Sentences with phrase «comes as a task»

Essay writing comes as a task that can not be avoided in the academic field.

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Assistants often excel at taking tasks such as writing your blog posts, handling scheduling, and reminding you about following up with clients but they sometimes fall down when it comes to your business» big picture.
That shift came as prime - age men contributed a few more minutes of housework, but not enough to offset the gap, suggesting that the tasks like laundry and cleaning are probably being outsourced, while online shopping is more efficient.As they spent less time on chores, women worked and slept more, the data show.
When it comes to sales, most salespeople and entrepreneurs think of the task as one they can easily break down to its basic components: You meet people, you present your products and / or services; and, if they're interested, they'll buy from you.
If the task force's recommendations are adopted by provincial health plans as the new standard of care, what you will need to decide in the years to come is whether or not you'll be willing to pay for screening if you fall outside of the guidelines.
The study was conducted by researchers at the University of Sydney and examined three groups of students, who were tasked with completing an «alternate uses» test — a common creativity drill wherein subjects are given an object and asked to come up with as many uses for it as they can.
What it is: Known as the Ʃtos, the car comes with self - driving technology, a drone with its own landing pad, and a Siri - like «personal assistant» to help provide entertainment and perform other tasks.
Dangerous or repetitive tasks, such as loading a truck, can be delegated to robots that operate with human guidance when it comes to how to best load the items to achieve the maximum load.
Know as the Ʃtos, the car comes with self - driving technology, a drone with its own landing pad, and a Siri - like «personal assistant» to help provide entertainment and perform other tasks.
There's some compelling research out on grit that says success comes as a result of your ability to stick with a task to completion.
Take a real break, for a full half hour if you can, without worrying about any of your tasks and responsibilities, and I guarantee you you'll come back with as much energy as you would have by drinking a cup of coffee.
There's also a Google integration, so that as tasks come in via email, you can add them to Asana with a few clicks.
A sub-field of AI known as «machine learning» is particularly promising — this discipline is interested in creating algorithms that improve at tasks over time to come to original conclusions.
What I tried to do was come up with common characters we face at work — like the «manterrupter» who interrupts you in a meeting, or the office mom who ends up taking on the mother lode of menial tasksas well as some of the internal barriers, like the feeling of being an imposter, and then digging through the research to find out how you can push back against these things.
You may think that if a prospect comes across a piece of content that isn't engaging they'll click away with relatively little harm, at least as long as your product and your salespeople are up to the task.
Managing is typically understood as coming in and handling the details and tasks that need to get done on a day to day basis.
Instead of thinking that this is like coming into the ownership of your own personal castle and having free reign to do whatever you want, you should see it as being commissioned with a task and expectations in order to sustain the wealth so that it can continue to be passed down.
And as we saw in this week's UCP leadership debate, only Calgary lawyer Doug Schweitzer was willing to come out in support of gay rights, taking Kenney to task for his silence.
They know this as it comes to the people they manage, too, giving them an assortment of non-time-sensitive tasks to maximize morale and productivity.
Instead, it comes from connecting with the world and getting away from yourself, as when you enjoy time with friends, family, and children, are engaged at work, or do all - absorbing tasks such as art, writing, crafts, athletics, or helping others.»
Only servants, through whom you came to believe — as the Lord has assigned to each his task.
But still, if a rich and high - powered conservative donor came to ask my advice, whether they should try to start a new college, or whether they should try the easier and apparently more civic - spirited task of helping to reform existing ones (by aiding things like existing APT programs, such as the one that employs me), I think I am obliged to advise the former.
As he enumerated the tasks of faith, being an apostle came first; being a prophet came second, preceding such essential tasks as teaching and heelinAs he enumerated the tasks of faith, being an apostle came first; being a prophet came second, preceding such essential tasks as teaching and heelinas teaching and heeling.
The task force has now come up with what might be described as an Index of Approved Books.
Far from insulting the U.S. president, Mother Teresa offered to come alongside him to help him in his monumental task to build a more just, life - giving society in which every soul is treated as sacred and no soul is kicked to the curb.
Possible effect: House duties can become a threat to the male minister who comes to prefer them to some of his other tasks such as office work, calling, studying and the like.
He humbled himself and took upon him the form of a servant, but he did not come to spend his life as a servant in some private employment, attending to his tasks without in any manner making himself known, either to his master or to his fellow servants — such a measure of wrath we dare not ascribe to the God.
Thus, like Luke, Matthew embodies in a Resurrection story the conviction of the Church that the raising of Jesus from the dead, as the Lord of all men, meant that its task must be to witness to him and to preach him as Lord to all the nations, although, as Acts shows, the realization that the gospel was meant for all nations, and not only for the Jews, came gradually as a result of further revelation, and could not have been an instruction given at Easter.
