Sentences with phrase «commercial fishers»

"Commercial fishers" refers to individuals or groups who catch fish or other marine creatures with the intention of selling them for profit. Full definition
It is, perhaps, the ideal model for commercial fishing in general, and salmon harvest in particular.
Most fish meals which are being used as feed ingredients are by - products of commercial fish processing.
The rough seas of these waters can toss a heavy duty commercial fishing boat around like it was a child's toy.
Advances in fishing equipment and methods and increasingly large vessels have made it possible for commercial fishing operations to capture more fish, further from home, than ever before.
Increased tourist developments and birds getting caught in nets from commercial fishing operations also pose a danger.
It is not just fish that suffer from the effects of these large commercial fishing operations.
The harbor is the heart of this community and serves as a home port to a large commercial fishing fleet.
The vaccines used by commercial fish farmers are not protecting fish from disease, according to a new study.
There are many problems with commercial fish farming including: disease, antibiotic use, decreased Omega - 3s, pesticide use, plastic chemicals and more!
A new 16 - year ban on commercial fishing will give the world time to develop a sustainable management plan for the region.
Most stocks of the top 10 commercial fish species are fully exploited, warns the agency.
But efforts to protect these freshwater ecosystems are often hampered by conflicts with commercial fishing interests.
A study taken on some small family - owned commercial fishing companies showed that they adapted to continue to earn a living but not necessarily make a large profit.
Most commercial fish foods are reasonably good for fish.
Without adequate policies the whales are at greater risk from ship traffic and commercial fishing gear.
Wild caught seafood is preferable, both for the environment and for health, as we still don't know the full impact of large scale commercial fish farming.
These preserves would dramatically limit commercial fishing access and combine to form the most comprehensive conservation area on the planet.
Key to this is educating the public, creating a local body to manage the reefs and preventing illegal commercial fishing activities around the island.
We suggest that schools do not serve fish because commercial fishing is also environmentally damaging.
The goal with the maps, or wind energy areas, is to identify promising spots for offshore wind upfront, such as locations without commercial fishing traffic or interference with military radar.
The pests have the same amino acids as more expensive commercial fish meal, making them an attractive protein source for poultry and fish farmers.
But that will get harder over time, because the first large protected areas have been in remote places without strong commercial fishing interests.
After more than 30 years travelling the world catching all kinds of fish, I couldn't deny the damage commercial fishing causes.
If you use your fishing boat for commercial fishing purposes, you are required to carry maritime insurance.
The designation is also likely to impact commercial fishing in the region.
It had a long history of commercial fishing but, thanks to the railway, it has been a popular holiday destination ever since the Victorian times.
The industry has changed significantly in recent years and, with increasing regulations placed on commercial fishing, companies face a number of challenges.
Commercial fishing interests have generally opposed offshore wind plans, citing the loss of fishing grounds and concerns about environmental impacts.
The JRC contributed to the study by analysing stock assessment data of commercial fish stocks in the Mediterranean Sea.
I captured this photograph of Commercial Fishing Vessels making their way in and out of Port Edwards...
That opposition includes tens of thousands of local businesses and hundreds of thousands of commercial fishing families that depend on clean coasts, the majority of Americans, over 150 coastal municipalities, many Alaska Natives, bipartisan lawmakers at the local, state and federal levels, and a host of faith and conservation leaders.
A U.S. plan, approved in 2009, temporarily prohibits commercial fishing in U.S. Arctic waters until more information is available.
Just four weeks earlier, I had resigned my job in the state legislature, moved into the old black Ford, and driven south to join Bob's commercial fishing crew for the full shad season.
«This is the largest commercial fishing port in the United States.
Indeed, nearly a third of the recovered tags came from commercial fishers working the eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea.
Other major industries include commercial fishing, aquaculture and tourism.
West Leederville - based commercial fishing company Austral Fisheries has become the first seafood business in the world to be certified as carbon neutral.
For the last three years our friends at the Marine Education and Research Society (MERS) have been present whenever possible when commercial fishing is taking place around Northeastern Vancouver Island
Bycatch — the unwanted fish and other marine creatures trapped by commercial fishing nets during fishing for a different species — is thought to be a far higher cause of death for marine turtles, likely running into hundreds of thousands each year.
Commercial fishing remains dangerous, with an annual average fatality rate 30 times the U.S. average.
So Google collaborated with nonprofits Oceana and SkyTruth to create Global Fishing Watch, an interactive map that, through both satellite and land - based tracking technology, gives a near real - time look at commercial fishing across the globe.
WASHINGTON (Reuters)- U.S. President Barack Obama will dramatically expand the Papahnaumokukea Marine National Monument off the coast of Hawaii on Friday, the White House said, an action that will ban commercial fishing from more than 582,500 sq miles (1.5 million sq km) of the Pacific Ocean.
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