Sentences with phrase «come to an agreement about»

The latest school shooting tragedy in Parkland, FL, has left the nation wondering once again why Congress can't come to any agreement about how to prevent these horrible events.
This is, of course, in large part a question of coming to agreement about the use of language.
But with the widespread failure of the field to come to any agreement about the Bible's own categories of discourse, its special modes of literary expression and intentionality, and especially those social and religious factors that handed the Old Testament over to us, we have simply been thrown back on ourselves and the deeply felt convictions with which we began the process of interpretation.
Either way, the situation will continue to be a roller coaster until the two sides can come to an agreement about Peterson's future.
let me explain — In the past when Wenger said players were staying Wenger and the board never came to an agreement about it.
You and your spouse agree to work together to come to an agreement about the terms of your divorce.
Instead, the few men (and so far, it has only been men and, with Heastie being one of a few exceptions, almost all white men) can come to an agreement about, say, the budget.
With the Brexit process now in train Britain has exactly two years to come to an agreement about it's future relationship with the EU or risk being drummed out of the organisation it joined in 1973 and being forced to pay trade tariffs at World Trade Organisation rates.
Students continue the activity in the same way, coming to an agreement about the answers to the other questions and making official their final answer to each question by placing a sticky note on the board next to the appropriate question number.
Raising a highly gifted child may help parents come to terms with many difficult aspects of their own lives, but it helps if they focus first on the needs of the child and come to an agreement about how to meet them.
The research assistants — graduate students studying higher education — were only able to come to an agreement about whether schools were using differential tuition less than half the time.
More specifically, the district and its teachers are not coming to an agreement about how they should be evaluated, rightfully because teachers understand better than most (even some VAM researchers) that these models are grossly imperfect, largely biased by the types of students non-randomly assigned to their classrooms and schools, highly unstable (i.e., grossly fluctuating from one year to the next when they should remain more or less consistent over time, if reliable), invalid (i.e., they do not have face validity in that they often contradict other valid measures of teacher effectiveness), and the like.
You talk to your editor (or client), come to an agreement about the scope of the project, the deadline (when it will be turned over either to the editor for editing or the client afterward), and the money.
If you and the other account card holder can come to an agreement about who's responsible for which portion of the debt, the creditor may allow you to settle only on the part that you're liable for and let the cosigner continue payments on their portion.
If your partner is unable to get credit on his own, the two of you need to come to an agreement about how to pay off the debt.
Furthermore, teams and players would need to come to agreement about salary and other requirements.
That includes coming to agreements about how to both reduce and adapt to climate change, how to finance those measures, and how to share accountability.
Can't we come to an agreement about promoting birth control?
A contested divorce is one in which both parties can not come to an agreement about how to proceed.
We have decades of experience in helping divorcing parents come to agreements about the future of their children, and we may be able to help you reach an amicable solution that satisfies all parties.
It also involves having come to an agreement about how to divide assets or about child custody before the dissolution paperwork is filed.
A divorce settlement occurs when the two parties come to agreement about all the divorce issues and numbers, schedules and divisions are «settled», so to speak.
And as one participant quipped: «I am totally reassured: lawyers will never be able to come to an agreement about the word!».
Parties that are unable to agree on all issues (for example, spousal support) may still be able to come to an agreement about less contentious issues, such as property division.
If you can discuss this issue now and come to an agreement about it, you could save problems later in the marriage.
One of the most challenging aspects of a separation can be coming to an agreement about custody and parenting time: where the children will live, how decisions will be made, where they will go to -LSB-...]
In other cases, insurance companies may choose to send you to specific stores that you come to an agreement about, and have you get your items there and in some cases this avoids you having to put the money out up front.
If you have had a child outside of marriage and can not come to an agreement about maintenance, you may apply to the court to order the other parent to pay child support.
Showing the other parent a report of all the numbers makes it easier to discuss expenses and come to an agreement about how they should be shared or divided.
All the assistance in the world will be of no consequence if our governments are not prepared to enter into genuine conversations with our people at every level to come to agreement about how Aboriginal people can take their place in the Australian society, while still being able to be Aboriginal people with unique roles and responsibilities in their own land.
The Vermont Code provides that when parents come to an agreement about who should share custody, the agreement is presumed to be in the best interest of the child.
The court intervenes when divorcing parents can not come to an agreement about the terms and conditions of child custody, support and visitation.
If you and your spouse have not come to an agreement about custody, this is your last chance to work something out.
By the end of the process, the couple will have come to an agreement about how to handle each aspect of family life that will be affected by their impending divorce.
In an amicable divorce, the spouses usually do a lot of the negotiating themselves and can come to an agreement about the terms and conditions of child custody, child support, visitation, spousal support, and property division.
Parents who want to avoid the expense and emotional difficulty of a custody hearing may wish to come to an agreement about parental responsibilities.
Communication: Since communication between parents is essential, I find it helpful to suggest that parents come to agreement about how that communication is going to happen in a way that is comfortable for both of them.
Respecting Differences: When there are differences between parents about values and discipline strategies, I have found it helpful to encourage them to come to agreements about as many of these issues as concerns either one of them about the other's parenting.
An open adoption is one in which the birth parents and the adoptive parents meet and get to know each other before the adoption, and, usually, in which the parties all come to an agreement about the birth parents having some degree of contact with the child after the adoption is finalized.
Often, the parents will come to an agreement about child custody.
To ensure that your children can continue to participate in everything they do now, you and your spouse will have to come to an agreement about how these costs will be shared.
Parents need to work very hard at putting aside anger toward one another in order to sit down and come to some agreement about how they will tell children what is going on.
When parents can not come to an agreement about the parenting plan, though, a judge will be responsible for creating the plan and therefore determining custody.
While parents do not have to be identical in parenting styles, they should agree to discuss matters between them and come to an agreement about what to tell the child.
During the formal application review, a minimum of two reviewers will comprehensively examine your materials and come to agreement about whether or not you have met the requirements and Competencies.
Mediators at EMI bring parties in conflict together in a structured setting and act as their guide, helping the parties through the process of discussing and coming to agreement about how to resolve their conflict...
Talking to the other parent may allow you to come to an agreement about the issues.
Same Sex Marital Mediation: Mediation is an excellent way for same - sex partners who are married to come to agreement about the terms of their marriage.
Ignoring the problem won't make it go away; you need to sit down and come to an agreement about how frequently — or infrequently — you get it on.

Not exact matches

Neutral reports on the Trump administration's trade policy tend to include a line advising readers that most economists disagree with just about everything that comes out of the mouths of the president, Ross and Robert Lighthizer, the U.S. trade representative and leader of the American side at the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement.
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