Sentences with phrase «come out of the den»

Every time Disney has another hit, you can count on the bears to come out of their dens and grumble about how ESPN subscriber numbers, not box office receipts, are what really matter.
The Badgers do sometimes come out of their den slowly, but when they do, they defend their territory savagely.
Wildlife in general will be on the move as they begin their mating season and the young come out of their dens and nests, so keep your eyes on the road and be vigilant when you're out removing all those fallen trees and branches.

Not exact matches

These revolutionary comments, delivered in the den of Conservative groupthink, served notice to Harper that, watch out, we're coming.
As I would not stop pestering him on this and as my mother was backwards to the point of experiencing REM in the middle of daytime sleeping and so was of no use whatsoever on these matters, my dad finally got very upset and his face turned red and he went into his den and came out with an old drafting set and a very old King James bible instead of one of his many favorite beating belts, he handed to me that bible and that set and said to me «Here.
Democratic candidates John Parete, running in the towns of Denning, Hardenburgh, Olive and Shandaken that make up the new District 22, and Don Gregorius, running to represent West Hurley and Woodstock in District 23, both spoke last week about getting lawn signs out in the coming days, as well as about the many Meet the Candidate events they expected to attend.
My first real book, Expeditionen in den Nanokosmos, came out with Birkhäuser in the autumn of 1995.
«Those periods are also tied to the breeding season, when bears find mates, and when females come out of their maternity dens with very small cubs and haven't eaten for months.
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