Sentences with phrase «comments section of the bill»

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Mr. Forrest, Representative James Grant (the sponsor of the House version of the bill), and Peter Dunbar (the lobbyist for the Florida Bar's Real Property, Probate, and Trust section) were all asked for comment but did not respond.
As the point was brought up in the comments section of this posting, I am wondering if someone could clarify the reference to powers in both Bill 158, the Accounting Professions Act 2010 and the proposed Act before the Legislature relating to the HR profession, Bill 138.
Comment: Several commenters requested that we add a new section to prevent disclosure of sensitive health care services to members of the patient's family through communications to the individual's home, such as appointment notices, confirmation or scheduling of appointments, or mailing a bill or explanation of benefits, by requiring covered entities to agree to correspond with the patient in another way.
Further to John's comment, the explanatory notes for Ontario public (as opposed to private) bills that receive Royal Assent after 1999 may also be found in the Source Law section of e-Laws website (
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