Sentences with phrase «come into view in»

«It was on this bend,» he says, as the cappuccino - colored crenulations of hilltop Sant» Angelo in Colle come into view in the distance, beyond slopes swept with vineyards.
Just one year into this new foray, signs of progress come into view in participating schools.
The Comet PANSTARRS is a new comet discovered by the Pan STARRS 1 telescope in Hawaii in June 2011, and is expected to come into view in Japan around March 10.
Hard to spot for their faintness, the first NEA only came into view in 1989.
THE OTHER RED PLANET Pluto's ruddy surface comes into view in a close - up taken on July 3, 12.5 million kilometers from the dwarf planet.
To do so, it needs «to foresee where and how one can anticipate that which is just coming into view in the distance» (Streefland 1985, 285).
Basically, the selfie camera is housed behind the screen, coming into view in a measly 0.8 seconds when required and seamlessly disappearing after you use it.
Within minutes, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School comes into view in the distance.

Not exact matches

But when it comes to fracking — the oil and gas industry's technique to tap into harder - to - reach fossil fuels — the two have similarly negative yet slightly divergent view points, which were highlighted at the Democratic Presidential Debate in Flint, Michigan, on Sunday night.
At the 2010 D8 conference, and in a video that has recently come back into prominence, Jobs articulates his views on privacy very clearly and forcefully: «Privacy means people knowing what they sign up for — in plain English, and repeatedly.»
Her case came back into public view in October 2016, as she became concerned that the $ 130,000 she was promised would not come through.
New restrictions on deep sea drilling, and whatever regulations come into force in future, could prompt the view Alberta's oil riches are a «safer» alternative,» Toronto - Dominion Bank economist Dina Cover said in a research note today.
I said it to hotair already, but I will expand it a bit for you: what is evidence for some is not accepted by everyone; just as in a court case, some jurors are convinced with very little evidence while some people can not be convinced of something no matter how much evidence there is... much of this comes from how you were raised and your own personal world view, for many people God does not fit into their world view so whatever evidence there is they close their eyes and say, «No, I don't believe that!»
Stars, well known, have disappeared, new ones have come into view, comets, in their incalculable courses, may run foul of suns and planets and require renovation under other laws; certain races of animals are become extinct; and, were there no restoring power, all existences might extinguish successively, one by one, until all should be reduced to a shapeless chaos.
Land referred primarily farmland, but it was the only way in which the physical world came into view.
Could it be that this has resulted in unavoidable tension that instead of coming into line with the view you hold to about the bible, you have chosen to make a claim which may not be accurate?
This is when the Spirit goes to work in us that the mountain of pride building up in our hearts over the years soon comes into view, no matter how much we don't want to look.
In reference to your comment... «ALL is Everything» and «nothing» can or does exist outside of the «ALL» as there is «nothing else» but the «ALL,» is something that comes fairly close to, if I had to try and put into words something that encompasses my ever - evolving world - view... it would be something of that nature.
Unfortunately, some defenders of theism in the eighteenth century wedded themselves to this view of the complex machine and its maker and associated it with the view that such special forms of the machine as the human body came into existence fully formed in an aboriginal creation.
A second set of marks of excellence in theological schooling comes into view when we turn to reflect on the concreteness of a theological school: Its concreteness consists in part in its having institutionalized practices of governance, and its schooling is excellent to the extent that its polity leaves room so that the effort to understand God can be genuine by being free to err.
The discoveries and scientific creations of recent years in the field of nuclear energy, transforming our period into a new power age, are directly traceable to the discoveries of radioactive elements by Becquerel and the Curies, inaugurating the new physics.9 A new depth of relations and energy revealed in both earlier and more recent experiments has routed the world - view of mechanism which Newton and his followers through the nineteenth century had come to take for granted.
Haltingly, and in spurts, a new global symbol system is coming into view.
