Sentences with phrase «comic sensibility»

Filmed over two decades, the film opens with its oldest segment, a 1986 meeting between the rabbit - and - hare comic sensibilities of Steven Wright and Roberto Benigni.
The problem isn't Berg's attempt at a darkly comic sensibility, it's that the darkness is at the service of nothing.
It's directed by Todd Phillips, who shows the same merciless, uncompromising comic sensibility that he showed in «Road Trip.»
An action - RPG featuring exploration, piracy and a dark comic sensibility for PS4, PS Vita and Nintendo Switch.
I must say though, Jane, please don't you dare go on to bigger and better things and leave me hanging like you did after Shameless's first season; your laid back style and witty comic sensibility makes Suburgatory one of my favorite shows on TV.
Applying the episodic format and visual template of classic and spaghetti Westerns to a revenge saga mostly set in the Deep South just prior to the Civil War, the film makes a point of pushing the savagery of slavery to the forefront but does so in a way that rather amazingly dovetails with the heightened historical, stylistic and comic sensibilities at play.
A reminder of the offbeat comic sensibility and visceral charge that marked him (Sabu) as a director to watch.
I loved the mere fact of a seriously inspired comic sensibility getting hired to direct a Marvel movie.
present the most bizarre comic sensibility that I've ever encountered.
As the film goes along, however, themes and even lines of dialogue resurface, and Jarmusch's comic sensibilities grow more assured.
A British comedy that has been influenced more than a bit by American comic sensibilities, Death at a Funeral is a fine example of how much tone and execution affect low humor.
Verbinski's previous film, Rango, which was also a western, commits to being strange, and is all the more enjoyable for how the director's creative and comic sensibilities bolster the picture.
Moved from page to screen by several writers, including the hotshot duo that scripted The Disaster Artist, the source material sounds like a good fit for the filmmaker's oddball - loving comic sensibilities, and the epistolary nature of the novel could provide another opportunity for the maker of Boyhood, Waking Life, and the Before trilogy to experiment with narrative.
In a film with as broadly comic a sensibility as this there is something that doesn't sit right about having such a deplorable male lead.
Guest may choose the heretofore unexplored arena of competitive mascots this time around, but the character types, narrative arcs, and overall comic sensibility still feel all too familiar.
For fans of Bryan Lee O'Malley's comic book about a Toronto bassist - scenester who must defeat his girlfriend's seven «evil exes» in hand - to - hand, sometime band - to - band combat, there was no better choice than Wright, the man whose wonderfully skewed comic sensibility has given us the BBC (* In the US Spaced was shown on BBC America) fave Spaced, the sheer zombie brilliance of Shaun of the Dead, and the high - octane send - up Hot Fuzz.
Director Peyton Reed (Down With Love, Yes Man) shows a knack for managing and integrating effects, though he occasionally seems thrown by the movie's competing comic sensibilities, which swing from improv-esque deadpan (Adam McKay assisted with rewrites) to complicated audiovisual gags, like the montages that accompany Luis» convoluted explanations of basic plot points.
Bob Odenkirk and David Cross bring back their anything - goes comic sensibility for a new sketch series on Netflix
The film is directed by Jemaine Clement (one half of the amazing Flight of the Conchords) and Taika Waititit (Boy, Eagle vs. Shark), blending their weird and smart comic sensibilities.
Luckily, Carrey and the Farrellys» well - matched, go - for - broke comic sensibilities make it impossible to dwell too long on the confused plotting.
But Disney and his gifted cast rework these tropes through a demented comic sensibility, structuring a crucial man - to - man talk around Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants jokes.
Wright, whose grasp of cinematic rhythm and visual jokes remain undisputed (watch Hot Fuzz and see how fast two hours whizz by), was replaced by Peyton Reed, whose comic sensibilities are still clever but miles more commercial.
