Sentences with phrase «comforting thing»

In the first few months of life, sucking is a very important and comforting thing for babies.
Stories about the person they lost are probably the most comforting thing anyone can do for a grieving friend.
This «behind the scenes» insight into cast and crew team work, and the friendly interaction was a very comforting thing to watch.
This weather makes me want to do nothing besides curl up in a blanket, drink wine, and eat warm comforting things.
Some days just call for a giant pot of one of the most comforting things I can think of.
Your dog, like everyone else, wants to be comfortable, and scratching is a very comforting thing to him or her.
I didn't know back then that it is one of the most comforting things in the world to eat, especially on a cold winter's day or when you've indulged in too many rich...
This hostel and the Manager Tony are the warmest, kindest, and comforting things about being on the Bow Valley Parkway!
Another technique — after you've tried other comforting things like loveys and white noise — is to give your child two poker chips and say, if you call me, that's fine and you can give me one poker chip.
While done with the best intentions, telling kids comforting things like «It's better this way» and «Don't worry, everything will be fine» sends the message that you can't deal with your child's unhappiness, or worse, that he shouldn't feel that way.
Like risotto and a good ragu, is an exceptionally comforting thing to make.
Rice + sweet potato + hummus sounds like the most comforting thing ever.
The only small comfort thing is that we actually only miss out Falcao the only one who can bring us to the next level — a title challenger striker.
It is a big comfort thing for her; sometimes when I nurse her, she doesn't even really eat; she'll just nuzzle and go to sleep.
I think it is because our days are so crazy with Leo running everywhere and me desperately trying to get stuff done that Alex really appreciates feeding times as he gets my complete attention and it is definitely a major comfort thing for him.
I'm a touch sick at the moment, another ruddy winter cold, and that in combination with the snow has me reaching for warm and spicy comforting things.
The two artists also touch upon how modern technology has somehow becomes so flawless that it seems fake, making Atkins add technical mistakes to his video works on purpose: «It's a weirdly comforting thing to retrieve some analogue error.»
Packed with ingredients like arnica for healing, camphor to help with warming and breathing, peppermint to help with decongestion and rosemary to help with respiratory support and circulation, this rub is literally made from the essence of comforting things.
Often the toddler will be moved into a bed of her own, but in some families the child will share a bed with other children in the family (this can be a very comforting thing for young children).
The truth is a very comforting thing,» de Blasio said.
Among other comfort things, one gets steering wheel with paddle shift gears, electrically adjustable front seats, rear 40/20/40 split, a high - resolution touchscreen multimedia, satellite navigation, reverse camera among others.
Chapman gives his readers permission to suffer, and that may in fact be the most comforting thing one can be given in suffering.
Well, in fact, basically, they like reading about other people's financial lives and feeling, okay, this is a comforting thing, this is going to work out.
Think of carrying a laptop versus stacks of paper — it's a comfort thing for some people.
It's a comforting thing to see that supply and demand are having a larger impact on the price than the talking heads of OPEC.
One comforting thing that is on the minds of alternative investors is the headline that Goldman Sachs is now considering to add bitcoin as a tradable asset for their clients.
After almost two weeks of time off over the holidays, it was really hard to contemplate going back to work, so on my last day off, to make myself feel better about it, I made the most comforting thing I could think of: apple pie.
I certainly don't have all the answers, but being in the kitchen, cooking and baking for loved ones, is the most wonderfully nurturing and comforting thing I know, and these homemade cupcakes — frivolous as they may be in the moment — are my small way of sending some extra love out into the universe today.
There is a definite chill in the air, making me crave warm, comforting things.
Pumpkin is a total winter / comfort thing and shouldn't be regulated to Halloween and Thanksgiving.
I'm sure this pumpkin snack cake is just the comforting thing on an afternoon.
In celebration of National Mac & Cheese Day (July 14) here are some comforting things to know about this marvelous golden dish.
As his trauma begins to heal and he feels safer in the world, he's able to turn the clock back a bit and avail himself of some of the comforting things he never got the hang of back then.
«It's bonding and a comforting thing for her.
It's a comfort thing for him and I'm still loving the cuddles, even though it's annoying too especially in the middle of the nite when he climbs into our bed, it's been so long since I slept through, but it's not forever and he loves his Daddas as he calls it!
The breast is mainly a comfort thing.
If you are going for the comfort thing, why not go flat out with flats, and if you are accessorizing with a bit of a heel, presumably you are looking for a more tailored or dressed up look.
It was more of a comfort thing, I think.
By then it was mostly a comforting thing, a settling down thing, a connection thing.
How long after checking him should we let him cry before trying all the comfort things, like rocking, swing, etc.?
She is a really good eater but the breast is more a comfort thing.
It's more of a comfort thing than a food thing at that point.
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