Sentences with phrase «comfortable around cats»

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I will not be able to babysit for families that include cats, and will be choosy in what types of dogs I will be comfortable around.
I sympathize — I wasn't even comfortable sharing a bed with my cat when he was a kitten, because I know how I thrash around in my sleep!
Made for cats or puppies up to 12 pounds, it fits around the neck and around the back to provide even pressure throughout, keeping them comfortable but still secure.
Neck Sizes: The size around your cat's neck is not necessarily similar to the size around the rest of their body, so having different neck sizes might help your cat be more comfortable.
This type of cat is totally comfortable around humans.
Try to play with your cat near the post to make your cat more comfortable around it.
This should only happen when you are comfortable with your dog's actions when the dog is on leash and the cats are around.
Do this every day until the cat is comfortable and walks easily around the house.
Let your cat get comfortable wearing the vest around the house.
Cats get tired of the floor very easily, which is why you would find your kitten hopping around from a comfortable height as soon as it grows up a bit.
You may think you can get around the cleaning issue by investing in a self - cleaning electronic litter box but that won't address the fact that some cats aren't comfortable sharing the box.
Cats like lots of sleep and cat naps, so provide a comfortable bed and other places around your living area where your cat can lounge and retreat.
The cover can prevent cats from being able to scratch around in the litter or get into a comfortable position for eliminating.
Requirements: Must be able to work on a fixed schedule (at the same time each week), be able to work independently, all volunteers must be comfortable around dogs while dog care volunteers must be comfortable with all size and breed of dogs, some knowledge / experience in interpreting and understanding cat / dog body language.
Treats & Tidbits - Fall 2015 Tips to help senior cats get around and feel comfortable; microchips; slow blinks; fall feline safety; new Cat Hospital employees; and more.
Requirements: Must be able to work independently, all volunteers must be comfortable around dogs while dog care volunteers must be comfortable with all size and breed of dogs, some knowledge / experience in interpreting and understanding cat / dog body language.
Requirements: All volunteers must be comfortable around dogs while dog care volunteers would benefit from being comfortable with all size and breed of dogs, some knowledge / experience in interpreting and understanding cat / dog body language.
There is a much better behavior modification technique to help a cat become comfortable around visitors and it involves going slowly and rewarding the cat for any baby step in the right direction.
Our luxurious cat hotel will give your kitty a comfortable place to sleep, room to move around, as well as a fantastic ventilation system, climate controlled air, and a freshly cleaned litter box at their disposal.
If after the first few days, your resident cats are not acting upset or unusual, and the new cat seems to be comfortable, moving around in a relaxed manner and generally happy, start the next phase: switching territories.
This is a sure sign of trust and shows that your cat is comfortable around you.
Once your cat is comfortable in their harness, add the leash and let your cat drag it around inside for a bit to get used to the weight.
As the dog and cat become more comfortable around each other, they will sort out their relationship.
You and your darling can help these pets - in - training (everything from cats and dogs to guinea pigs, parrots and even horses) transition to a forever home and feel more comfortable around people and other animals by temporarily taking them in.
Unlike feral cats, the ASPCA defines stray cats as those that have been abandoned or become lost, tend to be tame and can be comfortable around people.
• Keep the dog confined until the cat is comfortable moving around the house and approaching the baby gate to investigate.
Unlike many cats who love being carried around or lying in the laps of their owners, rabbits are usually far more comfortable on the ground.
The cat feels comfortable enough around ZEE to sleep on top of ZEE's crate.
Having your cat be more sociable and comfortable around people and other pets means they are less likely to hide when the doorbell rings, they're more comfortable being held and it's easier to introduce another pet into the household.»
Millions of cat owners around the world have noticed a huge difference in their cat after using FELIWAY; their cats feel more comfortable, stop peeing, scratching or hiding, spend more time with them, live in harmony with other cats, and better cope with changes in their home.
Whether a short jaunt to the vet or a long road trip, getting your cat comfortable in the car will make for smooth sailing all around.
It is important that these cats learn to be comfortable around different people in order to increase their chances of finding a new home.
Must be comfortable working with and around animals, particularly dogs, cats (especially feral and stray) and rabbits.
Work to get your cat comfortable around other cats.
Even with the best efforts is usually nearly impossible to socialize a feral adult cat to the level where it is comfortable to be around humans other than his original caretaker (s).
Cats rub their face around their home to mark it as a comfortable place, so these pheromones can help create a calming environment.
Because barn cats did not receive enough (or any) human interaction in the weeks and months after birth, they do not feel completely at ease and comfortable around people.
Sometimes this is due to a cat feeling stressed around other cats or having special needs that would benefit from more monitoring in a comfortable home environment to help them stay healthy.
You want the cat to be able to comfortable turn around in the box.
Do you need a dog that is comfortable around children, cats, other dogs or livestock?
She is ok with dogs but is not comfortable around other cats so she would need to be the only pampered furball in the house.
FSA is a four - component process to help shelters know more about cats who enter with unknown histories and see how comfortable they are around people.
Cats feel more comfortable around natural products.»
[13] They remain fairly hidden from humans and will not approach, although some feral cats gradually become more comfortable around humans who feed them regularly.
Make sure the cat has food and water during that time, and if your cat is comfortable in a car carrier, leave it open in the restricted room, and chances are the cat will curl up in it, in the confined room, while everyone is rushing around.
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