Sentences with phrase «comes into labor»

They ended up sending me home and they told me the most important thing they measure when a woman comes into labor and delivery.

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«It's good news but a very large but a very large proportion of this improvement came from people who left the labor force - labor force participation has declined significantly and therefore the effort to draw them back into the labor force is a structural issue.»
And then comes the following question, through productivity, if you achieve productivity and you are able to cut costs so that you can stay ahead of the game where labor costs are rising ahead of the GDP, then what happens in terms of unemployment or creating job opportunities for those people that now are seeking alternative employment methods because of productivity coming into the game?
This comes just nine months after the Labor Department sued Google for not handing over 19 years of pay data on 21,000 Google employees for a routine audit into the company's pay methods, as part of that department's attempt to show whether Google's hiring discriminates on the basis of race, religion, gender, or other factors.
What I think is happening is a) inflation expectations are extremely well - anchored b) the tight labor market is delivering some wage growth but not a ton; worker bargaining power remains constrained c) though it has come down off of its recent peak, the dollar remains pretty strong, and perhaps most importantly d) wage growth isn't bleeding into price growth.
Still, we won't know for sure until Congress comes back into session after Labor Day.
All of the Spirit's labor — the pruning of our imagination, the background work on our expectations — comes to fruition on Christmas Day, when we are brought into the Presence.
(2) There is division of labor, defined relative to work: the one gives birth, the other tills, (3) There is the coming of the arts and crafts: no more just picking fruit and gathering nuts, but agriculture — the artful cultivation of the soil, the harvesting of grain, its transformation into flour, the making of bread, and, eventually, also astronomy (to know the seasons and to plan for sowing), metallurgy (to make the tools), the institution of property (to secure the fruits of one's labor), and religious sacrifices (to placate the powers above and to encourage rain).
Roman Catholic labor organizations came into existence.
Now that it's after Labor Day, the summer starts to fade and into my mind comes thoughts of everything fall — leaves turning colors, pumpkins, Halloween, comfort dishes...
We're going to have to find a partner who understands what «We're both in this together» means, and we're going to have to talk about our expectations around chores and child care, and we're going to have to be willing to not fall into gendered divisions of labor once a child comes along, and we're going to have to commit to talking honestly about our expectations.
This lasted into Saturday morning when Gretchen came back to do heart tones and I asked if I could labor in the tub again.
I won't blame karma, but it should come as no surprise that 12 hours into my induction my OB recommended I have a c - section because my labor wasn't progressing.
Fortunately, most doctors don't use forceps anymore, but the combination of increased weight from the baby, the force of contractions, and the type of labor and delivery a woman has all come into play to how her pelvic floor will be affected through pregnancy and delivery.
What no one ever prepares you for is the nurse that comes into your room at 2 am after 10 hours of labor and a c - section, when you're exhausted and hungry, and tells you that the baby needs to be given formula because he hasn't taken the breast and will get dehydrated.
The White Flag When my due date came and went I had given up all hope of going into labor naturally.
After reading nothing but parenting books and mommy blogs for nine months, I went into labor thinking I knew everything that would come my way after my child was born.
If you are cared for by a midwife they come and assess you at home when you go into labor even if you are planning on a hospital birth (unless you choose to go right in and meet them there but most midwife clients want to be at home as long a possible from what I understand).
They said if I went into labor before the induction date, to not pass go or collect $ 200, but go straight to the hospital so I could get the full dose of antibiotics before baby came.
It's just so much easier to toss into the car some prepackaged snacks (from Whole Foods, sure, but little better nutritionally than Goldfish crackers) and a Honest Kids juice pouch than it is to come up with something better, but maybe more labor intensive, like sliced fruit or a homemade muffin.
After almost 24 hours in labor, an emergency c - section and being on the verge of emotional and physical exhaustion, Maria Walker's son came into the world at 11:11 pm.
