Sentences with phrase «commercial rate»

Data processing and hosting are typically priced from 25 % to 50 % less than comparable commercial rates.
A loophole in electoral law in the United Kingdom means that although anyone donating even small sums of money to a political party has to declare this as a matter of public record, those loaning money at commercial rates of interest did not have to make a public declaration.
SAS committee members provide a helpline and support network for solicitors facing professional crisis, however, the scheme's resources are limited and, after that free hour, further support has to be paid for at commercial rates unless funding can be found from an insurer which, despite what the chief executive suggests in his article, is not widely available.
«Those who were scheduled to check out from their hotel on Monday or Tuesday should contact the hotel's reception as most hotels are providing the best available commercial rate for those needing to extend their stay.»
The Voya Life Companies are highly rated by commercial rating agencies for financial strength and their ability to meet claims and guarantees.
Super Brokers is here to meet your requests and goals with the right product, the best terms and the lowest commercial rates available.
Carlson says it was difficult to tell without further testing whether the deposit would yield commercial rates of production.
As such, we regularly approve loans for businesses with limited credit history (e.g. 2 - 3 months), and that have credit scores deemed «high risk» or «bad» by commercial rating firms.
At the moment, the posted commercial rate for five - year fixed mortgages hovers around 4.5 % (and a 1 % reduction, due to fees, still gives you a 3.5 % return).
Primary residences are taxed at a special «homestead» rate while rentals are taxed at a much higher commercial rate.
The utility recently testified to the CPUC that it «did not perform any analysis to determine the point at which the solar plus on - site battery storage would become economic under the proposed E-DMD and A1 - DMD residential and small commercial rates
At more commercial rates of 8 % or more, the economics of these energy - saving projects would be «unmanageable».»
ABC COLLEGE, MIRAMAR, CA Private Pilot's License Complex and Aerobatic Instrument Rating Commercial Rating
«This means commercial rates will need to decrease further if the city is to achieve its goal of improving the business climate and increasing competitiveness with its target ratio of 2.50 by 2023.»
The Million + group of new universities said it gave the Secretary of State «free reign to set uncapped and commercial rates of interest».
Corporate / commercial rates available, microwaves & refridgerators in room.
This in a city where residential and commercial rates are sky high.
Nothing that would send up a chief executive for fraud, mind you, but maybe using a telephone for a while at residential rather than commercial rates.
There have also been questions as to why Lord Levy asked wealthy backers not to donate money to the party, which would have had to be made public, but instead provide a loan which, as long as it was at a commercial rate of interest, could be kept private.
More to the pocketbook, Central Hudson announced its request to increase residential and commercial rates by around 12 percent next year.
I am a private pilot with instrument and commercial ratings.
If you're prepared to subsidise information access for targeted groups, you can also subsidise the information itself at a commercial rate (including the cost of ebooks).
This is a good source of money because the interest rate is usually lower than commercial rates.
IRS requires personal loans to be counted as having interest at the commercial rate.
The interest rate must be either a commercial rate of interest, or equal to Revenue Canada's prescribed interest rate, which is set every three months.
In his application to the county, this breeder also referenced his previous kennel income and potential tax revenue for the County by stating: «The kennel in Cushing averaged 1 million gross sales per year from out of the county sales»... «I increased the county real estate tax base because the kennel building was assessed at a commercial rate which generated $ 3,000 - $ 5,000 additional real estate tax.»
Kitchens, laundry, pets allowed, senior and commercial rates, weekly rates.
Senior and commercial rates.
Hugging the edges of this «commercial ratings» text, the terminology becomes a sort of industrial poetry that is both elevated by and subsumed into the artist's compositional meme, where word and image are married.
Bitumen: A naturally occurring viscous mixture, mainly of hydrocarbons heavier than pentane, that may contain sulphur compounds and that, in its natural occurring viscous state, is not recoverable at a commercial rate through a well.
If it were paid the commercial rate for the electricity, about 5p / kWh, its annual income based on a capacity factor of 20 % would be about # 4k.
That Pac Hydro, AGL and RATCH are putting their wind farms on the block, suggests that they can't find another willing lender (at least one willing to lend at a commercial rate of interest); and, therefore, have no other option but to flog their «assets» ASAP, in order satisfy their current lender's demands (by repaying the outstanding loan in full), before it sends in the receivers.
In don beleive those commercial ratings... they are rigged.
In each case, the community solar option is paid for on top of the rate residential or commercial rate that users pay.
In the summer of 2016, OSPE submitted an advisory document to the Minister of Energy and all three major political parties detailing 21 actionable recommendations that would deliver efficiencies and savings, including reducing residential and commercial rates by approximately 25 per cent, without the creation of the subsidy and deferral account under the Ontario Fair Hydro Act.
The tax rate is highest for residential customers at $ 0.0022 per kilowatt hour (kWh) or 4.5 times higher than commercial rates and 10 times higher than industrial rates.
It's estimated that the UK could meet around 10 % of its current gas needs from shale gas, if it can be extracted at a commercial rate.
Agricultural electricity rates tend to be less expensive than both residential and commercial rates, a trend that can make it difficult for solar to compete on a cost - per - kWh basis.
To achieve such results does require consistent effort and management post training and also a willingness to be prepared not to undertake some work that might previously have been undertaken at less than commercial rates.
REALpac has long contended that a commercial - to - residential ratio of about 2:1 would support healthy growth, and could be achieved through gradual reductions in the commercial rate.
Residential tax rate is 1.839 % and commercial rate is 4.742 %!!!!! A 2.6 X's increase!!!! My property taxes are $ 15.80 per $ 1,000 of assessed value.
However, the city of Vancouver elected to decrease its residential property tax rate by almost 20 per cent over the last year while the commercial rate only decreased by 10 per cent driving the commercial tax ratio up,» says the report.
Unlike the commercial rating system, LEED certification for homes requires third - party verification in the person of a «Green Rater.»
I guess I am curious what is the typical difference between residential and commercial rates?
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