Sentences with phrase «comes to work unhappy»

If somebody comes to work unhappy every day, than they shouldn't do that, they should go somewhere where they are more happy.

Not exact matches

Unhappy running his solar panel business and seeing no path to change there, Chapman came across a quote from Warren Buffett: «If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.»
I have been unhappy about my marriage for the past 3 to 5 years, mainly because my wife is often grumpy, in a bad mood and spends so much time on her own in the evenings when she comes from work.
The majority of women I work with come to me because they're unhappy in their careers, or because they need structured guidance for how to move...
Coming from radically different childhoods and backgrounds (Truffaut came from an unhappy working class home and stints in juvenile detention, Godard from an affluent, educated, supportive family), the directors were close friends and colleagues, sharing many of the same cinematic fathers (Rossellini, Bergman, Renoir), celebrating neglected directors of the past (Truffaut interviewed Hitchcock in a celebrated book, Godard interviewed Fritz Lang in a documentary and cast him in Contempt) and preaching the gospel of a cinema dedicated to presenting the real, the honest and the authentic, first in the pages of film magazines and then on the screen.
Both gentleman really worked hard to turn this very unhappy customer coming from another dealer to a happy one because of them at Rochester Hills Jeep.
If you are unhappy with the work produced by one of our professionals, we will act as the mediator and help you come to an agreement.
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