Sentences with phrase «comeback year»

"Comeback year" refers to a period of time when someone or something makes a successful return or improvement after a period of decline or setback. Full definition
More important, however, is that next year is shaping up to be a strong comeback year for natural gas.
This 1990's favorite footwear made a huge comeback this year.
Summer vacation season is just around the corner, and Ibiza, the glamorous international playground, is making a strong comeback this year with a renewed air of sophistication and flair.
Avella two years ago faced a stiff primary challenge from former New York City Comptroller John Liu, who was seeking a political comeback a year after his disappointing run for mayor.
«He made an incredible comeback years ago from a debilitating stroke.
Kathryn Bigelow's big comeback year turns to dust, and I find myself digging through the filthy pile, looking for remnants — something to prove it was there, even if just for a little while.
Spitzer attempted a political comeback this year, when he ran for city comptroller as a largely self - funded candidate, but he was defeated in the Democratic primary in September.
Eliot Spitzer, Mark Sanford and Anthony Weiner have all attempted comebacks this year.
Survivor horror will be making a strong comeback this year.
His plea comes as U.S. output has staged a remarkable comeback this year and is on pace to break the 1970 record of 9.6 million barrels per day by next year.
In the week ending 16 March, 2018, a new report by Preqin showed that hedge funds are expected to make a performance comeback this year.
In his three comeback years Michael showed glimpses of the driver who'd dominated the early part of the 21st century, but it never really reflected in the results.
It's an old, improbable idea, but it made a Lazarus - like comeback a year ago, when the discovery of gravitational waves suggested that the cosmos abounds with unexpectedly heavy black holes.
This blockbuster started an amazing comeback year for Robert Downey, Jr. and was also deservedly praised as simply being a fine piece of filmmaking.
Danish studio IO Interactive had a great comeback this year with their episodic season of HITMAN.
Apple is ready to make a Black Friday comeback this year, with mysterious one - day iDeals coming to Cupertino's official e-store on November 25.
2017 marks the clear comeback year with Nokia, and they're kicking it all off by offering an incredibly solid phone for a cheap price.
The award caps off a spectacular comeback year for Samsung.
Since overalls made a big comeback this year, chances are, you have a pair in your closet!
Lipinski's win is a blow to the anti-Trump resistance, which has been fueled by energy from the party's base, and it's a relief for the dwindling Blue Dog Coalition of conservative House Democrats, which hopes to make a comeback this year.
I am not sure what Dez will respond at that point, but I am hoping he steps up to the plate truly mends bridges with Dak (cuz Dak is no Romo and needs his offense to help him) and makes this year a comeback year.
But even comparing his comeback this year to Tatum growing to 6» 11» is a tad ridiculous.
In his ten seasons at Arsenal he has only managed more than 20 League starts twice, but hopefully Wenger's patience with his prodigy's comeback this year will have helped him toughen up ahead of next season's assault on the Premier League title.
Keep an eye on the comeback year for Larry Fitzgerald.
This is also a comeback year for Gerring, sister of PGA Tour player Bill Kratzert.
Meb Keflezighi's marathon win in New York capped his comeback year and continued a U.S. running resurgence
The Tour de Habitat is making a comeback this year after a few years off.
If you haven't noticed already, Velvet made a comeback this year.
Absolutely in love with how trousers are making a comeback this year!
So glad they made a comeback this year.
It really was a comeback year for you.
Lip gloss made a major comeback this year, and this gloss is the perfect example of the trend.
This trend has made its comeback this year.
Loafers are making a comeback this year too.
Among the many 80's trends making a comeback this year, the denim jacket is my favourite.
I really glad they made a comeback this year.
This garment made a comeback this year thanks to its practicality.
Judging from these tastemakers» skirt choices, we're guessing pencil skirts are going to make another comeback this year.
One of the big comebacks this year: the shearling denim jacket.
White shoes made a huge comeback this year, but as far as I'm concerned they have never left.
The military jacket was on trend last year and it made a comeback this year!
Boho - chic style is making a huge comeback this year.
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