In taking this sixth step, Christians affirm that the «tendency toward the human and the humane (toward «Christ») in the ultimate nature of things» which has existed since the beginning of time «has become evident and clear only now in the new order of relationships just coming into view» in the Christian community To be sure, «any community which becomes a vehicle in history of more profoundly humane patterns of life» can be a part of this new order, but the events around Jesus have at least a kind of priority as its first clear manifestatioIn taking this sixth step, Christians affirm that the «tendency toward the human and the humane (toward «Christ») in the ultimate nature of things» which has existed since the beginning of time «has become evident and clear only now in the new order of relationships just coming into view» in the Christian community To be sure, «any community which becomes a vehicle in history of more profoundly humane patterns of life» can be a part of this new order, but the events around Jesus have at least a kind of priority as its first clear manifestatioin the ultimate nature of things» which has existed since the beginning of time «has become evident and clear only now in the new order of relationships just coming into view» in the Christian community To be sure, «any community which becomes a vehicle in history of more profoundly humane patterns of life» can be a part of this new order, but the events around Jesus have at least a kind of priority as its first clear manifestatioin the new order of relationships just coming into view» in the Christian community To be sure, «any community which becomes a vehicle in history of more profoundly humane patterns of life» can be a part of this new order, but the events around Jesus have at least a kind of priority as its first clear manifestatioin the Christian community To be sure, «any community which becomes a vehicle in history of more profoundly humane patterns of life» can be a part of this new order, but the events around Jesus have at least a kind of priority as its first clear manifestatioin history of more profoundly humane patterns of life» can be a part of this new order, but the events around Jesus have at least a kind of priority as its first clear manifestation.
This would be a comfortable way out of the impasse if we could think so, for in view of the fact that the end of the world has not yet come, it is not easy to fit into the rest of his words such sayings as, «Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death before they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom» (Matt.
Each moment of experience in the process way of viewing it, as it comes into being, has its freedom (within limits) to create itself.
Richard Stein, an ordinand in his final year of training for ministry, described the process as an enriching one that led him to embrace a more evangelical theology than the one he had arrived with: «I came into college with a fairly open view towards homosexuality, and even said I'd be happy to perform gay marriages.
In this survey of the apostolic Preaching and its developments two facts have come into view: first, that within the New Testament there is an immense range of variety in the interpretation that is given to the kerygma; and, secondly, that in all such interpretation the essential elements of the original kerygma are steadily kept in vieIn this survey of the apostolic Preaching and its developments two facts have come into view: first, that within the New Testament there is an immense range of variety in the interpretation that is given to the kerygma; and, secondly, that in all such interpretation the essential elements of the original kerygma are steadily kept in viein the interpretation that is given to the kerygma; and, secondly, that in all such interpretation the essential elements of the original kerygma are steadily kept in viein all such interpretation the essential elements of the original kerygma are steadily kept in viein view.
It appears in a different form partly because the problem of social continuity has become as great for us as the problem of change and reform, but even more because the historical, cultural character of human existence has come into fuller view.
The majority of the Persian clergy who had studied at Edessa and who were Nestorians in their theology came into prominence in the Persian church and through their influence, the Nestorian views were widespread.
The view that Jesus was a village farmer who also has practiced part - time carpentry in his native village and immediate surroundings as corroborated by the parabolic emphases has been confirmed by recent archaeological discoveries.31 Recent explorations have revealed that Nazareth was a small agricultural village that came into being in the 3rd century BCE.32 Settlements in Nazareth were mostly found right at the top, whereas in the nearby «three northern spurs» they were to be found largely «on the slopes, lower ridges, and just off the basins.
When the self as a synthesis of finitude and infinitude is once constituted, when already it is then in order to become it reflects itself in the medium of imagination, and with that the infinite possibility comes into view.
The contrast of pistis and reason, which has also played a large a role in the history of Christian theology, does not come so sharply into view.
The economic view of the human being has come increasingly to be the one into which students are socialized in universities.
Jeremy i am surprised you never countered my argument Up till now the above view has been my understanding however things change when the holy spirit speaks.He amazes me because its always new never old and it reveals why we often misunderstand scripture in the case of the woman caught in adultery.We see how she was condemned to die and by the grace of God Jesus came to her rescue that seems familar to all of us then when they were alone he said to her Go and sin no more.This is the point we misunderstand prior to there meeting it was all about her death when she encountered Jesus something incredible happened he turned a death situation into life situation so from our background as sinners we still in our thinking and understanding dwell in the darkness our minds are closed to the truth.In effect what Jesus was saying to her and us is chose life and do nt look back that is what he meant and that is the walk we need to live for him.That to me was a revelation it was always there but hidden.Does it change that we need discipline in the church that we need rules and guidelines for our actions no we still need those things.But does it change how we view non believers and even ourselves definitely its not about sin but its all about choosing life and living.He also revealed some other interesting things on salvation so i might mention those on the once saved always saved discussion.Jeremy just want to say i really appreciate your website because i have not really discussed issues like this and it really is making me press in to the Lord for answers to some of those really difficult questions.regards brentnz
To describe the Church as a community of memory and hope, sharing in the common memory not only of Jesus Christ but also of the mighty deeds of God known by Israel, expecting the coming into full view of the kingdom on earth and / or in heaven; to describe it further as the community of worship, united by its direction toward one God, who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit yet worshipped more as Father or as Son or as Holy Spirit in this or that part of the community; to describe it as a community of thought in which debate and conflict can take place because there is a fundamental frame of agreement and because there are common issues of great import — to do all this and the much more that needs to be done would be to essay the work of a large part of theology.
