Sentences with phrase «come to know»

I studied the bible with JWs for many years before i came to the conclusion that we have the accurate knowledge of the bible and help others come to know what the bible really teaches.
Paideia, after all, also involved inquiry, especially into texts (classically, Homer; then also the poets; then the philosophers, especially Plato), the study of which was deemed to be the indirect way to come to know the Good itself.
Whereas Louie jealously guarded his connections, Jesus proclaimed his far and wide, urging everyone he met to share what he had come to know.
The power of love allows us to come to know ourselves.
I also believed that people could not really come to know God unless they diligently studied Scripture and read widely from theology.
Now that I live in the Pacific Northwest, I have come to know many people who practice the Pagan religion.
He was the first truly deep thinker to give a firm epistemological foundation to the claim that Christians had come to know the true God in the person of Christ.
My identity is intricately tied to who God is, and I come to know myself as I come to know God.
A real conundrum I find with Christians of various theological persuasions is that they harp on how we must be engaged in studying the Bible, how the Bible is our guide in life, and hold the Bible on a pedestal, much like rabbinic Jews hold the Torah or Catholic hold up their Eucharist, but when it comes to the nitty - gritty of how they have come to know God, no matter how they explain it, it ends up being on the basis of experience.
And how he dealt with both the revelation and the «new normal» was perfectly in line with the character as we've come to know him.
He will never come to know the traditions of christianity, because he'll have no exposure to them.
Since God is the hidden, incomprehensible, infinitely difficult end of our human quest, whether or not we come to know Him depends ultimately upon whether God Himself so acts upon us that He produces the kind of sensitivity through which we can respond to Him.
The way we come to know our calling is to begin to respond to God's demand, where we are, however feebly and uncertainly.
He gives us for all eternity to come to know Him... and we all will - not in fear but in sheer love for the God who loves all men with reservation, without condition - He does win you know... He wins all
I have come to know with Pascal that only in «simplicity of the Gospel» is it possible to measure the full «dignity» and «misery» of man.
There is a reciprocal relationship between love and knowledge: we love people because of what we know about them, to be sure, but we also come to know them more fully because we love them.
If most people would just read the scriptures and ask God with an honest heart, to reveal His truth to them, they would come to know that God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.
He has an awesome position but when I remember Jesus Christ's promises to His Apostles that He would send the Paraclete to bring them into all remembrances of what He told them and also bring them into further Truth in the future and that evil will not prevail against His Church... I can dismiss the harshness that sometimes is found on these «belief blogs» and hope and pray that all will eventually come to know the Truth as it is.
I make this extended autobiographical introduction to indicate how in the liberal Methodist tradition I first encountered the guilt complex about missions which I have since come to know so well after living more than two decades in the West.
His doctrine of two separate substances, extended matter and thinking mind, each sort of substance requiring, with God bracketed out of the picture, nothing other than itself in order to exist, rather unceremoniously threw mind, that is, distinctively human being, out of nature and left philosophy with the hopeless task of trying to figure out how a mind outside of nature, a mind not of nature, could ever really come to know nature.
How does gender affect the ways we perceive the world and come to know God?
Such a view, however, fails to appreciate the nature of humankind as male and female» indeed, in the language of Jews and Christians, the creation of humankind as a sexually differentiated species in which we come to know ourselves only through encountering the sexually other.
During Christian worship, one performer might be charged with the telling, even though the entire community would come to know the stories well enough to tell them.
You come to know the truth when God reveals the truth to you, and He only reveals it to you when you seek to do His will.
The Caveat however is that you must come to know Him on His terms.
Thus like Hegel, Whitehead sees reason or mind as having the ability to come to know the world as it is.
Allow him to come to know You and Your glory.
i truly don't think we help the journey by pretending we «know» less than we do (read «know» as «have come to know» or «have been drawn into a community's story by experience, discernment, mystery, and tradition»).
It's been my, albeit limited, experience that as the Calvinist believers that I've associated with these past four decades have come to know the Lord Jesus closely in their walk, they have either abandoned their belief in predestination or it has faded far into the background in importance in their theology.
As matters stand, we can best come to know this orientation through the study of the holy scriptures.
If one accepts Scholastic metaphysics vis á visprime matter and form then the key epistemological question seems to be: how can we come to know the universal apart from the particular?
His message that through Jesus we have come to know God's justice as love rather than as wrath has deeply shaped our understanding.
They express their love, and they come to know what it is to be loved, through the actions which are appropriate for this experience: «I love my baby because I kiss it, and I kiss it so that I may love it more,» said a great philosopher - saint of our own time.
Among Lewis's most powerful writings are three that came very near the end of his life — Till We Have Faces, The Four Loves and A Grief Observed (each influenced in important ways by his having come to know and eventually to marry Joy David - man Gresham).
But loving the other as other is the true test of love because we've come to know that the expression of unity is the dynamic union of diversity.
God may perhaps grant that they will repent and come to know the truth.»
Being a new creation, they come to know the meaning of agape.
It is imperative that believers come to know what the Bible teaches instead of what So and So says the Bible teaches.
Now that I live in the Pacific Northwest, I have come to know many people who consider themselves «Pagan.»
In all things we will then come to know what it means to lose our life in Christ yet find our life in Christ, the full, spiritually sensitive, joyful, loving, life of grace in Christ.
I pray that all these non-believers will come to know the only one true way.
As I have come to know hundreds of spiritual teachers and thousands of spiritual practitioners through my work and travels, I have been struck by the way in which our spiritual views, perspectives, and experiences become similarly «infected» by «conceptual contaminants» — comprising a confused and immature relationship to complex spiritual principles — that are as invisible, yet as insidious, as sexually transmitted disease.
In recent years a wider audience has come to know his books — Player Piano; Cat's Cradle; Slaughterhouse - Five; Sirens of Titan; Mother Night; God Bless...
Although K.C. (as we have come to know him in EATWOT) writes to and for the people of India, his message has meaning for all Christians and other justice seeking people who are committed to creating a global village that protects the rights of the poor and provides space for the affirmation of their dignity.
Hey Mosihasteen, You can come to know the Book of Mormon is true by using a scientific method.
I may be far more challenged by him than by Plato or Xenophon, through whom I have come to know him.
Through Israel's failures — stiff - neckedness --- we can come to know the reality of human history and the nature of the universal God.
Thanks be to God — and thanks be to the Lord Jesus Christ from whose enactment of the divine Love we have come to know this reality of faith.
The common run of men have of course no presentiment of what such an introvert is capable of bearing; if they were to come to know it, they would be astonished.
He is alive and I pray that all would come to know him.
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