Thus we come to the new common task shared by all Christian Churches of our time, namely that they all must bear witness to God, his Christ and his grace in a world that does not want to hear their message and that they all have the duty to proclaim it in such a way as not to make it unintelligible or incredible.
Just like Ray Ortlund discussed last week with respect to church planting, small churches often assume that due to limited resources, they have little to offer when it comes to tasks that seem as daunting as orphan care.
Through and in the passion of his mystical body, Christ continues actively to perform the task for which he came; he acts as the Savior and Redeemer of mankind.
Recognizing this inevitable and permanent tension, it is better not to go through this gospel wondering about the factual historicity of each event as it comes, but rather to devote ourselves to the task of understanding what the author is trying to do and say as he shapes his material and presents his witness.
The pastoral task, as it comes to every minister and every Christian, is to respond to the wonder of God's care for the soul and to share with others such knowledge as he has of God's healing power.
Just as Jesus chose the eleven for this task, so also, now that the Holy Spirit has come, all believers are similarly chosen.
Bonhoeffer came to accept the full implications of the resistance movement, justifying his position as follows: «It is not only my task to look after the victims of madmen who drive a motor - car in a crowded street, but to do all in my power to stop their driving at all.
It is hard to imagine a greater contrast with Whitehead, who later came to regard the presumed exactness of logic as «a fake,» and who not only did not refuse the metaphysical task, but delved into it more deeply than any modern thinker since Hegel.
The ripening and the proving of man's spiritual powers may be accomplished through individual tasks and interests; yet somehow, beneath or above, there stands the demand that through all of these tasks and interests a transcendent promise should be fulfilled, that all individual expressions should appear only as a multitude of ways by which the spiritual life comes to itself.
This all - too - brief statement concerning interpretation, on the one hand, that sees its task as thoroughly grasping historical content, and, on the other, interpretation that hopefully comes to a hearing of God's Word addressing the interpreter is not intended to lead the reader to a choice and to prejudice him in that choice.
As I watched the nurse going about her tasks, a strange mixture of shame and gratitude came upon me: shame that she was required to deal with my bodily detritus; gratitude that she was there and did not seem to regard this as an impositioAs I watched the nurse going about her tasks, a strange mixture of shame and gratitude came upon me: shame that she was required to deal with my bodily detritus; gratitude that she was there and did not seem to regard this as an impositioas an imposition.
I suggest that a reading of scripture gives us the clues, that John was in fact the last Levitical priest whose task was to inaugurate the» handing over» of the priesthood to the new High Priest, in the new order of Melchizedek (as the writer of the Letter to Hebrews explains it) So Jesus came to John the Levite, John gave Jesus the ritual bath of the High Priest, then Jesus emerged from the bath not to be anointed with oil as the old Levites, but to be anointed with the Holy Spirit and then Jesus» distinction was announced to the people by the voice of God Himself.
And it is in this task that the imagination, if it has been informed by acquaintanceship with the ways of men as immemorially they have uttered in speech their turgid and passionate hearts, may silently and in strange ways come to an apprehension of what otherwise eludes the mind.
Our task as Christians in the world is to discern the signs of the Lord's coming, to preach the resurrection from the dead as the radical impingement on history of the end of history, the emergence in this age of the new age.
Because he viewed the odyssey of humanity as the endless attempt to achieve its idea in the individual, Humboldt could define the task of its interpreter, the philosopher - historian, as «the delineation of the striving of an idea to come into existence.»
Erik Erikson (who coined the term generativity) sees the development of generativity as the central life task and challenge in these years: «In this stage, a man and a woman must have defined for themselves what and whom they come to care for, what they can do well, and how they plan to take care of what they have started and created.»
In our time, I wish to maintain, the development of science has come to require of philosophy as one of its most important tasks the resumption of the inquiry into nature.
Speaking of the Melbourne Conference, C.S.Song said that it would mobilize everything in its power to claim the world as its mission field, and in all likelihood, come up with a well balanced manifesto on the missionary task of the church.
In the third place, the Jerusalem meeting furnished us most encouraging evidence that the Christianizing of our social relationships is coming to be regarded not as a mere by - product but as part and parcel of the missionary task.
So, as Ben comes to bed much later than me, I've set him the task of putting the oats in the slow cooker before he comes to bed with the hope that they will be delicious and ready by the time I get up for work.
It's not an easy task, I know, but one that will help preserve the world as we know if for generations to come.
For my first post as an OnDiva, I was tasked with coming up with an endive appetizer or salad recipe.
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