Sentences with phrase «commercial sexual exploitation»

In a team of 6, assisted primary investigator research information on commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC).
Thailand, a country often criticized for the trafficking of children for commercial sexual exploitation, is ranked at 102.
However, the same report noted that children in Thailand continue to engage in child labor in agriculture and «in the worst forms of child labor in commercial sexual exploitation
Director of Naomi's House, a residential home for women who have suffered from commercial sexual exploitation
Child sexual abuse includes commercial sexual exploitation and the use of children in pornographic performance and materials.
GEMS is an organization in NYC dedicated to help girls and young women who have experienced commercial sexual exploitation and domestic trafficking.
In partnership with the Niagara County Department of Social Services, the Safe Harbour Project addresses the issue of child trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation of children.
In 2007, 716 people registered with La Strada Netherlands as victims of human trafficking, with more than half of these victims being used for commercial sexual exploitation.
The Safe Harbour Project, a service of the Child Advocacy Center of Niagara at Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center, is committed to protecting and assisting children who experience trafficking or commercial sexual exploitation.
The Niagara County Safe Harbour Project is committed to protecting and assisting children who experience trafficking or commercial sexual exploitation.
The Wayne Foundation is a charity devoted to stopping pederasts, with a mission to provide young women who have fallen victim to commercial sexual exploitation and domestic trafficking with a means of leaving the sex industry for good.
Day One, formerly known as the Rape Crisis Center of Rhode Island, has undertaken groundbreaking initiatives to ease the psychological burdens of the criminal justice process for victims of childhood sexual abuse and has been a leader in combating the commercial sexual exploitation of children.
In 2000, Congress passed the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA), criminalizing trafficking for forced prostitution, forced labor, and the commercial sexual exploitation of children.
Watch Devereux's film as it brings awareness to commercial sexual exploitation of children, the groundbreaking treatment Devereux is offering to survivors and the need for specialized foster parents in Florida.
DCF, CBC's and law enforcement are to provide annual reports to the Legislature on the prevalence of child commercial sexual exploitation, the specialized services provided to the children and their placement, as well as local service capacities assessed.
Training protocols requiring specialized intensive training for investigators and case managers assigned to victims of commercial sexual exploitation.
Section 39.524, Florida Statutes, is amended to require DCF or law enforcement to conduct a multidisciplinary staffing of a child found or suspected to be a victim of commercial sexual exploitation in order to determine the child's need for services and need for placement in a safe house or safe foster home.
Residential treatment centers and hospitals providing mental health treatment have to provide specialized treatment for victims of commercial sexual exploitation.
Commercial sexual exploitation is defined as the use of any person under 18 years of age for sexual purposes in exchange for money, goods or services or the promise of money, goods, or services.
Safe homes and safe foster homes are required to be certified by DCF, and, as part of the certification process, must use strength - based and trauma - informed approaches to care, group victims by age or maturity level and provide separate care for victims of commercial sexual exploitation.
The JGBVR Initiative includes a focus on sexual violence, child maltreatment, intimate partner violence, human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation, and justice system response to GBV.
Childhood Maltreatment Indicators (CMI): A Review of the Literature (PDF - 1,679 KB) Social Work Education Center (2014) Informs the child welfare training system regarding the scope of childhood maltreatment, including identifying indicators of maltreatment on physical abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, and commercial sexual exploitation of children.
Commercial sexual exploitation and sex trafficking have severe adverse effects on the health, development, well being, and human rights of vulnerable young people in the United States and globally.
Direct services and advocacy to end the trafficking of women and teens for commercial sexual exploitation
The guide also includes reviews of research literature on the commercial sexual exploitation and sex trafficking of children.
OJJDP continues to be at the forefront of research and programming that strengthen and protect at - risk youth and combat the commercial sexual exploitation of minors.
According to the bill, specialized training topics may include caring for victims of commercial sexual exploitation and children who are gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender, as well as best practices for monitoring the use of psychotropic medications.
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