I was laboring on the birthing stool at this point and they told me that that baby was coming soon and I couldn't give birth on the stool, so I needed to get into the tub.
When the day did come that I went into labor I felt super prepared and confident that what my body was doing was good and natural.
It's like an out of body experience during labor and then the moment we hold our baby we come crashing back down into reality - A twisted reality.
Yet another type of birthing style has come into its own today - hypnobirthing - using hypnosis to deal with labor and delivery pain while enjoying the experience of giving birth.
You go into labor, and the midwife comes to your house.
When I went into labor the night before the scheduled induction, Ursula came to our house in the middle of the night even though it looked like we might have a long way to go.
Just because you drop the hint to your boss that you're expecting, it doesn't mean you're about to go into labor and can't come in to work.
Contractions should occur regularly, and slowly come at shorter intervals as you move into active labor.
Most midwives have a usual procedure here; for example, she might usually come around the time that you're transitioning into active labor.
Through the course of sharing these experiences, a trend has emerged that has many parents calling into question what should and should not be considered «normal» when it comes to pregnancy, labor, and delivery.
Irrespective of the fact that the labor usually start at the period from 38th to 42nd week, the babies come into the world even earlier.
You want to make sure that, even if you happen to have a short labor, your mom won't be running late and get there just in time to yell out the last, «Push» before your baby comes into the world.
Even though Rosie was doing this on a volunteer basis, she came to our home ahead of time and got to know us, and she even met us at our home when I first went into labor.
Every time a Dr. came into the room, labor would stop.
Envisioning a successful labor can help build confidence in the woman's ability to birth naturally without medical interventions coming into play.
As she tells Romper, she was in early labor with her son when hospital staff came rushing into her room.
As I laid down to sleep that night, I envisioned laboring with you, the contractions coming strong, feeling you drop lower, and finally you being born into the water into your father's hands.
Either they start suddenly and are really forceful and short (6 - 8 hours from start to finish doesn't seem uncommon) so it's like having your first labor condensed into half or less of the time, or else you have on - off labor for days that annoys you and makes you think the baby is never actually going to come out but then all of a sudden things turn around and the baby's out in 1 - 3 hours.
Melanie, there is the kabala and there are «anterooms» for women who need to get pitocin going (i was in one of them for my last birth) but generally, if you come to the miyun and you're over 3 centimeters and in active labor, you go right into the L&D room.
That's why your caregiver will have you come to the hospital early in labor — or right away if your water breaks before you go into labor.
If you don't live in America, than you will still be happy to know that since your Super Undies are made in America, you are certainly not supporting any third world sweat shops or unethical labor practices, and that the garment you are receiving has not come into contact with any harmful substances or dioxins that could cause their workers a wide range of illnesses including infertility and various cancers.
If a woman comes into the hospital with her water broken and is not having constant contractions and labor may be stalling a bit, this drug may be recommended.
By replacing fear with relaxation, a different set of chemicals come into play: oxytocin, labor hormones called prostaglandins, and endorphins combine to relax the muscles and create a sense of comfort.
I have dug deep into my psyche and come to the conclusion that for me there was nothing empowering about my stint of natural labor.
Then Saturday I got a massage - with a focus on pressure points to help the baby come down and go into labor naturally, I came home that night and felt good.
[For example, «I am a NICU nurse and I do not work directly with laboring women, but I discuss the MFCI and how women can achieve the healthy and joyous births they deserve when I talk and work with women that I do come into contact with.»]
For ultimately proving themselves not enamored of the war in Iraq, for coming down hard on the Supreme Court's wretched call on redevelopment related eminent domain in Kelo vs. New London, and for not buying into the lie that cheap foreign labor at home or abroad is good for the country, John and Jane Q. deserve a buttery star.
«Many of them come with stories of going into labor in their schools because they worked until the last possible minute or having to come back to work while their newborns are still in the hospital.
Still, the concern from business groups over public financing comes into relief with the alert with the worry that organized labor would be empowered by the move.
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