Sentences with phrase «come to understand»

I have come to understand that a Sabbath sensibility was at the heart of my grandfather's life.
At a much deeper level, however, the unprecedented development in this century is that many committed Jews and Christians have come to understand that they share one story.
It is only when you come to understand the perfect love of God that all fear vanishes and you can start living for God out of love for Him, rather than fear about Him.
I have come to understand that honesty, in its own way, is vulnerable.
They were attracted to what they saw of the faith and practices of early Christian communities; only later did they come to understand very much about the faith, after a prolonged program of catechesis made them proficient in an alien grammar and way of life.
This is the part Bob can't comprehend how we have come to understand sexual orientation today.
If you read Carl Jung, you can come to understand the images of Jesus» death and resurrection as iconic and as archetypes, as stories that simply «had to be told» because the world, in a cultural sense, just needed to give voice to this idea.
Once you come to understand, you and your evangelical beliefs are always wrong, and we are always right, then you will be able to let go... and relax.
If we don't own buildings, people may come to understand the church is not about where we meet or what our building looks like, but is rather the people of God living the gospel within the world.
In the past 40 years Americans have come to understand that they are a people of many religions and beliefs.
People will not stay on a treadmill for long, once they come to understand that it is a treadmill.
When God comes to man this act becomes the means whereby man can know the truth of God and come to understand himself.
I don't agree that pacifism is the same as «being passive» — indeed I have come to understand that pacifism and nonviolent resistance are similar concepts.
Once we come to understand that the salvation word family almost never (if ever) explicitly refers to eternal life but instead refers to some sort of deliverance from the calamities of life such as danger, suffering, sickness, and premature death, or to some sort of negative experience at the Judgment Seat of Christ, we can readily teach along with Scripture that salvation is conditional upon what we believe and how we behave.
For if you have dared to attend an exhibition of worldly art, then by doing this, you yourself must have come to understand what is meant by spiritual.
Once we have come to understand that love is like that, we shall never be guilty of sentimentalizing.
If these new Catholics were properly catechized before their baptism or reception, they were also prepared for the Christian reality of failure, which the Church calls «sin:» they would have come to understand that every one of us lives by the divine mercy alone; that we are all «worthless servants» (Luke 17.10); and that we are, finally, saved by the merits of Jesus Christ alone.
In an alliance with Christian conservatives against the atheism that has made a sick and paltry joke of each of their respective and joint traditions and that has begun like a swarm of termites to eat away the underpinnings of this democratic republic, the new Jewish conservatives have come to understand that any alienation they felt as children in Christian America is as nothing compared with the danger they sense to themselves and their progeny, along with their uncomprehending coreligionists, in atheist America.
He argues that children come to understand themselves and their world only as they encounter other creatures.
I call for love because I have come to understand that despite the tragic Christian - Jewish conflict that has darkened the history of Western civilization and shrouded the presence of God, my faith and hopes for the future of our civilization are closer to those of liberal Christians than they are to the Hassidim of Brooklyn and the black - hatted zealots of Jerusalem.
However, the means by which people come to understand their spiritual need and come to saving faith under the preaching of the gospel is typically through the church.
I wrote a book on moral philosophy called «Morality Is The Problem» that traces step by step how I have come to understand the gospel, sin and God after several years of thought and study.
Take a college - level theology class and you will come to understand that all religions are nothing but repurposed legends and fairy tales that have been around since humanity learned to think.
It is true that Muslims have for a long time known the way in which primitive people come to understand Islam and have been able to teach them the Faith.
However, I believe that if we seek to understand why Paul saw homosexual acts as radically contrary to God's design for human sexuality, we will come to understand both the Gospel itself — and that design — much more deeply.
Finally, we have gradually come to understand that no elemental thread in the Universe is wholly independent in its growth of its neighboring threads.
But we have come to understand it, Paul says, because we have the Spirit of God, and God's Spirit understands these things (1 Corinthians 2:10 - 15).
Third, since God is not the great exception, metaphysically speaking, but is himself «the supreme exemplification» of the principles which actually and concretely operate in the world, a study of how the world goes will be the best way in which we can come to understand the nature of the divine activity itself.
But I guess, I've just come to understand along the years, the significance of for example having dinner together and true fellowship.
And in the partaking of the Eucharist we do come to understand its implications in a manner that would otherwise not be possible if we just said, «Well, I'm not going to do it until I have totally wrestled with all of its implications.»
St. Maximus the Confessor asserts that the rational creature does not naturally know «those deep and strong roots» which only in the opening of grace operating in his being does he come to understand that he can not entirely understand himself.
If you can't come to understand the religious motivations for their MUSLIM terrorist attacks, then what do you suggest we do?
We have come to understand that morality is about consideration for othersm not about rigidly following a set of rules.
Shall we, even after we have come to understand the calamity of this evasion, in the end take refuge in it?
In and through the grace of Jesus I have come to understand this event, and even treasure the experience.
If you were to carefully study the Bible with someone who truly know and understand scripture, and you kept an opened mind, leaving «bias» at the door, unlike evolutionist who teach you to leave God at the door, then you might get enlighten and come to understand «What The Bible Really teach!»
By trying to disprove Buddhist metaphysics and having kind Buddhist friends argue back, I might, for instance, have come to understand the subject much better than I otherwise would have.
The way many Christians have come to understand and explain the crucifixion of Jesus, it almost seems as if God Himself was to blame for this violent act as well.
Now there would be, as I would come to understand and verbalize in later years, a reflection of both sides of God's sexuality.
For once I'd like to hear from the pulpit truth that someone who has spent time with God has come to understand, and is now convinced of.
For example, Kierkegaard believes it is through the experience of anxiety that we come to understand we are free.
However, when you understand what the Book of Life actually is, you will also come to understand what these tricky Bible passages mean.
They should be places where students may come to understand the joy of learning for its own sake.
Such arguments are certainly worth engaging in, for in doing so we come to understand better the dependence of creation upon its creator; but any argument toward first principles, especially a first principle whose relation with His effects can be described only analogically, must be more of an invitation to take an argumentative leap than to recognise how propositions already held oblige certain conclusions.
However, when you understand what the Book of Life actually is, you will also come to understand what Revelation 3:5 actually means.
So we must also come to understand, withrenewed wonder and gratitude, how the Magisterium of the Word made Flesh lives and speaks in the Church with divinely guaranteed infallibility in the essentials of belief and moral principle until the end of the world.
Even as a child we can come to understand these things.
For, God willing, children to whom The Giving Tree is read when they are young may eventually come to understand its meaning — and the meaning of having parents who read it to them — when they can - with rich memories — read it in turn to their own children.
This is why we must come to understand how and why God loves us so much, rather than based our love on external appearances and accomplishments in life.
Thus to say that a philosopher, even when he is Heidegger, all by himself sees what the New Testament says, is to appear to have no sense of historical context; certainly not the kind of contextual sensitivity which the cultural anthropologist has come to understand and value.
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