Sentences with word «commedia»

The word "commedia" refers to an Italian word that means "comedy" in English. It is related to a style of theater that originated in Italy during the 16th century. Commedia dell'arte was a type of improvisational theater that involved stock characters, physical comedy, and humorous situations. The word "commedia" is often used to describe any form of comedy or humorous entertainment. Full definition
India Salvor Menuez in a reinvention of commedia dell» arte by Ryan McNamara and John Zorn, presented at the Guggenheim Museum.
Echoing the theatrical follies of commedia dell» arte paintings, these strange objects also add a note of wistfulness to the scene, covering the elderly pair with emblems of the ephemeral.
Rooted deep in Western mythology, Punch is an Anglicized version of Punchinello, the imaginary trickster who played a major role in seventeenth - century Italian commedia dell» arte.
His works recall surrealism and use imagery gleaned from commedia dell «arte, but «this is definitely not safe or conventional,» says Jones.
What we get, most of the time, in place of legislative responsibility, prudence, accountability and distinction is burlesque, farce, Japanese - styled Bungaku - Bunraku enactments, a dose of medieval commedia d'ell arte and an enormous supply of Yoruba Alarinjo with a bit of the Akata from Efik and Ibibioland.
Set to the music of Antonio Vivaldi, Jean Renoir's ravishing, sumptuous tribute to the theater involves a viceroy who receives an exquisite golden coach and gives it to the tempestuous star of a touring commedia dell» arte company (the vivacious Anna Magnani).
Its concept reflects the influence of one of Truffaut's favorite films, Jean Renoir's 1953 The Golden Coach, a celebration of theater that follows a traveling commedia dell» arte troupe in South America.
If you weren't convinced of a potential death knell for the manual transmission, Ferrari's abandonment rang out with such operatic force that Canio, the clown in «Pagliacci,» might have stabbed the manual faithful instead of his wife as he cries his final line: «La commedia è finita!»
These baroque or carnivalesque motifs reminded me of the magical Edwardian style that was the 60s of Donovan, Nick Drake, flower power, Pappagallo shoes, Marimekko dresses, Courrèges boots, the toodle of renaissance commedia del arte pipes.»
MOST SITE - SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE The updated commedia dell» arte concocted by the artist - choreographer Ryan McNamara in collaboration with the composer John Zorn was part of the Works & Process series at the Guggenheim Museum.
These stock figures and forms function as the artist's personal commedia dell» arte, which he continually reimagines and recreates.
After his last truly Futurist works — a series of paintings on war themes — Severini painted in a Synthetic Cubist mode, and by 1920 he was applying theories of classical balance based on the Golden Section to figurative subjects from the traditional commedia dell» arte.
The masks with long beaks once worn by plague doctors to ward off airborne infection, and depicted in several works in this show, were also the source material for a playful commedia dell» arte costume, «Medico della Peste».
Created in 2001, Him has appeared at in various museums, including recently at the Guggenheim, where he was hanging around with the dead Kennedy and other figures from Cattelan's perverse commedia dell» arte.
With its exaggerated postures and monochromatic setting, the setup is part German Expressionist film, part commedia dell» arte.
Akin to masks donned in Italian commedia, the artist's figures seem to possess facial attributes while slowly morphing into abstraction.
His imagery — often borrowing from commedia dell «arte — is «strange and disturbing, definitely not safe or conventional,» said Jones.
Her resulting performance piece takes its cue from the 16th - century tradition of commedia dell» arte and includes several costumes tailor - made by Max Mara.
My Punchinello is a cousin of that found in the Italian commedia dell» arte, yet with a difference.
The Italian crisis — the country's powerful political leader, the comedian Beppe Grillo, would probably call it «commedia dell «arte» — offers plenty of interesting trading opportunities as long as you don't fall for the incongruous idea that this is the end of the euro area.
Biblical materials certainly form a commedia in both senses.
In the various versions of the tale that entered the repertoire of the commedia dell» arte, the elevation of the story's comic aspects over the tragic became more pronounced.
Shakespeare is full of them; so are Molière and comic opera and all the forms that derive from the commedia dell» arte tradition.
There's fun for kids: The KidsStage includes Doberman and karate demos, puppets, clowns, commedia dell «arte productions and more.
In 1732 Marivaux was working within long - established and somewhat threadbare conventions of the commedia dell «arte tradition.
From the impeccably tossed - off one - liners to the hilariously botched break - in climax, this is commedia all «italiana at its very best.
Smart, funny and deeply touching, thanks to Virzi's deft and soulful directing, «Like Crazy,» is a stellar addition to the commedia all» Italiana tradition.
A holy grail of commedia all» italiana, Il sorpasso is so fresh and exciting that one can easily see why it has long been adored in Italy.
The Italian cinema expert describes the immense popularity of Dino Risi's film in its home country, and the way it deepened the commedia all» italiana genre.
Director Dino Risi was a prolific and popular director and one of the masters of the commedia all» italiana, the witty, earthy comedies and social satires that were hugely popular in Italy but overshadowed internationally by the «serious» works of Antonioni, Visconti, Fellini and others.
It can be like a commedia dell» arte approach, and then in the middle of it there's this tenderness....
She used this time to meticulously research the 16th - century Italian Renaissance art form of the commedia dell» arte, with its exaggerated expressions and gestures and tales of subterfuge and misrecognition at a time when rapid social and economic change were bringing about anxieties regarding status.
I later came to understand that this mask was not the contemporary Pulcinella who has a black bulbous nose and buffoon character, but rather my mask is similar to the mask of Il Capitano, a figure of power and even brutishness in the commedia dell» arte improvisational stories.
In the videos, inspired by the commedia dell» arte character of Pulcinella, Calame roams city streets, telling stories, and acting as a tour guide.
He has a larger goal: to create a commedia dell «America whose stock characters, such as the Artist (Krazy Kat), the Politician (Reagan), the Movie Queen (Joan Crawford), and the Villain (Manson), pitilessly reflects the broken culture that produced them.
I see these characters as an American «commedia dell» arte» troupe — especially in Atlantic City, a year - round carnival on the stage - set of the boardwalk, and a caricature of American culture.
His style in France was realist and intimiste, but in the 1960s he moved on to haunting and exuberant studies in a chunky, richly - coloured style in the commedia dell» arte manner.
Following this reading, both artistic performances become then alternative self - portraits that mimic the improvisational actor - generated performances of the commedia dell» arte tradition, and a form of double proof that meditations on serious questions in art — especially in regard to painting — work better framed obliquely and ironically.
The space of the painting can be strongly theatrical, with high - contrast lighting, as well as props, masks, and harlequin patterns (the last two references to the Italian commedia dell» arte tradition.)
Picasso: The Saltimbanques brings together a selection of the artist's paintings with related prints and drawings by Picasso and others to trace the traditions of the Harlequin, Pierrot, and the jester, from their origins in the commedia dell» arte of the 17th century to their merger with the circus performers of Picasso's day.
Although they suggest masks and props for the commedia dell «arte, their shapes are usually ambiguous: no matter how figurative and sexual Mr. West's objects may be, they remain abstract.

Phrases with «commedia»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z