Sentences with phrase «comment on the video»

Feel free to leave comments on the videos, model profile and images.
Great for young kids, this child - friendly version filters out inappropriate content and hides comments on videos giving parents peace of mind and a child a safe online viewing experience.
Made for young kids, this child - friendly version filters out inappropriate content and hides comments on videos giving parents peace of mind and a child a safe online viewing experience.
Don't like the top - rated comments on a video you posted?
The video is part of the account creation process, and other users can comment on the video stories, either publicly or via private message.
I won't be able to comment on video services, however, because I don't use them.
The post is one of the most - liked comments on the video, which currently has more than 500,000 views.
Always think twice before commenting on videos and photos - especially if you tend to be quite outspoken or have strong opinions.
Patrick Lynch, president of the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, warned the public of rushing to judgment when viewing footage of any police action, specifically calling out the commissioner for publicly commenting on the video of the March 17 arrest of 27 - year - old postal worker Glenn Grays.
Simply comment on the video below and let us know what book Michael should read.
This post was not really «breaking news» as I was simply commenting on a video on YouTube (which is not exactly a secret).
As YouTube reels from a series of scandals related to its lack of policing around inappropriate content aimed at children, obscene comments on videos of children, horrifying search suggestions, and mo
CO2 is Green's Facebook page is chock full of comments from dissenters, while YouTube comments on the video are all along the lines of «I hoped this was a joke — apparently it's real.»
Or maybe, given that these threads on 4chan have a short lifespan, YouTube should disable comments on the video for the length of the lifespan.
Mr Debrah was commenting on a video footage in which President Mahama is seen standing in his open - top vehicle giving out what looked like cash to market women at Abossey Okai during his campaign tour there.
I was unable to retweet because the tweet was too long and I couldn't shorten it and I was unable to comment on the videos because there was nowhere to comment.
The state Police Public Relations Officer, ASP Olarinde Famous - Cole, while commenting on the video, said the masquerades were robbing motorists and causing breach of the peace.
At the time of writing, Ubisoft had not commented on the video.
The Google - owned video network has more recently been expanding into the gaming space as well, with the launch of its YouTube Gaming application, and just yesterday, a new tool to allow Android users to record and comment on their videos then publish to YouTube.
Ben Bennight, the 36 - year - old YouTube video blogger from Mississippi, noticed in September an alarming comment on a video he'd posted.
I never comment on videos but gurrrrrl you look bangin» in this video!
Also commenting on the video on Joy FM / MultiTV's news analysis programme, NPP's Communications Director, Nana Akomea, said President Mahama, was not «sharing» money, adding the video shows the President single out some people and handed what was said to be money to them.
Please subscribe and leave your wonderful comments on my video as it really motivates me to work harder
I can't tell you how many emails and comments on our videos got the «I have an iPad and will skip this until they come out with a Retina Display.»
edit: as boom comments on the video i got a general feeling of «it's ok for what it is at it's price point» nothing special or anything but nothing exactly bad or anything for what it is.
Game designer Chris Hecker, best known for his long - in - development game SpyParty and for his consistently insightful comments on the video game industry, is here to answer your questions.
In reply, the official Sonic the Hedgehog YouTube account commented on the video to say «Brb, DMCA time.
It'll help your chances if you actually comment on the video and don't just say stuff like «I want JSR!»
He's seeking the identity of someone who posted a satirical video of him, as well as the names of 24 people who commented on the video.
There has not been much in the way of interesting comment on the video, but Kevin Kelly actually called the grad students involved to find out a little more.
The two of them spent some time commenting on a video of the company's various robots over the years, from the BigDog to the anthropomorphic Petman.
As always, people can Retweet, favorite or comment on the video at any point.
Eagle eyed viewers have already commented on our videos about the larger lens over Moto Z.
Lemons - Ryhal doesn't just comment on the video phenomena; she's mastered it.
You can also celebrate with us by asking your parents or an adult to hop over to YouTube and leave comment on this video.
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