Sentences with phrase «commercial process»

This is probably as close as you can get to a raw food diet while still taking advantage of commercial processing for better cost and time efficiency.
Hundreds of thousands of individuals lost access to their data, compromising intellectual property, private customer information, and disrupting commercial processes.
I do eat meat, and I also do not like commercial processed and grown meat.
To endure commercial processing and increase shelf life, additional concentrated vital wheat gluten and preservatives are stuffed into bread products.
Poor soil quality and commercial processing make it difficult to obtain the right amounts of essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients directly from the food we eat.
Some owners dislike the idea of commercial processed kibble diets or want to avoid grains and processed foods.
There may be some small change in the nutritional value of the food, however, though not as much as with cooking or standard commercial processing.
Our procurement law team is dedicated to ensuring a robust and compliant commercial process for our clients.
Advice on implementation of various electronic commercial processes in international trade and logistics.
HIP and HPH are emerging as commercial processes of choice for the stabilization of fruit and vegetable products by inactivation of degrading enzymes, without the deterioration of vitamins or flavor by heat.
Tomato lovers rejoice: Adding or rearranging a few simple steps in commercial processing could dramatically improve the flavor of this popular fruit sold in the grocery store, according to researchers.
A 1961 report on vegetable variety trials at the Northeastern Branch Station, in Tucumcari, mentioned green chile for commercial processing as a promising crop, although hail in late spring may be a production hazard.
-LSB-...] need commercial processed jarred baby foods and cereals.
Sadly, Africa is an interesting snapshot of the impact of modern commercial processes on rich, traditional food preparation techniques like fermentation.
Popular methods of commercial processing use chemicals and heat to alter the collagen's basic form (to denature it), and research shows that denatured collagen can't produce the same beneficial results as undenatured collagen, which is its more natural form.
Dr Billinghurst calls commercial processed pet foods Fake Industrial Foods (FIFs).
A laboratory in Mexico has invented a process for bioethanol production that uses inedible food waste left over from commercial processing as a feed stock.
Commercial processed diets are the traditional kibble and canned food that can be found in pet stores, online retailers and even your local grocer's.
Entries were judged on both oral presentation quality and product characteristics and evaluated for consumer appeal and market potential; clarity and organization of presentation; product and process description; product appearance, texture and taste; creativity and uniqueness; and commercial process description.
Keep in mind that harnessing the health properties of these ingredients depends on the state you acquire them in: Less commercial processing typically means more natural benefits.
With the application of such viral vectors as clinical therapeutics growing, scalable commercial processes (particularly for purification) are being investigated and optimized to best ensure that critical quality attributes (CQAs) are retained.
18 Oxidation only occurs when eggs are forced out of tiny holes with high pressure during commercial processing.19
Commercial processing destroys most of the fragile antioxidants.
IBD, from my experience, is a disease seen predominantly in pets that eat commercial processed pet foods, and it joins the list of chronic diseases like allergic skin disease and diabetes — all of which are «man - made» diseases of the 20th century.
Warhol created work out of the imagery and iconography of consumerism and celebrity culture, and applied the same commercial processes of mass production to make it.
These pop artists of the 1960's repurposed commercial screen - printing, which was a widely - used commercial process at the time, while my Photoconstructs employ digital printing, which has now become the de-facto means of production for most of today's visual media.
Peace Silk and Ahimsa (non-violence) Silk are commercial processes between sericulture and wild silk.
Establishes beginning in 2016 an individual and corporate income tax credit for solar energy space heating, water heating, space cooling, and industrial or commercial process heating systems placed in service.
Matthew is a well established industry thought leader, bringing to market tangible ideas of how distributed blockchain systems can revolutionize commercial processes and outdated enterprise infrastructures.
Designed specifically for commercial processing speed, the Mastercard blockchain can scale up to greater heights wherein users can reach unprecedented boundaries powered by the Mastercard network.
Significantly, Ms Mason has developed a replicable commercial process and relationships to make it sustainable».
This information will be combined with data on fully ripened tomatoes to help the team develop a better commercial process.
A PR Director has got the prime responsibility of maintaining and improving the business related relations with the clients in regards to various commercial processes.
Lastly the government should also incentivize processes that remove and recycle CO2 for commercial processes for DAC.
To achieve this, Pop artists explored new commercial processes, adopting subjects, imagery and colour schemes from easily recognizable media sources, such as consumer goods, advertising graphics, magazines, television, and comic books.
The fear of SOE investment stems from the notion that there is a strong government agenda attached to commercial processes.
One of the significant effects of this lies in the commercial process of commoditisation, where non-commercial, social activities are reformed, packaged and sold as commercial products or commodities.
Therefore, the rule would provide a number of exemptions, including for foods that are rarely consumed raw (artichokes, asparagus, beets, cranberries, potatoes and sweet corn), and produce that receives a kill step (such as canning, commercial processing or refining).
In addition to achieving higher loading rates within a smaller footprint, effluent produced can be recycled into suitable industrial, public facility and commercial processes.
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