the 20th century began to reveal that when the universe came into existence, (more on that later), the fundamental forces it was birthed with were apparently «fine - tuned» to allow for the emergence of life.
He declared that «we know neither the day nor hour, nor are we able to determine, when and how unity will come into existence.
Just as Israel came into existence through the grace of God when — humanly speaking — it was impossible, so the early Christian community as the continuation of Israel came into existence through the grace of God.
The fact of when the term used today came into existence is irrelevant.
Muddying the argument with when certain terms came into existence proves nothing.
Thus it conceives the world of nature as something derived from and dependent upon something logical prior to itself, a world of immaterial ideas; but this is not a mental world or a world of mental activities or of things depending on mental activity although it is an intelligible world or a world in which mind, when mind comes into existence, finds itself completely at home.
I once cite «Realism and Idealism,» the passage about objective idealism in which Collingwood clearly states his conception of the world of nature: «Thus it conceives the world of nature as something derived from and dependent upon something logical prior to itself, a world of immaterial ideas; but this is not a mental world or a world of mental activities or of things depending on mental activity although it is an intelligible world or a world in which mind, when mind comes into existence, finds itself completely at home.
Images of paradise invariably testify to a longing or a nostalgia for an original paradise, i.e., for participation in an original cosmic Totality, a Totality present in a primordial time prior to the advent of the rupture between the sacred and the profane, a time when suffering, death, and alienation had not yet come into existence.
Now we find it difficult to accept the mythology of Edwards, though we may need to accept again something like it, when we come to the full acceptance of the realization that as we did not and can not elect ourselves into existence, so neither can we elect ourselves out of it, if the inscrutable power that cast us into being wills to keep us in being after our biological death.
«Whilst in this state of philosophic pessimism and general depression of spirits about my prospects, I went one evening into a dressing - room in the twilight to procure some article that was there; when suddenly there fell upon me without any warning, just as if it came out of the darkness, a horrible fear of my own existence.
«6 The person comes into existence only when «he is passionately involved in a moral struggle, and confronted by a claim which overwhelms him.
But what is even more certain, so that it becomes self - evident when we observe the revolutionary biological superiority of Thought over Instinct, is that if a given Phylum X, shall we say, preceding the anthropoids, had succeeded in passing the barrier separating reflective consciousness from direct consciousness, Man would never have come into existence: instead of him, Phylum X would have woven and constituted the Noosphere.
12 Even on the assumption of a Vitalism of essentially higher principles of that kind, which raise the organic, as an intrinsically higher level of reality, above merely inorganic matter, and constitute biology as an independent science, and even if we regard the entelechy factor as simple and indivisible, there would only be an eductio e potentia materiae when a new living being came into existence, if we excluded creation in this case in the way it is exemplified in the human soul, though that is not very easy to prove, and at the same time rejected the not at all absurd supposition that in the generation of new life below the human level what happens is only the extension of the entelechial function of one and the same vital principle to a new position in space and time within inorganic matter.
When Christ the Truth comes into history he completes incomplete knowledge, clarifies obscurities of history, and corrects man's self - centered interpretation of human existence.
For to judge by the outcome (whereby an attempt is made to unite a judgment of temporal existence and of eternity into a judgment that comes after the event is past) is not humanly possible in the instant that a man himself acts, nor is it possible in the instant when others act.
Given the law of gravity (when did it pop into existence and when is the last time you noticed something come into existence from nothing, I for one am getting bored with the so called science hyperbole.
How when no life existed did DNA come into existence?
Question: When is the last time you noticed something come into existence from nothing?
Whenever it is that «I» does come into existence (let us assume, when a multicellular organization is present) the paramount question still remains: Does that «I» have the capacity to maintain itself, as it interacts with its body (however finally conceived) and with its total ambient, including God?
Thus at no time does the past become necessary, just as it was not necessary when it came into existence nor revealed itself as necessary to the contemporary who believed it, i.e., believed that it had come into existence.
It is very difficult to say when exactly the monastic tradition came into existence in the Indian church.
But in the case of the East Syrian (Persian) church, there came into existence some sort of ecclesiastical relationship between it and the Indian church from a very early date, though it is difficult to say when this relationship was established.
A contemporary does not perceive the necessity of what comes into existence, but when centuries intervene between the event and the beholder he perceives the necessity, just as distance makes the square tower seem round.)
We suggest, then - though still holding that specific, dogmatic answers are impossible - that the poem in substantially its present form came into existence within a century or so of the event of the Exodus; in repeated, annual liturgical use it probably became relatively «fixed»; and probably it was appropriately modified, possibly chiefly in interpretation, when the cultic rehearsal of God's creation of Israel was shifted to Jerusalem.
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