Now, some of his pals are bringing Shandling's comic sensibility back to the internet, announcing plans to revive his Twitter account with periodic jokes from his writings and journals.
Hailing from Eli Craig, who brought Tucker and Dale vs. Evil into the world, Little Evil features a similar comic sensibility in its lead character, Gary, played by Adam Scott.
Columbia University professor Jeremy Dauber's Jewish Comedy: A Serious History is an erudite and entertaining exploration of the multidimensional Jewish comic sensibility, one that plows familiar ground while also unearthing humor in some surprising places.
Trenched keeps the same comic sensibility that you've come to expect from these releases, but the game that backs everything up is an exciting - but - brief piece of multiplayer action that feels well - balanced and reasonably deep.
(Terry Gilliam, who shares much of Adams's darkly comic sensibility, got the tragicomic moment right in Time Bandits when the young hero stands in the obliterated ashes of his parents house calling, «Mum?
It's directed and co-written by Todd Phillips, who shows the same merciless, uncompromising comic sensibility that he showed in «Road Trip.»
The show doesn't crank out gags at the same overwhelming frequency as 30 Rock, but from its earliest moments, Kimmy Schmidt brims with a comic sensibility recognizable as Fey's.
Their vowels are turned strangely (to my American ears) inside out, as is their comic sensibility.
With a comic sensibility sitting somewhere between the celebratory blackness of Dave Chappelle and the stoner - fueled neuroses of Judd Apatow, the two find a lot of ways to entertainingly explore the premise of two milquetoast, suburban black guys finding themselves forced to «front» their way out of life - threatening situations.
In the title role of Stephen Frears's new 1944 - set biopic, Streep gets to strain those vocal cords while showing off her comic sensibilities.
That «Hilarity for Charity» somehow manages to integrate beloved children's entertainment icons like Kermit the Frog and Fozzie Bear in such proximity to a literal parade of dick jokes is the clearest expression of his comic sensibilities.
But Invincible rarely takes itself as seriously as the titles it draws from, regularly satirising superhero motifs in a manner that should feed nicely into Goldberg and Rogen's comic sensibilities.
But it's Downey's vibe — the mordant wit, the boyish enthusiasm, the careful balance of self - love and self - loathing — that gives the film its sharp, comic sensibility and elevates it near the top of what was beginning to seem an exhausted genre.
Janney's raucous comedic performances in «10 Things I Hate About You,» «Drop Dead Gorgeous,» and «The Way Way Back» may have been too outlandish for voters, but her comic sensibilities will hopefully land her attention sooner rather than later.
Taika Waititi (What We Do in the Shadows) writes, directs, and even has a cameo appearance as a kooky preacher in Hunt for the Wilderpeople, a loose adaptation of the 1986 book by the late New Zealand author Barry Crump, though injected to a large extent with Waititi's comic sensibilities.
We all grew up in the 1970s and»80s, so Ramis» films really shaped our comic sensibilities.
Despite all this comic energy, Super Troopers 2 fails to update its comic sensibilities to something a little more modern, the actors» charisma sinking in a sea of dead jokes.
The star, riding a career resurgence that began with Arrested Development, has honed a comic sensibility defined by subtlety and sharp comic timing.
And that it takes someone with the comic sensibility of co-writer Adam McKay, a director known for THE OTHER GUYS and TALLADEGA NIGHTS: THE LEGEND OF RICKY BOBBY, to... Read More»
There's nothing funny about bullying, but appealing to students» comic sensibilities might help open discussions about this serious subject.
If you can imagine a story that marries the comic sensibility of Woody Allen to the good - natured theology of the Oh,...
You apply a comic sensibility to subjects that include aging, illness and death and what seems like the irreversible decline of the town of North Bath, New York.
If you can imagine a story that marries the comic sensibility of Woody Allen to the good - natured theology of the Oh, God!
Formed of giant point - cut glass gems dangling from a clutch of loose brass chains, their scale delights with a comic sensibility.
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