Sentences with phrase «commercial sphere»

By now, his absence from the social and commercial spheres of the art world has turned into a kind of performance art itself.
Given its universal importance, how does a company that deals in both the consumer and commercial spheres develop successful sales strategies for the varying demographics and industries it serves?
By creating an environment which functions outside the usual commercial sphere, members are free to explore, create, and develop works that are not contingent upon sales.
This regional heavyweight remains a top - tier player in El Salvador, with a market - leading team in the corporate and commercial sphere which regularly handles high - level transactions on behalf of major investors.
Being able to complete six months of my training contract overseas will be a valuable experience, and will give me insight into an alternative jurisdiction, widening my understanding of the global commercial sphere as a result.
Based in Calgary with offices in Brisbane and Bogotá, the company offers an integrated approach, combining a strong understanding of the commercial sphere with expertise in engineering and geoscience.
Featuring exceptional works by the legendary trio of artists, this is the first exhibition to connect them on the basis of their manipulation of the dot, transforming imagery from the commercial sphere into fine art.
Featuring exceptional works by the trio of legendary artists, this is the first exhibition to connect them on the basis of their manipulation of the dot, transforming imagery from the commercial sphere into fine art.
Featuring exceptional works by the legendary trio of artists Sigmar Polke, Roy Lichtenstein and Gerald Laing, this was the first exhibition to connect them on the basis of their manipulation of the dot, transforming imagery from the commercial sphere into fine art.
Bring the War Home will exhibit art works made for the commercial sphere, as well as ephemera and documentation from the curatorial, performance, and publishing projects (made by artists for artists) that are also an important part of these artists» practice.
New York hasn't the precise thing that makes London work in the way it does: a vigorous scene that continues seamlessly across both public and commercial spheres.
The space becomes a duplicate site where different geographies and times coalesce - the existing walls of a 20th century power station intersect the commercial sphere of a now global Africa.
The aim of the BizArt Art Centre was to support the practices of local, emerging artists outside of government and commercial spheres, and encourage discussion.
Nizan Shaked, an art historian and museum and curatorial studies professor at Long Beach State, frequently looks at the entanglements between public museums and the commercial sphere.
Successful artists who never quite severed their ties to the commercial sphere — Andy Warhol, Richard Prince — are the model for Matthew Brannon.
A panel of contemporary designers will debate the application, or not, of Bauhaus principles in the commercial sphere
His presentation and speech at the WMO Symposium hosted by THAC (Thailand Arbitration Center) in Bangkok made me a believer that if arbitration is our «best ticket» into the commercial sphere, then we must take it.
The «innocence at stake» and «public safety» exceptions are irrelevant in cases involving client misconduct in the commercial sphere.
There have already been significant inroads on immunity in the commercial sphere.
The abolition of restrictions on third party support for litigation created opportunities for profit motivated investment which has been energetically developed in the commercial sphere.
We are also regularly instructed in high - profile challenges to the decisions of public authorities and regulators, including claims which require urgent applications for interim relief, and which involve complex issues of international, EU or human rights law in the commercial sphere.
Much of his advisory, drafting and advocacy work occurs in the commercial sphere, but Ian's strong commercial law practice has also -LSB-...]
He also has considerable experience of data protection issues in the corporate and commercial sphere, including in particular instruction in Various Claimants v WM Morrison Supermarkets plc (a high - value group litigation privacy / data protection claim against Morrisons, another of The Lawyer's Top 20 Cases of 2017).
Multinationals had entered the manufacturing industry long ago, but I think it is the boom of the local private sector catering to a growing middle class that has transformed the face of the commercial sphere in Bangladesh.
Paris - based Peter Turner's arbitration practice has had a long - standing focus on substantial investor - state arbitration cases, although he has also had recent significant activity in the commercial sphere, notably on gas price review cases.
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