Sentences with phrase «comment spammers»

(But I doubt you could steal one, although the blog comment spammers and guestbook spammers have managed to steal links to some degree of effectiveness — a very bad thing.)

Not exact matches

The publication said that the researchers reported the data breach and spammers to law enforcement, but that the researchers «can not discuss those elements, because the agencies involved can not comment on pending or ongoing investigations.»
You're thinking of the bad rep blog - commenting has because of SEO spammers.
The only comments I block are the spammer comments talking about male enhancement, discount prescription drugs, and porn sites.
I'm traveling off and on over the holidays, so I am going to turn comments off now and then to keep the spammers at bay.
I just put it to him that Lefty had fallen off the grid and that the last articles page now had 700 + comments, not to mention spammers trolling the site.
Before popular technology blog TechCrunch introduced Facebook integration earlier this year, half of their comments were either from spammers hawking their wares or were «trollish nonsense», wrote TechCrunch columnist M. G. Siegler in an article explaining the site's decision.
I have seen a few reviews where people have posted negative comments about his service saying that it was ridden with spammers and that he ignored customer service emails, etc..
This plugin will ask commenters to check a box to verify that they aren't a spammer the first time they comment on your blog.
Tediously, spammers have returned; if you have a comment, send it to bill at this site (include the story name) and I'll post it.
The first guy isn't a spammer (check his commenting and submitting history) and the second guy, the arran dude, is a spammer, whose site I have nothing to do with.
First - time comments are held for review to keep spammers from overrunning the site.
It's gold, and it almost makes me think I should stop deleting spam comments so the spammers» clients get what they deserve.
Some of us endure heart ache in this life, some struggle economically, others face the high price of fame in terms of spammers leaving 500 comments on Scott Greenfield's blog in a single day.
We find a «broken windows» effect, whereby comment quality improves even when we exclude interaction with trolls and spammers.
While it means less immediacy in seeing comments, it also keeps out the spammers and nuts.
Due to problems with spammers, all dilemmas and comments are reviewed by our moderators.
I would moderate old posts, like many have suggested above, that way we can comment freely on your new ones and you can weed out the spammers - man some people have nothing better to do with their time!
If comments are turned off on a post, it is due to spammers, so drop me an email instead.
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