Sentences with phrase «commercial side of science»

My interest in the commercial side of science probably began during my MSc course in Biotechnology at University College London (UCL), where I conducted a 4 - month research project at Glaxo R&D on high throughput screening of enzyme inhibitors for cancer prevention.

Not exact matches

He became concerned with such issues as: the evidence of a causal relationship between common feeding practices and serious health problems; the perceived disconnect between the nutritional requirements of felis silvestris catus and all other species of cats; an industry with a vested interest in grain as the basis for its products; a veterinary education system with little nutritional teaching, subsidized by commercial pet food industries; a questionable government concept approval and oversight process; the economic inertia of maintaining the status quo; and the rejection of science - based belief systems on the extremes of both sides of the issue.
Instead of showing Modernism's stifling blocks or Postmodernism's ironic, commercial side, it leaves Rem Koolhaus and Andreas Gorski as fantasies of play, almost like science fiction.
The problem is that both sides tend to see a conspiracy both in the promotion of the results of science like this and in opposition to the research results which it is claimed is funded by commercial interests like the Donor fund and promulgated by the same tactics and often the same people that undermined the science on tobbaco, asbestos, DDT, CFCs, lead.....
Science will always have to defend itself against enemies of freedom on two sides, against ideological enemies on one side and against commercial enemies on the other.
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