Sentences with phrase «commenters on this blog»

I actually just had one commenter on my blog mention your site, so I'm glad to have a chance to check it out.
Would being offended by an equal commenter on a blog be considered abuse?
I'm not a big commenter on blogs, but I just wanted to pipe up to say thank you.
How to build a network of regular commenters on your blog It's completely natural to want comments on your blog posts.
As she wrote and thought more about food, and communicated with commenters on her blog, she realized her son's health problems might be related to what he was eating.
It also helps to be an active participant or commenter on blogs where your readers hang out.
If you're a new commenter on the blog, you may have to wait for comment moderation.
Commenters on the blog post seem to confirm the problems that the publisher is facing.
On the other hand, I've had many commenters on my blog say that they intended to use one of these but baby wanted / needed to be in closer contact, so I don't think it works for all families.
Thank you Phil, and every other commenter on this blog, sceptic or otherwise.
TH: One of the criticisms leveled at Nau by commenters on blogs is that the product is expensive.
Whether it's the negative commenter on my blog, the stranger who tells me I look «huge,» the news story telling me what I'm doing is «wrong,» or even the person who asks me if «wearing sequins while pregnant is okay?»
One lucky commenter on that blog has won an autographed copy of «THE RELUCTANT MATCHMAKER».
One of the stranger memes to come from the recent influx of climate skeptic / denialist commenters on this blog has been the idea that the developing world can't afford robust action to cut emissions.
In fact, I am a long - term commenter on this blog and a supporter of Guy and his work.
That was really tough, so I decided that at the moment I started this post on Sunday, I would look back at the 40 previous commenters on my blog.
Jon is a frequent commenter on this blog and I recently noticed that he has spent a lot of effort to put together an excellent primer on DRIPs for Canadians.
She the very center of the universe and everything that existed was to serve her., I see that in some many of the commenters on this BLOG.
Ironic that the commenter on this blog who dwells the most on the notion of «sin» goes by the moniker «The Old Adam.»
Much like a commenter on a blog I saw recently whose proof that babies die in the hospital too was that «my son died just a few minutes after we got to the hospital».
And to debunk any crazy ideas that the insurance will go up 60 % (as mentioned by a commenter on another blog), the insurance for the CMax is less than our other two cars, both of which are Volvos (a 2008 XC90 and a 2013 SC60).
What If a new writer found a blog on the internet where writers exchanged killer information and inspired those that visited the blog to really think about what it means to be a writer, found new friends, learned insider information about the industry, and caught the spirit of inspiration from the commenters on that blog?
A commenter on my blog gave some details about his «blend and extend»
Actually, a commenter on the blog post also points out some interesting legacy audio titles for consoles, noting: «Kenji Eno / Warp had some sound only games.
At RealClimate, the blog that touts its devotion to sober scientific analysis, the Heartland Institute was written off as «a front group for the fossil fuel industry,» the same them that was picked up by some commenters on this blog.
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