Sentences with phrase «commentary piece entitled»

Today's CT Mirror includes a deceitful and extraordinarily misleading commentary piece entitled, «This legislative session, let Connecticut children win for a change.»
Pro-public education advocate and Hearst Media Group columnist Wendy Lecker takes on Governor Malloy's standardized testing ploy in an commentary piece entitled, «Malloy's empty words about testing»
In a recent Hartford Courant commentary piece entitled, «Smarter Balanced» Test Wrong Answer For Students, Teachers, Connecticut Education Association President Sheila Cohen correctly explains that,
In a CT Mirror commentary piece entitled «Don't let misinformation destroy the promise of Common Core,» Jennifer Alexander, the CEO of ConnCAN, Connecticut's charter school lobbying group goes to great length to actually MISLEAD Connecticut's parents about the false promise of the Common Core.
In her latest commentary piece entitled, Charter lobby chases cut of public funds, and first published in the Stamford Advocate, public education advocate, Wendy Lecker, lays out the issue.
In this recent commentary piece entitled, Smart solutions for Connecticut public schools, award winning Connecticut public school teachers Jean Jaykus and AnneMarie Surfaro - Boehme provide a teaching moment that all policymakers would do well to stop and read.
When you take a break from digging out from the «Great Blizzard of 2013,» I strongly urge you to take a moment today to read Heart Newspaper columnist and fellow blogger, Wendy Lecker's, latest commentary piece entitled «Connecticut's teacher evaluation plan — even worse than we thought.»
In his recent CT Newsjunkie commentary piece entitled, Show Me The (Charter Management Fee) Money!
In a commentary piece entitled Heeding the lessons of teenagers, fellow Education Advocate and columnist Wendy Lecker used her latest article in the Stamford Advocate and other Hearst Media Group outlets to remind us that when it comes to the so - called «education reform» agenda it is critically important that student voices be heard above the din of politics and the greed of the corporate education reform industry.

Not exact matches

At one point, when the Democrats on the General Assembly's education committee removed some of the most anti-teacher, anti-union, anti-public education provisions in Malloy's bill, Riccards wrote a commentary piece for the New York Post that was entitled, «Killing hope in Connecticut.»
Kenji Hakuta, Professor of Education at Stanford University, has co-written a commentary piece featured on Edsource entitled Ending the No Child Left Behind Catch - 22 on English Learner Progress.
After funding for Steve Perry's proposed Bridgeport charter school, along with money for seven others charter schools, won the full support of the State Board of Education, Melodie Peters, the President of the Connecticut Federation of Teachers, submitted a hard - hitting commentary piece to the CT Mirror entitled, «Plan for more charter schools flawed in many ways.»
On October 6, 2014 retired educator Joseph Ricciotti had a commentary piece in the CT Mirror entitled, «Common Core takes the joy out of teaching.»
Her commentary piece, entitled, Wealthy state is failing our poorest kids first appeared in the Stamford Advocate and other Hearst Media papers this past weekend
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