Sentences with phrase «commercial goals»

We often need to take into account the current and prospective regulatory requirements that may apply to the immediate, medium and sometimes longer range commercial goals of the clients.
Venter himself has declared these applications to be his primary commercial goals.
A former professional musician prone to getting earworms himself, he eventually became a marketing professor «interested in how marketers use music to achieve various commercial goals,» he says.
As a result, collaborations with companies from the fashion industry are an integral part of students» academic paths, providing an ongoing exchange within the frameworks of the industry, including briefings and precise commercial goals students must strive towards.
Lloyd will report to UK Country Manager Romain Bertrand, and will be focusing on increasing brand consideration, hitting commercial goals and liaising with the company's PR teams in the US and Australia.
An impressive and revealing new album full of expertly crafted pop songs with clear - cut commercial goals.
divergent views about the purpose of sport, with sport perceived as prioritising commercial goals over child development outcomes;
For tens of thousands of authors with true commercial goals — like you — vanity press publishers with their Print - On - Demand - only model are wholly impotent.
Join your in - house peers at this unique leadership forum to reflect on the state of the corporate legal department and your own role as a business leader in balancing rapidly evolving regulations, reputation management, and overall commercial goals.
You need to first identify the commercial goals of your business and then work out how much you are prepared to spend to achieve those goals.
«Drug companies care about publication only if the results support their commercial goals,» Harvard's Bourgeois says.
In 2008, The New York Times published excerpts from an internal hospital document in which Biederman promised to «move forward the commercial goals of Johnson & Johnson», the firm that funds his hospital unit and sells the antipsychotic drug Risperdal.
As students age, and move toward higher education and post-grad studies, educational tasks became more obligatory (often related to commercial goals), restricting to some extent our innate curiosity tendencies.
The downside is that clients can do the exact same thing, and as a consequence become attached to specific examples of design, rather than focussing on their commercial goals and requirements.
Corruption is also not new here: Grant and the sainted Ronald Reagan stood by while Cabinet members used the public trust to loot the Treasury and advance their commercial goals.
With a Carbon Management Plan in place, your organisation will have clarity of direction and well defined set of projects that will enable you to meet your commercial goal (cost saving and revenue generating), meet compliance / supply chain requirements and employee engagement.
This ranges from advice on ways to manage and structure your business to provide the best protection against litigious claims, through to supporting you step by step through litigation, whether you are in pursuit or being pursued, with a full awareness of your commercial goals.
The role is for someone with an energy and interest in doing things differently, someone who can proactively identify optimal opportunities for the business to support its commercial goals.
We provide partner - led, integrated advice to help our clients reach their commercial goals.
«Moore Blatch gave excellent legal advice and support, whilst keeping my commercial goals at the forefront.»
We listen to your commercial goals, give you clear advice on the strength of your case and develop the best strategy to ensure that your rights are protected and enforced as cost - effectively as possible.
Our IP & Commercial lawyers are skilled at helping UK - based and international clients navigate this increasingly complex area of law to achieve their commercial goals.
If there is a need for IP training at any level within your business or you are part of a legal team that would benefit from our in - house assistance service, you will find Mewburn Ellis easy to work with and understanding of your commercial goals.
We have a reputation for our client - focussed approach which allows us to be flexible — tailoring our advice to meet specific requirements, budgets and commercial goals.
The context for government and third party engagement with traditional owner groups is often in pursuit of policy or commercial goals.

Phrases with «commercial goals»

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