In his early research into the child's world - view, Piaget showed that the thing - concept, as Whitehead criticized it, actually appears rather late in a child's development and represents an abstraction from earlier and more concrete perceptions (RME) Not until around ten years of age does the child come to see «things» in reality in the way the adult sees «things» in reality and uses the thing - concept consciously, that is argumentativelIn his early research into the child's world - view, Piaget showed that the thing - concept, as Whitehead criticized it, actually appears rather late in a child's development and represents an abstraction from earlier and more concrete perceptions (RME) Not until around ten years of age does the child come to see «things» in reality in the way the adult sees «things» in reality and uses the thing - concept consciously, that is argumentativelin a child's development and represents an abstraction from earlier and more concrete perceptions (RME) Not until around ten years of age does the child come to see «things» in reality in the way the adult sees «things» in reality and uses the thing - concept consciously, that is argumentativelin reality in the way the adult sees «things» in reality and uses the thing - concept consciously, that is argumentativelin the way the adult sees «things» in reality and uses the thing - concept consciously, that is argumentativelin reality and uses the thing - concept consciously, that is argumentatively.
In view of how it grew by stages, it is not surprising that it contains fascinating folklore and a primitive, though dramatic and spiritually meaningful, explanation of the creation, the coming of sin into the world, and the emergence of toil and pain and strife.
Because he viewed the odyssey of humanity as the endless attempt to achieve its idea in the individual, Humboldt could define the task of its interpreter, the philosopher - historian, as «the delineation of the striving of an idea to come into existence.»
This promissory and storied character of reality allows it to unfold in such a way that novelty and surprise can continually come into view and thus render the universe and history both more complex and more intelligible than we could ourselves imagine on the basis of previous patterns of occurrence.
Although this has become dominant in the modern period, it was only with the enlightenment of the seventeenth and eighteenth century that this distorted view of faith came into use.
For belief and coming into existence correspond to one another, and are concerned with the two negative determinations of being, namely the past and the future, and with the present in so far as it is conceived from the point of view of a negative determination of being, namely as having come into existence.
Riccoldo, in her view, is an example of the loss of balance that can come when one enters, as a matter of experience, into another religious tradition.
Namely, God's mission works primarily through Jesus Christ's sending the people of God to intentionally cross barriers from church to nonchurch, faith to nonfaith, to proclaim by word and deed the coming of the kingdom of God in Jesus Christ through the Church's participation in God's mission of reconciling people to God, to themselves, to one another, and to the world and gathering them into the church, through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, by the work of the Holy Spirit, with a view to the transformation of the world, as a sign of the coming of the kingdom in Jesus Christ.
However, it can «come into our view,» be revealed at the proper time, — become manifested by the Hand of the One in control of all things.
The contradictions of existence are explained by positing a prae as needed (because of an earlier state the individual has come into his present otherwise inexplicable situation); or by positing a post as needed (on another planet the individual is to be placed in a more favorable situation, in view of which his present state is not inexplicable).
In short, it came to Adam's inability to compromise and accept equality with his mate, extending the view into the bed as well.
It's only in the past decade or so, and about the same time I moved to bigger city churches, that this other view started to come into favour.
When its outline does begin to come into view, a major feature emerges: the Sunday school was a Protestant invention, an expression of the era when Protestantism was in flower.
That's a lot and the other thing that's really worth noting is that of all the cherries that come into the pack house in Orchard View, over 80 % of them are directly owned by at least, or blocks that are managed by the staff at Orchard View.
He knew what he was coming into, in my view.
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