Sentences with phrase «comedic stylings»

The cast's chemistry is on point and the four female leads each bring different comedic styles to the movie that generates laughs.
Their wacky antics and comedic style make for charming and simply silly games.
With a string of hits under their respective belts, funnymen Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart aim to combine their distinctive comedic styles in the new comedy Get Hard.
His character thwarts bad guys with comedic style, yet still has time to interact with kids.
Every week Joe and Sean will visit horror from the past, present, and future with their own unique comedic style.
«Early Man» is packed with Aardman's trademark comedic style.
All three of their characters suit the actors» known comedic style.
It is New Year's Eve, it is live, and the shit will likely hit in the fan in the director's usual over the top comedic style.
While this is partly the fault of the actors (a distracted - looking Perry seems more concerned over maintaining his uppity New England accent than selling one - liners), the script never gives them much opportunity to play off their contrasting comedic styles — Perry's deadpan wit and Farley's wild physicality.
Eric Warren Singer's original script appeared on 2010's «Black List» of the best unproduced screenplays, under the considerably more provocative title of «American Bullshit» before being picked up by David O. Russell and reworked into a broader, more comedic style.
It has been suggested that Kasdan did not approve of Lord and Miller's loose comedic style, and that Disney and Lucasfilm's control over the production frustrated the directors.
Although I'm giving Modern Romance a marginal recommendation, I should probably limit that recommendation to those who are inclined to like Albert Brooks (Defending Your Life, The In - Laws) and his hapless, neurotic comedic style.
Once again, the studio brings the unique flash - animations and twisted comedic stylings that have managed to define their careers.
Director David Dobkin does a very good job of blending the film's disparate comedic styles, and while Wedding Crashers generally oversells the smarmy loathsomeness of Sack (making sure to paint him as a philandering letch so as not to retain any possible vestige of audience sympathy), the Cleary clan — a nice admixture of Kennedy and Bush lore and speculation — provides a suitably rich backdrop against which John and Jeremy can spin their wheels.
But perhaps this is Jonah's last hurrah to his old overweight comedic stylings.
The pieces for a decent superhero movie are all in place, but with Taika Waititi's free - wheeling comedic style and attention to emotional details, Thor: Ragnarok doesn't settle for «decent».
Murder and antics ensue for Eve, Landon, and the rest of the familiar cast of characters, but what really will grab readers» attention is Costa's undeniable comedic style.
With the death of comic and pop - culture stalwart Joan Rivers, many are mourning the loss of her quick wit and fearless comedic style.
However, Williams was best - known for his madcap, comedic styling in movies like Mrs. Doubtfire and, of course, Aladdin, as well as his seemingly boundless energy...
With his unique comedic style being put to work in standup routines, as well as his HBO series Bored to Death not to mention a voiceover role in Puss in Boots, Mr. Galifianakis is one of today's most sought after comedians.
He stresses that FuckJerry is about a comedic style, not himself.
And despite the latter's comedic style, none of these shows paint church leaders as one - dimensional figures of fun.
Not only do you listen to the comedic stylings of Dane Cook, you're using his stand - up act to inform your understanding of others» beliefs.
In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it's co-opted mostly to show off some cool CG animations, hurl a few baddies this way and that, and give a dud of a sub-franchise a much needed facelift vis - à - vis the comedic stylings of Chris Hemsworth and director Taika Waititi.
Unless you think Chris Pine and Tom Hardy are the two most attractive men on the planet, consider yourself Reese Witherspoon's biggest fan, or love the comedic stylings of Chelsea Handler, you should steer clear of this one.
The content, along with Perry's comedic style, would make for a great double feature with The Comedy, but only the stronger types could be able to make it through both films.
The original directing duo were kicked off the project by Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy and «Solo» co-writer Lawrence Kasdan, neither of whom were keen on their comedic style, thinking it was out of place in the «Star Wars» franchise.
But it's possible that some Academy voters who missed the summer hit will make sure to catch Girls Trip on - demand (or on a screener) after seeing Haddish's comedic stylings on S.N.L. Haddish already seems like a lock for a Golden Globe nomination — given the show's separate categories for comedy performances — but this S.N.L. appearance could be the beginning of a very smart Oscar campaign as well.
I love that each film is a blend of genres as they add their comedic style to a zombie horror film or in this case tackling the sci - fi genre and the apocalypse.
For those who haven't yet had the pleasure of enjoying In the Loop, a British comedy from Armando Iannucci, based on the series The Thick of It set in British government, finally the writer and director is bringing his comedic stylings to American politics.
It's a six - way bromance that's also an anti-bromance, a feature - length in - joke, and an anything - goes mash - up of comedic styles.
I suppose one fault the movie might have (and I'm not even sure if this is necessarily a bad fault anyway) is that it does borrow a lot from the comedic style of Wedding Crashers.
By the way, The Rock and Kevin Hart are hosting this year's MTV Movie Awards, which is either good news or bad news depending on how you feel about their comedic stylings.
Part of the appeal of the first two «'' Scary Movie»» films was the comedic style of the Wayans brothers who directed and wrote them.
The movie is overtly shoddy and retro but with a comedic styling that refrains from being dated or exclusionary.
However, whatever happened to GOOD comedies that had both comedic style, substance, AND a clever, well - written story?
The 2018 Oscars not only featured the comedic stylings of Jimmy Kimmel and another fantastic Hollywood prank, but it also features several outstanding montages paying tribute to the magic of the movies.
This relies completely on fans of previous Rogen films because at this point everyone has made their minds up about him and his comedic style.
In terms of comedic style, the film sits in the middle of the DreamWorks scale.
Steve Carell possesses a unique comedic style that has catapulted him into Hollywood stardom while serving a supporting role to other top comics like Will Ferrell, Jim Carrey and Jon Stewart.
The comedic styles of Broken Lizard star in the movie consisting of Jay Chandrasekhar, Kevin Heffernan, Steve Lem me,...... Read more «E-Man's Movie Reviews covers «Super Troopers 2» and the red carpet premiere for The Movie Blog and YouTube»
This is a mighty clash of brands wrapped in the comedic style of Phil Lord and Chris Miller.
How would you describe Danny Collins in terms of its comedic style?
David Leitch (Atomic Blonde) steps the camera working from a script from Rhett Reese, Paul Wernick and Reynolds and his comedic style is congruous to his action style.
Defending Your Life is generally regarded as Brooks» best film, so anyone who considers himself or herself a fan of his work or comedic style should definitely check this out.
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