Sentences with phrase «comes in a plastic cup»

Bonus: it is a lot cheaper and more environmentally friendly than spending $ 4 on a drink that comes in a plastic cup.

Not exact matches

I reduced the amount of water and put all the ingredients in the plastic cup that came with my immersion blender.
Having insulated travel mugs It really comes in handy you don't have to rely on the little plastic cups.
So these nurses were coming in and I don't know like how many must've been like you know, one of those like little plastic cups that they usually put towels and stuff in.
Their sippy cups are made with safe plastics and they come in green, blue, peach and yellow (that I have seen anyway).
I for one am of the 4 eyed variety and have had some pain in the side of my head over the years of gaming being unable to find a headset that doesn't feel like I'm going to achieve death by glasses, on top of the 40 mm speaker, Specsfit and over ear designed ear cup the headband which is just a piece of black plastic comes with padding in all of the right places, sadly it does feel like the headband could break easily but as long as you're not rough with it I can't see it being an issue!
I had a nurse tell me if I drink plenty of water before I come in for the blood draw it will make for a easier «stick» and helps with the plastic cup / bathroom thingee.
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