Sentences with phrase «come up with the next piece»

But the sobering crash back to reality that follows, and the ensuing scramble to come up with the next piece of content that can match the previous peak, are seemingly inevitable.

Not exact matches

Not only have these videos made me a better online marketer but also inspired me to come up with a great idea for my next content piece.
With the year anniversary of the Triple Disaster (i.e., Fukushima) coming up next week, there will be plenty of vacuous Economist - grade quick commentary pieces out there for your consumption, but for real analysis of what the disaster has revealed about Japan's people and politics, you'll want to be going to Ampontan.
Seriously lady you have created some truly beautiful pieces this year and it has been a delight to follow your blog and see what you come up with next!
It's a brilliant challenge to have this come up month after month, pushing us out of our comfort zone sometimes too... See you next month with that tricky piece of yours!
One of the next pieces, in addition to looking at behavior, is to review our results for Tier III students and review results not only against the Tier III interventions, but evaluate the results of those students against our State assessments because one of the challenges that come up is if you are really serious about making gains with intensive students at Tier III, you need to evaluate them and their ability to access the typical or the core curriculum and that's been a concern.
So the next time you get a steal on a piece of furniture, do something creative - push yourself out of the norm and see what you come up with!
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