Sentences with phrase «commercial ones»

Many business card issuers report only to consumer credit bureaus, not commercial ones.
For example, start by investing in residential properties instead of going for commercial ones.
There are a number of commercial ones on the market, but you can design your own blend and be sure that is fresh when you need it.
I tend to choose full - fat whipped toppings on the rare occasion when I buy commercial ones — they're not quite as artificial - tasting as the lighter versions.
I don't share protein bar recipes with this in mind (although commercial ones do tend to lean towards this).
The court commented however that this was an «old world understanding of time and place», and one based on the «transaction as a purely commercial one».
It's not the smartest zombie movie ever made, but might be the most commercial one.
What if you need a good vegan milk alternative for cooking or drinking but do not wish to purchase commercial one?
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He also overshadows some of the film's finer and more surprising features, namely the terrific debut performance by «Talk Soup»'s Greg Kinnear as a romantic lead and Ormond in another fine role, although the last commercial one in her career.
Home food processors do not grind peppers fine enough to be totally suspended in the liquid, like commercials ones do.
The best commercial one I know is BeeFree Honee.
Never use commercial ones that have been waxed, as the salt and acid will not penetrate the skin.
He didn't create the lightbulb, but he did create the first commercial one — as well as the first power generator to light them up in people's homes.
While the Naya Smart Breast Pump retails somewhere in the middle, at $ 999, instead of designing an open - system pump like typical commercial ones — in which the motor can become contaminated if used by multiple women — the Alvarezes designed theirs with a hospital - grade closed system.
If they now access other repositories of genomic information, including the huge commercial ones, then a sizable fraction of the long - stored rape kit results could likely be tied to specific perpetrators.
We are also involved in the response of mollusks, especially commercial ones, to ocean acidification, and this will be done with colleagues from Barcelona's CSIC.
Director Jang Hoon (The Front Line, Rough Cut), who developed under the tutelage of maverick Kim Ki - dook (Pietà, 3 - Iron), has become a fully formed filmmaker in his own right, albeit a more commercial one.
Like LMSs, there are lots of online meeting / conferencing systems to choose from — Adobe Connect and Webex are two popular commercial ones.
If your dog suffers from a medical condition, it is important to consult with your vet personally before feeding any type of dog treats, whether they are natural or just standard commercial ones.
His approach to the Wii's development suggests a highly analytical mind, and a highly commercial one.
In an unusual occurrence, a Long Island university gallery and a North Fork commercial one are offering a simultaneous look at the conceptual art practice of a Brooklyn artist through two distinct exhibitions and a slate of talks to enhance the experience of viewing both.
As a result, Colorado has 20,000 residential green power subscribers and numerous commercial ones, including IBM, Hewlett - Packard, and Patagonia, as well as the cities of Denver, Fort Collins, and Aspen.
Below are my substitutions: Coconut oil — extra virgin olive oil Coconut sugar — Splenda Almond flour — coconut flour (although it is pure coconut made flour, not commercial one with lecitine and such) And since I saw it was crumbly, I used 1/3 cups of almond milk to hydrate.
Avoid using brand - named retail detergents and go for commercial ones.
It's a home version of commercial ones that now beat coal in $ / kwhr.
The question is [how] to have a basis of communication other than a purely commercial one and communication ethics based on something other than ethnocentricity and historical arrogance.
Baking soda and a few other natural ingredients like coconut oil and shea butter make an easy natural deodorant that works better than most commercial ones.
By 1962, pop artists started exhibiting in commercial galleries in New York and Los Angeles; for some, it was their first commercial one - man show.
Especially if you're buying commercial ones.
Even so, Bridges argues that it's still a lot cheaper to print out these textbooks for $ 10 than to purchase commercial ones for $ 90.
In the latter (or, to hear him tell it, middle) portion of his career, those causes have often been philanthropic rather than commercial ones: drug law reform, death penalty abolition, ocean conservation.
It was specifically a commercial one.
As space transport moves from a state - sponsored activity to a commercial one, Ross and Toohey expect it will eventually become subject to emissions regulations.
When you get a mortgage, whether a residential or commercial one, the property you're purchasing is used as collateral to secure the loan.
Aleksandr Kogan, a Russian - American academic at Cambridge University, got permission from Facebook to pull data via an app he created — but he reportedly claimed he'd use this data only for academic purposes, not commercial ones.
This reciprocity is in effect a commercial one: the parties to the transaction exchange benefits with one another on a quid pro quo basis.
Makes the commercial ones taste gummy.
It's child's play and this recipe makes grainy, rustic, amazing English Muffins (versus the commercial ones at the drive - thru).
Does your sourdough taste more sourer than the commercial one?
I love muffins, but commercial ones are usually waaay too sweet and have so little nutrition, they are impossible to justify for breakfast.
It's antibiotic and anti-fungal and doesn't contain any of the harmful chemicals that feed candida etc like the commercial ones.
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