Sentences with phrase «commercial efforts»

Genetic information is increasingly being utilized as part of commercial efforts, including personal genomic testing, to provide consumers with genetic risk information related to common diseases.
We will make reasonable commercial efforts to delete your information as soon as possible after you communicate that intention to us.
«Too Much Johnson,» a project that seemed to be Orson Welles's first commercial effort in making a film and for which no print was known to exist, surfaced in Italy.
And those who have climbed up onto our digital dinghy simply for commercial effort — which is fine, too, welcome — may learn something about where the rest of us are coming from.
In 2013, Bigelow Aerospace, a company that builds inflatable structures that could one day be used as lunar habitats, suggested that the F.A.A. use this process to coordinate competing commercial efforts, at least among American companies.
Soon that shall change, many advocates of human spaceflight believe, through a hybrid of new initiatives by Pres. Donald Trump's administration as well as commercial efforts led by private industry.
Even for a more commercial effort, Clouzot lends his unique style and voice to a well - written and exquisitely - directed crime story that has great touches of humor and some very delightful performances by Delair and Jouvet (who is hilarious and gets the best lines).
For those unfamiliar with Hotline Miami, it's the debut commercial effort of prolific indie developer Jonatan Söderstrom and artist / designer Dennis Wedin.
The United States Chamber of Commerce, a leading lobby representing businesses, is expressing growing concern that moves to spread new energy technologies to developing countries could erode the intellectual property rights that have driven commercial efforts to innovate for generations.
We are too good at killing sharks Because of these technological advances, and the desire to «master» a large fish capable of killing us with a single bite, not only are commercial operations wiping out shark populations but recreational fishing of these big bad beasts of the deep outpaced even commercial efforts for 15 of the 21 years between 1981 and 2001.
Amazon will use reasonable commercial efforts be up only 99.95 % in a year (which is 4.3 hours of downtime a year).
Consider Afghanistan's Amu Darya oil fields, which, following many years of commercial efforts to develop the country's oil and mining assets (valued at more than $ 1 trillion by the US Geological Survey), were auctioned off to China National Petroleum Corporation at the end of 2011.
«Travel retail results are driven by our investments in key local markets that are fueling our commercial efforts in airports,» he said, according to a FactSet transcript.
A commercial effort to get humans into orbit around Mars in the late 2020s now includes a sleek vehicle to send astronauts down to the surface of the Red Planet.
Boyalife, which has a number of stem cell — and regenerative medicine — related research and commercial efforts, will put up about $ 93 million.
But in any case, he doesn't believe that the commercial efforts are registering with many users yet.
A large commercial effort... is a large commercial effort.
The conference closes with a viewing of and panel on The Chocolate Case, a documentary on legal and commercial efforts of Dutch journalists to end slavery in the production of African cacao, screened in partnership with the acclaimed Devour Food Film Festival.
MISMO's commercial effort is leveraging this success to develop solutions that meet the specialized needs of the commercial industry.
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