Sentences with phrase «commercial power»

The energy would be sent to the surface in microwave or laser form, where it would be converted into electricity for commercial power grids or stored in the form of hydrogen.
This is heavier than most home or light commercial power racks by about 100 lbs!
It also intends to expand its business globally by participating in large projects overseas, in addition to taking on domestic commercial power generation projects.
We're even investing in huge engine generators that will ensure the facility continues to run if commercial power fails.
But it's not just commercial power generation that is seeing a viable economic resource in wind power.
The injection forces out methane and heat, which would be sold for commercial power and heating — paying for the storage.
The department — which Perry as a 2012 presidential candidate promised to abolish, although he famously forgot its name during a debate — is charged with the politically volatile process of developing an underground repository for highly radioactive spent fuel from commercial power plants at Nevada's Yucca Mountain, 90 miles northwest of Las Vegas.
The incandescent light bulb and the first commercial power station - which grew into a whole mass of electric companies that eventually came together to form Edison General Electric (later simply General Electric).
NuScale builds on lessons learned from the existing fleet of commercial power reactors and incorporates those lessons into the fundamental design of the NuScale plant, as well as including several new design innovations to further enhance safety.
Nuclear - weapons designers require plutonium with a very high plutonium 239 isotopic content, whereas plutonium from commercial power plants usually contains substantial quantities of the other isotopes of plutonium, making it difficult to use in a bomb.
The equipment is connected together - and to buildings it serves - in what is called a «microgrid,» which is normally connected to the regular commercial power grid but can be disconnected and become self - sustaining when disaster strikes.
The state hosts vast photovoltaic arrays in the desert as well as the nation's first commercial power plant with the technology to use sunshine at night — by storing daytime heat in molten salts.
This leaves the public not only ill - prepared to make decisions, but also delivers us into the hands of profit - making commercial powers who are more than eager, in Neil Postman's perceptive phrase, to «amuse us to death.»
Trump wants an end to clauses in the deal that would allow Iran to enrich uranium beyond the amount usually needed for commercial power production.
This data trove gives Facebook unparalleled commercial power and, as is becoming increasingly clear, the ability to influence significant events, including national elections.
This would make a great commercial power rack for use in membership gyms, just for the size, features, and the way it looks.
Olson's apparatus won't work for generating commercial power because it takes more energy to run than it produces.
In a major step toward the deployment of the next generation of advanced nuclear technology, NuScale Power asked the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) on December 31, 2016 to approve the company's SMR commercial power plant design.
All practical commercial power reactors must be capable of quickly adapting to the changing demand on the electric grid, more important today with increased grid contributions from unsteady (e.g., non-constant) solar and wind sources, and SMR - 160 ideally suits that need.
«This major expansion into the international city of Lyon once again demonstrates the remarkable commercial power of our network, owing to a growing number of owners who place their trust in us.»
Ivanpah power generation about 3x the cost of typical commercial power, requires large land use, fries birds, disrupts environment, disrupts planes, disrupts migratory birds and produces minimal power as compared to typical power plant.
The electric generation industry includes the «electric power sector» (utility generators and independent power producers) and industrial and commercial power generators, including combined - heat - and - power producers, but excludes units at single - family dwellings.
Consider this: If every US college student replaced a single incandescent light bulb with an LED, we could avoid the emissions of a small commercial power plant for the school year.
Great Northern Hydroponics, has installed a GE Energy designed, 12 - megawatt commercial power plant at a 55 - acre tomato
«These two states in particular are identified as peaceful commercial powers, with their citizens interested primarily in business and investment activities.
Belkin 6 - Outlet Commercial Power Strip Surge Protector with 8 - Foot Power Cord and Rotating Plug — $ 8.24 (Amazon)
Troubleshooting, repair, and maintenance of industrial and commercial power systems (480V and below)
Responsible for directly overseeing the building of backup generators for AT&T Wireless as part of a nationwide strategic build for backing up commercial power losses.
In a bid to restart discussion of what to do with the nation's nuclear waste, four U.S. senators today unveiled a draft plan to create a federal agency that would oversee short - and long - term storage of the highly radioactive materials produced primarily by commercial power reactors.
In case you are searching for commercial power racks then I suggest you to the Rogue Fitness products that are famous for their high - quality, durability and weight capacity.
Congress has been planning for an underground repository to hold spent fuel from commercial power plants and waste from defense plants since 1982.
The January 1997 Record of Decision stated that surplus plutonium would either be immobilized or used as fuel (Mixed - Oxide or MOX) in commercial power plants and the waste would all be disposed in a Nuclear Waste Policy Act repository.
Main problem for publishers + FB remains theoretical: can you both be journalistic + be part of a commercial power structure?
Its full mandate is also to develop a rapid (relatively speaking) time - to - market plan for a commercial power plant.
According to the Manchester Evening News though, Man Utd's commercial power has been on full display as nine of their players came in the top 30 most popular replica shirts sold since May 1 with Sports Direct, with Pogba and Lukaku holding number one and two.
Arsenal can even look to Manchester United, who use their commercial power to similar effect.
A commercial power supply by Spellman or Glassman is another option, or the intrepid electrician can make one from scratch.
Since the 1990's, the federal government has faced tremendous challenges to their obligations to receive and dispose of research, weapons - related, military, and commercial power plant spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and high - level waste (HLW).
From GE's founding innovation, Thomas Edison's light bulb, to developing the first civil nuclear power plant connected to a commercial power grid in 1957; everything that we have learned from 130 years of experience has helped GEH to create PRISM.
NuScale Power has asked the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to approve the company's small modular reactor (SMR) commercial power plant design.
With the commercial power of movies for adults already in question, Brooks» track record (two hits, two flops, and one in between) should not have justified anywhere near that kind of spending.

Phrases with «commercial power»

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